
柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ · 深圳中海 | 新型社区的极致体验

DINZ德网传媒 柘壹设计


The greatness of a city depends on its profound cultural heritage and connotation, Shenzhen, a city that flourished in modern times, has been constantly flowing.

———柘壹设计Z ONE⁺


Light and shadow follow the traces of time, arriving at Guangming in Shenzhen. A light and shadow, a story, a door to time, embark on an infinite journey.深圳光明,经历千载时光,人文旖旎;如今光明,变革和创新时刻在发生着。Shenzhen is bright, experiencing a thousand years of time and charming culture; Now, the moment of light, change, and innovation is happening.柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ 如何以前瞻策划、全周期运营的思维,落笔圈层、场景、功能、品质等价值维度,造就与客群同频对话的高度,才能令光明成为对未来生活真实且笃定的先见。柘壹设计担纲深圳中海·时光境售楼处的软装设计。

Z ONE⁺ How to adopt a forward-looking planning and full cycle operation mindset, with values such as writing circles, scenes, functions, and quality, to create a high level of dialogue with customers on the same frequency, in order to make Guangming a true and determined foresight for future life. Z ONE⁺ is responsible for the decoration design of Shenzhen Zhonghai Time Realm Garden.


深入“美学之外”的设计语言,统筹产品形态、成本管控、生活范式、落地运营,从对精英圈层需求的解读、物质生活的焕新深入至精神层面的价值渗透,构成了柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ 的核心主线。由此出发,一个聚集多元生活方式的“生活场景”,以精致服务与艺术格调为尺,延展开一场都市生活盛宴。

Deepening the design language beyond aesthetics, coordinating product form, cost control, lifestyle paradigms, and landing operations, from interpreting the needs of the elite circle, revitalizing material life, to penetrating the value of spiritual aspects, constitutes the core theme of Z ONE⁺. Starting from this, a "life scene" that gathers diverse lifestyles, with exquisite services and artistic style as the yardstick, extends and opens up a feast of urban life.


Guided by the gathering of diverse business formats, this place is like an experience center for future life. In the process of building new urban landmarks and activating the vitality of the circle, it is connected with sustainable long-term operation in the form of zero demolition and light operation, blending with the urban atmosphere and abundant daily life, making the exquisite scenes belonging to future life truly visible.



Resonance with the City

Defining the Field of Elite Circle


对一个不断涌现活力的城市而言,营造可持续的健康有机生活具有必要性。“ 生活营造的本质,是基于目标客群而生的互动共享与需求尊重 ” 为回应城市菁英群体对健康艺术生活品质的追求,设计师将咖啡、花艺、乐器等元素融入其中,旨在透过如此的功能场地,兼具社交与共享,营造一个长效活力、可停留、可参与的生活目的地。

For a city that is constantly emerging with vitality, it is necessary to create a sustainable, healthy and organic life. "The essence of life building is interaction, sharing and demand respect based on the target customer group" In response to the pursuit of the city's elite group for a healthy and artistic life quality, the designers integrate coffee, flower art, musical instruments and other elements into it, aiming to create a long-term dynamic, stay and participate in life destination through such a functional site, which is both social and shared.


The front hall is a superscale circular three-dimensional artwork - Yueyuan stands out in it, giving you a different feeling of distance and close-up with the posture of the cosmic starry sky, highlighting the tension of space.


The sense of power expressed by such artworks is reflected in the sand table view, one light and one heavy, harmoniously coexisting.

场景化渗透进阶至臻生活范本Scenarioized InfiltrationAdvanced and Perfect Life Model

回归光明生活的本真,柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ 将场景体验赋新,立于用户需求的差异化满足中。在当代美学格调基础之上,从舒惬自在的瞰景视野,到至臻品质的生活语境,每一个细微之处,都向外散发着深刻的诗性美感,向内沟通着塔尖圈层的意境。

Returning to the essence of a bright life, Z ONE⁺ brings new experiences to the scene, standing in the differentiated satisfaction of user needs. On the basis of contemporary aesthetic style, from a comfortable and comfortable panoramic view to the highest quality of life context, every detail exudes a profound poetic beauty outwards, and communicates the mood of the spire circle inward.


A micro vacation coffee experience facing the sun. Against the backdrop of the city street view outside the window, the self centered and expansive water light scene delineates the migration of the soul and nature, projecting the beauty of resonance that echoes each other.


The trend full of musical and artistic sense also surges in it. Located in the delicate configuration of instruments and installations, the designer hopes that this is not only a forward-looking, healthy and comfortable space, but also a stylish and aesthetically pleasing social living space.



Inside and outside radius

Harmony and symbiosis



The endless love for life permeates every stroke of design, creating the next beautiful frame: sunshine falling and green tree shadows casting through it. In the tranquil territory where nature lingers, elegance and comfort blend into one. People sit on simple orange sofas, chatting leisurely, or enjoying reading quietly. Such a scene is really enjoyable.

追根溯源,柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ 对于售楼处产品的多维认知早已驾轻就熟,“不同于以往,售楼处不再是纯粹的营销场所,更是产品价值观与未来社区生活方式的理想昭示,以复刻真实生活的情景化方式。”

Tracing back to the source, Z ONE⁺ has long been familiar with the multi-dimensional understanding of sales office products. "Unlike in the past, sales offices are no longer purely marketing venues, but also an ideal manifestation of product values and future community lifestyles, in a way that replicates real-life scenarios.

深圳中海 · 时光境花园一案的未来社区规划与设计,是柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ 验证“美学之外”理念的又一力作。在这里,回归于理想化的生活,回归于日常化的场景,眺望于未来的美好期冀,重塑健康生活精神。

The future community planning and design of Shenzhen Zhonghai Time Realm Garden  is another masterpiece of Z ONE⁺ to validate the concept of "beyond aesthetics". Here, returning to an idealized life, returning to everyday scenes, looking forward to the beautiful future, and reshaping the spirit of healthy living.


项目名称 | 深圳中海时光境花园  项目地址 | 深圳光明  业主信息 | 中海企业发展集团深圳有限公司设计面积 | 600㎡软装设计 | 柘壹设计Z ONE⁺硬装设计 | 矩阵设计设计时间 | 2023-04  完成时间 | 2023-06 特别鸣谢 | 中海发展南部大区产品与研发中心 业主设计团队 | 刘兰、李跃华、薛知恒、朱莉娅、李兆美、邹瑞峰、李阳、张子初、潘建云业主工程团队 | 李响、王杨、陈鹏圳、罗绍良、刘志洪、麦源灿






越秀地产 · 深圳城市展厅

南宁中海 · 湖上景明别墅











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