

零壹Lab 2022-10-08

加拿大数字人文学会(http://csdh-schn.org/)年度会议诚邀学者,从业者,以及研究生提交论文计划、海报或数字展示,会议将于2018年5月26日至28日在里贾纳大学2018年社会科学与人文学科大会召开(https://www.congress2018.ca/)。本年度会议主题为“汇集多样性”(Gathering Diversities)。项目委员会鼓励提交与数字人文领域理论与实践相关的所有主题,参考题目包括(但不限于):


• 多种数字方法、工具和路径在人文学科中的应用

• 数字人文的教学与知识分享

• 数字人文的跨语境翻译

• 可获得性的方式与挑战

• 全球的与本土的知识利益相关者

• 项目管理,包括基础设施的建设与维护

• 公众参与





本次会议将有一部分限额资金用于支持研究生在CSDH/SCHN中的差旅费用。此外,里贾纳大学正在提供最高500美元的研究生旅行奖学金(Graduate Student Travel Awards),更多信息见https://www.congress2018.ca/student-funding。有意申请的研究生应确保回答ConfTool提交页面上的相关问题。学生将会在之后收到一份提供资金需要的有关论文/海报接收情况的后续调查。请注意所有展示者在会议召开期间都应是CSDH/SCHN会员。




会议选中的论文将会被收入特别选集,发表在CSDH/SCHN学会期刊, Digital Studies/Le champ numérique (http://www.digitalstudies.org)。


The Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (http://csdh-schn.org/) invites scholars, practitioners, and graduate students to submit proposals for papers, posters, and digital demonstrations for its annual meeting, which will be held at the 2018 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Regina, from May 26th to 28th (https://www.congress2018.ca/). The theme of this year’s Congress is “Gathering Diversities.” The Program Committee encourages submissions on all topics relating to both theory and practice in the evolving field of the digital humanities. Potential topics include (but are not limited to):


Application of Diverse Digital Methodologies, Tools, and Approaches in the Humanities

Learning, Teaching, and Sharing Knowledge in Digital Humanities

Translation Across Contexts in the Digital Humanities

Access and Challenges to Accessibility

Global and Local Knowledge Stakeholders

Project Management, including Infrastructure Development and Maintenance

Public Engagement

Proposals for papers (20 minutes), digital demonstrations and posters, and panels (2-6 speakers for a 90-minute session) will be accepted until January 15th 2018 and must be submitted via https://www.conftool.net/csdh-schn-2018/.


Paper abstracts should be 500 words and should specify the thesis, methodology, and conclusions. We also welcome proposals for digital demonstrations of innovative projects or tools. Demonstrations will be given table space and a backdrop so they can set up a poster and a computer for a 2-hour session. We encourage projects with software to show to apply for this venue.


There is a limited amount of funding available to support graduate student travel through CSDH/SCHN. In addition, The University of Regina is offering Graduate Student Travel Awards of up to $500: see (https://www.congress2018.ca/student-funding) for further information. Interested graduate students should make sure to answer the relevant question on the submission page in ConfTool. Students will then receive a follow-up survey about funding needs upon acceptance of their paper/poster. Please note that all presenters must be members of CSDH/SCHN at the time of the conference.


Scholars in the digital humanities are engaged in diverse digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, and creation. CSDH/SCHN welcomes proposals from all constituencies and disciplines, and encourages applications from women, Indigenous and Métis people, people of colour, LGBTQ people, or those belonging to other underrepresented groups.


Selected papers from the conference will appear in special collections published in the CSDH/SCHN society journal, Digital Studies/Le champ numérique (http://www.digitalstudies.org).


翻译 / 傅春妍

责编 / 陈静

美编 / 傅春妍





