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Next Generation Literacies Summer School 2024

Linguistic Diversity, Education and Social Participation:

Asia-Pacific and European Perspectives

Virtual International Summer School 2024 

26 - 30 August 2024

This virtual summer school aims to familiarise participants with current research on language policies, ideologies and practices in linguistically diverse regions and institutions of Europe and Asia-Pacific. Linguistic diversity - referring to multiple languages, language varieties, modalities, and registers - is a feature of all contemporary differentiated societies around the globe, presenting both social barriers and enrichment. Through national, transnational and supranational cases, the programme addresses structures that deal with language diversity, from the family to education and the workplace. Participants can look forward to varied perspectives on language diversity (migrant, Indigenous, foreign) as well as theoretical and applied perspectives from the field. A key feature of the programme are the mutually enriching perspectives from renowned scholars with differing regional emphases.

The summer school is intended for all students interested in the fields of socio- and educational linguistics, multilingualism and second language acquisition. Mandatory course work consists of the completion of pre-assigned readings and active participation. It is further possible for participants to earn three credit points via the completion of a research task in respect of their lecture of choice. 

The online format is free of charge and enables participation from around the world. We look forward to welcoming many and diverse backgrounds to this virtual learning space!

Take a look at the Summer School 2024 Flyer here!

  • Programme:

Day 1  - 26 August 09:00 - 14:00 CEST 

Keynote Lecture: Finding work in a new language               
Distinguished Professor Ingrid Piller, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Researching family language policy in the era of digitalization: Theories, methods and insights from an Asia-Pacific perspective   
Prof Mingyue Michelle Gu, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Day 2 - 27 August 09:00 - 14:00 CEST

Transnational education, language, and social inequality
Dr Javier Carnicer, University of Hamburg, Germany

Gendered grassroots multilingualism: A critical ethnography of Burmese migrant women in China-Myanmar borderlands 
Dr Jia Li, Yunnan University, China

Day 3 - 28 August 09:00 - 14:00 CEST

Multilingualism and language policy in Southeast Asia
Dr Huan Yik Lee, Universiti Teknologi Malaya, Malaysia

Multilingualism and language policy in the EU
Dr Michele Gazzola, Ulster University, Northern Ireland

Day 4 - 29 August 09:00 - 14:00 CEST

Integrating Indigenous epistemologies into foreign language teaching
Dr Danping Wang, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Designing and implementing transnational and translanguaging spaces for language teacher development

Dr Josh Prada, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Day 5 - 30 August 09:00 - 12:00 CEST


  • Certification:

Participants can receive a certification of participation and earn an additional 3 ECTS with additional work.

To earn a certificate of participation you are required to:

  • complete pre-assigned readings

  • participate actively in all sessions (‘active participation’ will be determined per session; it may include the formulation of statements or a short reflection, sharing of ideas in group discussions …)

To earn credit points you are required to:

  • complete pre-assigned readings

  • participate actively in all sessions (‘active participation’ will be determined per session; it may include the formulation of statements or a short reflection, sharing of ideas in group discussions …)

  • prepare a research-based assignment for a lecture of your choice (assignment will be determined by the lecturer and should be submitted by 30 September 2024)

  • Application:

There is no fee for participation.

Applications are open to students at master’s level and above, as well as to practitioners, from all related fields of study or practice. If you are from a non-related field, you may also apply – just be sure to highlight your qualifications to actively participate in the summer school in your application.

To apply, please submit the following documents in a single PDF file in either English or German:

  • a motivational letter (1 page) in which you highlight why you wish to participate in the summer school and what qualifies you to participate

  • a CV (1-2 pages)

  • a transcript of records (list of grades from your current or last completed studies; you may include a screenshot from the respective institution(s))

All applications must be submitted by the 10th of June to: 


The Summer School selection committee will contact you regarding the outcome of your application by the end of June. Thank you for your patience!


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刊讯|SSCI 期刊《应用语言学评论》2023年第5-6期













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