

戳这里关注→ 英语口语屋 2021-03-10



导演: 兰德尔·赖特
编剧: 马休·柯林斯 
主演: 马休·柯林斯 
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
首播: 2010-10-16(英国)
集数: 3
单集片长: 58分钟


  The new series>  Renaissance art has become part of the 21st-century heritage industry but when Raphael was alive, it was a startling new form of visual expression, and Raphael's vibrant 'realism' was striking and fresh. It became the model for western art for the next 400 years, right up until the birth of Modernism. 
  As much as it was a cultural 'rebirth', the Renaissance was also a revolution in ideas about reality. Matthew Collings sets out to remind us of how radical Renaissance paintings were when they were made, as well as opening our eyes to what is still truly great about them. In this programme he deconstructs The Madonna of the Meadow with the help of the very latest high-resolution digital technology, which allows him to explore the inner secrets of Raphael's painterly effects with a clarity and at a level of detail never before seen>  As Matthew says, it is a journey 'to the other side of an illusion', revealing how Raphael created the alluring images that were so appealing to his wealthy Renaissance clients - including the Pope - and which entranced artists for centuries after his death. Matthew explains the secret to Raphael's vibrant colour harmonies, which the artist grasped intuitively, long before the advent of colour 'theory'; and Raphael also knew how to exploit colour effects to create the impression of extraordinary depth in his painting





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17. BBC纪录片:《玛利亚·蒙台梭利》

16. BBC纪录片:《毕加索:艺术的力量 》

15. BBC纪录片:现代炼金术士(气、水、土)1-3集全!

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8. BBC记录片:《中国瓷器瑰宝》

7. BBC纪录片:美容的真相

6. 一部震撼心灵的BBC纪录片《地球脉动》,惊叹生命的真谛!

5. BBC纪录片:世界上最著名的学校

4. BBC纪录片《时间简史》A Brief History of Time,致敬霍金!

3. BBC纪录片《非洲》第1-3集,收藏学习

2. BBC纪录片:为什么会有百吃不胖的瘦子?

1. BBC导演拍的纪录片《中国改革开放的故事》,看的热泪盈眶!(双语视频)

