

China Allows Disney’s New ‘Avatar’ Movie to Be Shown


The Wall Street Journal

Chinese authorities have notified Walt Disney Co. that “Avatar: The Way Of Water” will be released in China on Dec. 16, the same day it is slated to be released globally, according to people familiar with the matter.

据知情人士称,中国有关部门已通知华特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company, DIS),《阿凡达:水之道》(Avatar: The Way Of Water)将于12月16日在中国上映。该片同日也将在全球上映。

Executives at Disney and at movie-theater chains had been closely watching for a decision from China on the movie, director James Cameron’s sequel to the 2009 science- fiction epic. It will be distributed by Disney-owned 20th Century Studios.

华特迪士尼及连锁影院公司的高管们此前一直密切关注中国关于这部电影的决定。《阿凡达:水之道》是导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron) 2009年科幻巨作的续集。该片将由迪士尼旗下的20世纪影业(20th Century Studios)发行。

The last seven superhero films produced by Marvel Studios, Disney’s most-profitable film studio over the past decade, haven’t received release dates in the crucial China market, denting the global box-office gross.

漫威影业(Marvel Studios)制作的最新七部超级英雄电影都没有在关键的中国市场获得院线档期,这拖累了其全球票房收入;漫威影业是迪士尼旗下过去十年来最赚钱的片厂。

In July, for example, Disney cited the lack of a China release for “Thor: Love and Thunder,” the fourth solo film featuring Chris Hemsworth’s Thor character from the popular Avengers superhero team, as one reason the movie underperformed at the international box office.

例如,今年7月,迪士尼称《雷神:爱与雷霆》(Thor: Love and Thunder)票房表现不佳的原因之一是没在中国院线上映。这是以高人气《复仇者联盟》(Avengers)超级英雄团队中由克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)饰演的雷神索尔(Thor)为核心的第四部电影。

While Disney hasn’t revealed the “Avatar” sequel’s budget, Mr. Cameron, the director, said in a recent interview in GQ magazine that the “Avatar” sequel was “the worst business case in movie history” and that it would have to be the third- or fourth-highest-grossing film in history just to break even. Disney has said that it plans to make five Avatar movies in total.


“This is fantastic news for Disney, for James Cameron and for the movie, because the potential box office from China is enormous,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Comscore. “This may be the pivotal moment that indicates that ‘Way of Water’ will earn enough money to justify further installments of the Avatar franchise.”

“在中国院线上映对迪士尼、卡梅隆和这部电影来说都是极好的消息,因为中国有巨大的潜在票房,”Comscore高级媒体分析师Paul Dergarabedian接受采访时说。“这可能是一个关键时刻,预示着《阿凡达:水之道》将会赚足票房,为《阿凡达》后续作品的推出铺平道路。”

The first Avatar movie from 2009 grossed nearly $2.9 billion worldwide, with $259 million of that total coming from China, making it the highest-grossing movie of all time. It narrowly edged out Marvel’s “Avengers: Endgame” after a September 2022 rerelease of the movie added $73 million in ticket sales, according to Comscore, a box-office tracker.

2009年的第一部《阿凡达》电影斩获近29亿美元的全球票房,其中2.59亿美元来自中国,使其成为有史以来票房收入最高的电影。《阿凡达》以微弱优势险胜漫威影业(Marvel Studios)旗下的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(Avengers: Endgame),根据票房追踪机构Comcore的数据,后者在2022年9月重新上映,增加了7,300万美元的票房收入。

It also sparked a boom in multiplex construction in China, as Chinese audiences flocked to see the film in 3-D.



