
【光启古典学讲座系列·2023年秋季】预告 | 冼若冰 :《奥德赛》中的空间与叙事


Space and Narrative in the Odyssey


主题 Topic

(中文讲座 presentation in Chinese)


Space and Narrative in the Odyssey

主讲人 Speaker



主持人 Host

刘津瑜 Jinyu Liu

(Acting Betty Gage Holland Professor of Roman History, Emory University)

时间 Time


(=美东时间11月3日晚10时November 3 at 10pm EDT)


Zoom Link 链接:https://emory.zoom.us/j/92973110187

  Or use the Meeting ID 92973110187 to log in 



Professor Ruobing Xian received his BA from Humboldt University Berlin, and MA and PhD in Classics from the University of Heidelberg. He is a Professor of Classics in the Department of History at Fudan University, Shanghai. He has published extensively on Ancient Greek Language and Literature in leading journals of the field. His monograph Raum und Erzählung in der Odyssee was published by Brill in 2021. In addition to his teaching and research activities at Fudan, he is also keen to promote the study of classical antiquity at the high school level. 

冼若冰教授专著(Brill,2021): “Over the last decade the study of space in Homer has received a fair amount of attention. X.’s book is a welcome addition to the growing secondary literature on this topic. It offers a decent coverage of its theme, i.e. how space interacts with the poem’s narrative, and should be treated as indispensable reading for all those interested in the role of space in Homer.” (C. Tsagalis, Classical Review)


本讲座为中文讲座,但讨论环节中、英、德文皆可使用(The presentation is in Chinese. Both Chinese, English, and German may be used during the Q and A session.)

本讲座对公众开放!并敬请期待本学期的下列讲座(This virtual event is free and open to all! Please also find the upcoming lectures listed below.):

北京时间12月16日上午10时(=美中时间12月15日晚8时December 15 at 8pm CST)

翟牧泗 James Zainaldin (Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学), Between Mourning and Consolation: The Greco-Roman and Chinese Philosophical Traditions on Grief and Loss 在悼念与慰藉之间:希腊罗马与中国关于悲伤与失去的哲学传统(英文讲座 presentation in English)

12月(时间待定):刘淳、刘津瑜、肖馨瑶:Translating Women in Roman Literature 翻译古罗马文学中的女性 (中文工作坊)



