
交换机 | 数字人文国际盛会:DH2019大会中国研究、华人学者相关分论坛举要

零壹Lab 2022-10-08



Digital Humanities 2019—Complexities

July 9 - 12, 2019

Utrecht, The Netherlands


WS-10: Full day workshops and tutorials
Location: Hertz

  • Towards Multilingualism In Digital Humanities: Achievements, Failures And Good Practices In DH Projects With Non-latin Scripts

  • Martin Lee, Cosima Wagner

  • Freie Universität Berlin, University Library/Campus Library, Germany

WS-26: Half day workshops and tutorials
Location: Drift 25 2.03

  • ADHO SIG for Digital Humanities Pedagogy and Training Mini-conference and Meeting: "The Complexities of Teaching DH in Global Contexts"

  • Diane Katherine Jakacki1, Ray Siemens2, Brian Croxall1, Katherine Faull3, Walter Scholger4

  • 1: Bucknell University, United States of America; 2: University of Victoria, Canada; 3: Brigham Young University, United States; 4: University of Graz, Austria

  • Finding Flexibility to Teach the 'Next Big Thing': Digital Humanities Pedagogy in China

  • Lik Hang TSUI 徐力恒, ZHU Benjun 朱本军, CHEN Jing 陈静

LP-01: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
Location: Uitloopfoyer
Chair: Dirk Van Hulle

  • Visualizing Networks of Artistic Ideas in History Paintings in the Seventeenth-Century Netherlands

  • Weixuan Li

  • University of Amsterdam/Huygens ING

LP-03: Space Territory GeoHumanities
Location: Pandora Foyer
Chair: Giovanni Colavizza

  • Maps Re-imagined: Digital, Informational, and Perceptional Experimentations in Progress

  • Tyng-Ruey Chuang 庄庭瑞1, Chih-Chuan Hsu1,2, Huang-Sin Syu1,2

  • 1: Academia Sinica, Taiwan; 2: National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

LP-05: Tools Interfaces and Infrastructures
Location: Black Box
Chair: Serge Heiden

  • RISE and SHINE: A Modular and Decentralized Approach for Interoperability between Textual Collections and Digital Research Tools

  • Sean Wang1, Pascal Belouin1, Hou Ieong Ho 何浩洋2, Shih-Pei Chen 陈诗沛1

  • 1: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science; 2: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

SP-02: Cultures, Literatures and Texts
Location: Pandora Zaal
Chair: Fabio Ciotti

  • Modelling Poetic Similarity: A Comparative Study of W. B. Yeats and the English Romantic Poets

  • Wenyi Shang 尚闻一1, Jingzhou Zhang2, Win-bin Huang1

  • 1: Department of Information Management, Peking University, China; 2: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, China

  • Exploring Intertextuality in the Mahoyoga Section of the Rin chen gter mdzod

  • Ching-Hsuan Mei 梅静轩, Jen-Jou Hung 洪振洲

  • Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan

SP-03: Language, Languages
Location: Cloud Nine
Chair: Simone Rebora

  • Toward Building Chronicles from Biographies in Local Gazetteers: An Application of Syntactic and Dependency Parsing

  • Chao-Lin Liu 刘昭麟, Wei-Ting Chang, Ti-Yong Zheng, Po-Sen Chiu

  • National Chengchi University, Taiwan

SP-05: Digital Humanities Theory and Methodology
Location: Cloud Nine
Chair: Claus Huitfeldt

  • A Survey On LDA Topic Modeling In Digital Humanities

  • Keli Du

  • Universität Würzburg, Germany

  • Defining and Debating Digital Humanities in China: New or Old?

  • Lik Hang Tsui 徐力恒, Jing Chen 陈静

SP-10: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
Location: Cloud Nine
Chair: Clarisse Bardiot

  • Dishes on the menu: Turning Historic Menu into Menu Network

  • Hui Li

  • Shanghai Library

SP-15: Language, Languages
Location: Pandora Foyer
Chair: Manolis Fragkiadakis

  • Using Network Analysis to Do Traditional Chinese Phonology Study

  • Jiajia Hu 胡佳佳

  • Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of China

LP-25: Language, Languages
Location: Black Box
Chair: Michael Sperberg-McQueen

  • Onto Word Segmentation of the Complete Tang Poems

  • Chao-Lin Liu 刘昭麟

  • National Chengchi University, Taiwan

SP-20: Space Territory GeoHumanities
Location: Club Nine
Chair: Michael Ullyot

  • World-Historical Gazetteer

  • Karl Grossner, Ruth M. Mostern

  • University of Pittsburgh, United States of America

LP-01: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
Location: Uitloopfoyer
Chair: Dirk Van Hulle

  • Visualizing Networks of Artistic Ideas in History Paintings in the Seventeenth-Century Netherlands

  • Weixuan Li

  • University of Amsterdam/Huygens ING

  • Climate Event Classification Based on Historical Meteorological Records and Its Presentation on A Spatio-Temporal Research Platform

  • Shang-Yun Wu1,2, Cheng-Han Wu1, Pi-Ling Pai3, Yu-Chun Wang5, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai 蔡宗翰1,3, I-Chun Fan 范毅军3,4

  • 1: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University; 2: Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University.; 3: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica; 4: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica; 5: Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan

SP-22: Cultures, Literatures and Texts
Location: Cloud Nine
Chair: Glenn H Roe

  • Some GIS-Based Analysis of the Complete Taiwan Poems

  • Yi-Fan Peng1,2, Chao-Lin Liu 刘昭麟1

  • 1: National Chengchi University, Taiwan; 2: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

LP-37: History and Historiographies
Location: Black Box
Chair: Johanna Drucker

  • Event Extraction on Classical Chinese Historical Texts: A Case Study of Extracting Tributary Events from the Ming Shilu

  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai蔡宗翰1,5, Yi-Hsuan Lu2, Yu-Chun Wang3, I-Chun Fan范毅军4

  • 1: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University; 2: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University; 3: Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan; 4: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica; 5: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

LP-41: Language, Languages
Location: Pit
Chair: Francesca Frontini

  • Analysis and Visualization of Narrative in Shanhaijing Using Linked Data

  • Qian Wang1, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller1, Ben Swift2

  • 1: Centre for Digital Humanities Research, Australian National University, Australia; 2: College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University, Australia

SP-28: Tools Interfaces and Infrastructures
Location: Pandora Foyer
Chair: Wout Dillen

  • Embracing Complex Interfaces Linking Deep Maps and Virtual Interiors to Big Data of the Dutch Golden Age.

  • Weixuan Li1, Chiara Piccoli2, Charles van den Heuvel1,2

  • 1: Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, The Netherlands; 2: University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

PS: Poster Session
Location: Plein 6

  • Chinese Dunhuang Mural Vocabulary Construction Based on Human-machine Cooperation

  • Xiaoguang Wang 王晓光, Hanghang Cheng, Huinan Li, Xu Tan, Qingyu Duan

  • Wuhan University, China



主编 / 徐力恒

责编 /

美编 / 张家伟

