
“蜜蜂的膝盖”(the bee's knees)指什么?

2017-02-28 商务印书馆英语编辑室


1. keep the wolf from the door

to avoid going hungry

字面义 拒狼于门外

比喻义 勉强度日;糊口

A wolf’s powerful sense of smell allows it to track an animal’s scent.


2. on a wild goose chase

To be on a wild goose chase is to be searching for something that is impossible to find, so that you waste a lot of time.

字面义 追赶大雁

比喻义 “追赶大雁”是指徒劳的寻找,白费时间的追寻。

Canada goose 加拿大雁

3. like a fish out of water

If you are like a fish out of water, you feel awkward because you are in a situation that is not at all familiar.

字面义 像离开了水的鱼

比喻义 “像离开了水的鱼”指一个人来到陌生环境,感到不得其所。

lungfish 肺鱼

Lungfish have lungs as well as gills so they can breathe air during a dry season.


4. it’s the bee’s knees

If you think something is really excellent, you can say “it’s the bee’s knees”.

字面义 是蜜蜂的膝盖

比喻义 出类拔萃的人(或物)。如果你想说某件事非常棒,可以说 it’s the bee’s knees。

The honey bee collects nectar from inside flowers and spreads pollen from one flower to another.


5. straight from the horse’s mouth

Information that is straight from the horse’s mouth is from the person who is most directly involved and so is likely to be accurate. It is as if a horse in a horse race was telling you which horse was going to win the race.

字面义 直接来自马儿的嘴里

比喻义 一条消息直接来自马儿的嘴里,是指消息由直接参与者提供,因而十分可靠。就像参加赛马的马儿告诉你哪匹马儿将赢得比赛。





