
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言学习和教学的创新》2022年第1-2期

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Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

Volume 16, Issue 1-2, June 2021

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching(SSCI一区,2021 IF:2.241)2022年第1-2期共发文13篇。主题包括英语教师的反应感知、第二语言诗歌创作、多语言学习、外语口语能力培养、EFL教师跨文化交际能力、语篇理解能力等。


Volume 16, Issue 1

■ The role of attitudes in knowledge acquisition through informal problem-solving: the case of Bulgarian second and foreign language teachers, by Vyara V. Dimitrova, Paul A. Kirschner

■ Understanding motivation and classroom modes of regulation in collaborative learning: an exploratory study, by Yoshiyuki Nakata, Ryo Nitta, Atsuko Tsuda

■ English language teaching reforms in Vietnam: EFL teachers’ perceptions of their responses and the influential factors, by Le Thanh Thao, Le Xuan Mai

■ Enhancing Thai secondary school students’ English speaking skills, attitudes and motivation with drama-based activities and Facebook, by Manit Wongsaa, Jeong-Bae Son

■ Emotions in second language poetry writing: a poetic inquiry into Japanese EFL students’ language learning experiences, by Atsushi Iida, Bee Chamcharatsri

■ ‘I think it's boring if you now only speak English’: enhancing learner investment in EFL learning through the use of plurilingual tasks, by Euline Cutrim Schmid

■ Improving text comprehension in ESL learners: a multichannel approach, by Federica Ferrari, Mariangela Picciuolo, Daniele Bigi

Volume 16, Issue 2

■ Rethinking the role of classroom communication: learning from older learners, by Kay Irie

■ Developing L2 speaking skills in English-medium EFL higher education, by Joanna Pitura

■ Using literature circles to teach graded readers in English: an investigation into reading performance and strategy use, by Mu-Hsuan Chou

■ Intercultural communicative competence beliefs and practices of Iranian pre-service and in-service EFL teachers, by Mohammad Ahmadi Safa, Somayeh Tofighi

■ Translanguaging in the development of EFL learners’ foreign language skills in Turkish context, by Muhammet Yasar Yuzlu, Kenan Dikilitas

■ Employing reflective practice to inform adjunct-faculty onboarding, by Chris Harwood, Dennis Koyama


The role of attitudes in knowledge acquisition through informal problem-solving: the case of Bulgarian second and foreign language teachers

Vyara V. Dimitrova, Welten Institute, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands

Paul A. Kirschner, Welten Institute, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands;b Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland

Abstract  Purpose: To date very few studies have explored how second and foreign language (SL/FL) teachers’ attitudes affect their grammar teaching expertise acquisition. To shed light on this question, this study looked at what teachers’ grammar teaching attitudes are and how these attitudes impact the frequency of explicit goals which are an integral component of expertise development through informal problem-solving. The effect of experience on explicit goal-setting was also investigated.

Design/methodology/approach: Teachers’ attitudes were explored through behavioral aggregation in a sample of 15 Bulgarian public school and university SL/FL teachers, who were divided into three experience groups. The behavioral aggregation was conducted on the basis of grammar teaching activities which the teachers performed, and then post-actively reported and elaborated upon. Explicit goals were uncovered through a planning task. Both descriptive and statistical analyses were conducted for an exhaustive picture.

Findings and originality/value: Two attitudes dubbed wholesale grammar teaching referring to a holistic approach to grammar teaching and high complexity task attitude involving student assignments of higher difficulty tasks significantly predicted the teachers’ explicit goal frequencies. The others did not. In contrast to previous findings, experience was not a significant factor which determined explicit goal frequencies, underscoring the fact that the grammar teaching attitude orientation played a key role in the effectiveness of grammar teaching knowledge acquisition. Although further studies with larger samples need to be conducted, these results provide direct evidence of the relationships between some groups of SL/FL teachers’ beliefs and expertise development.

Key words Attitudes, explicit goals, teaching experience, knowledge acquisition

Understanding motivation and classroom modes of regulation in collaborative learning: an exploratory study

Yoshiyuki Nakata, Faculty of Global Communications, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, Japan

Ryo Nitta, Center for Foreign Language Education and Research, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan

Atsuko Tsuda, Hyogo Prefectural Kawanishi-Midoridai Senior High School, Kawanishi, Hyogo, Japan

Abstract The present paper aims to explore how a certain class mode emerges in the context of collaborative learning, which affects student motivation and learning. Multiple sources of data were collected from 51 high school students in three different classes (named A, B and C) where the same teacher gave them the same lesson content throughout a full year. A quantitative analysis of multiple questionnaire responses revealed that patterns of motivational change and change in perception of pair and group work were markedly different in the three classrooms. A qualitative data analysis of interviews and observations of pair and group activities showed that different classroom modes of regulation are likely to emerge even among homogenous classes consisting of students with the same L1 and similar proficiency levels under the same curriculum. The findings imply that socially-shared regulation among students is one of the keys to creating a positive classroom environment in which students influence and motivate each other.

Key words  Classroom climate, collaborative learning, socially-shared regulation

English language teaching reforms in Vietnam: EFL teachers’ perceptions of their responses and the influential factors

Le Thanh Thao, School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam

Abstract Introduction: Educational change, particularly English language teaching (ELT) pedagogical reforms, has received much attention from language researchers in the era of globalization and internationalization, especially in Vietnam. Purpose: This study is aimed to investigate teachers’ responses to ELT pedagogical reforms, what factors influence the responses, and if there are any differences in these factors among different groups of participants. Methodology: This study was conducted quantitatively, followed by qualitatively, i.e. a mixed method approach. The data were collected from 102 English as a foreign language (EFL) high-school teachers in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Findings: The results from the questionnaire and interview revealed that teachers highly accepted ELT pedagogical reforms. Besides that, the teachers were strongly affected by the influential factors, especially students’ learning outcomes. Furthermore, the teachers with different educational qualifications were affected by the influential factors at different levels. Finally, the study found that the more teachers were affected by these factors, the more they accepted ELT pedagogical reforms. Based on these findings, implications were made for enhancing teachers’ teaching practices in response to ELT pedagogical reforms.

Key words Educational change, EFL teachers, ELT pedagogical reforms, influential factors, the Mekong Delta

Enhancing Thai secondary school students’ English speaking skills, attitudes and motivation with drama-based activities and Facebook

Manit Wongsaa, Srinakarindra the Princes Mother School, Nongbualamphu, Thailand

Jeong-Bae Son, School of Education, University of Southern Queensland, Springfield Central, Queensland, Australia

Abstract The study reported in this article explores Thai secondary school students’ English as a foreign language (EFL) learning experiences and examines the effects of using drama-based activities and Facebook on the students’ English speaking skills, attitudes and motivation in learning EFL. The study employed a mixed methods approach to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The study used Facebook together with drama-based activities to deliver English language lessons in EFL classrooms. A total of 40 students from two Grade 12 classes and two Thai EFL teachers at a high school in Thailand participated in the study. Data was collected through English speaking tests, Attitude and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews. The results of the study indicate that drama-based activities and Facebook had positive effects on the students’ speaking skills and increased their motivation and positive attitudes towards learning the English language; they also provided the students with an interactive and flexible learning environment where they could actively communicate and collaborate with their teachers and peers. Findings suggest that drama-based learning activities and Facebook can be creatively integrated to assist language learning in the EFL classroom.

Key words English as a foreign language, speaking skills, attitudes, motivation, drama-based activities, Facebook

Emotions in second language poetry writing: a poetic inquiry into Japanese EFL students’ language learning experiences

Atsushi Iida, University Education Center, Gunma University, Maebashi, Japan

Bee Chamcharatsri,  Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Abstract Purpose: This poetic inquiry investigates second language (L2) learners’ experiences of English language learning and examines the role of emotions in the language learning process.

Design/methodology: The methodology chosen in the current study is qualitative, case-study research through which 209 English poems written by twenty-one Japanese EFL college students were coded and categorized into several thematic issues.

Findings: This study reveals fourteen different thematic issues and twenty-two different emotional responses regarding their English language learning experiences. Poetry illustrated here not only expresses their positive and negative emotions but also represents their challenges, desires, hardship, and failure in their language learning journey.

Originality/value: This study also exemplifies how poetry writing as a form of ‘meaningful literacy’ (Hanauer 2012) can transform the traditional EFL classroom and provide some pedagogical and methodological implications for L2 poetry writing in the EFL context.

Key words Second language writing, poetic inquiry, emotions, L2 learning experiences, Japanese EFL students

‘I think it's boring if you now only speak English’: enhancing learner investment in EFL learning through the use of plurilingual tasks

Euline Cutrim Schmid, University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

Abstract Purpose: This paper presents findings of a classroom-based research project that investigated the use of plurilingual tasks in the English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching context. The project aimed at examining a) the impact of the use of plurilingual tasks on language learning processes and learners' identity construction and b) the pedagogical gaps that need to be addressed in language teacher education. This paper focuses specifically on the first research question.

Design/methodology: The project was carried out in the form of five case studies conducted in four primary schools and one secondary school in Germany. Research data were collected via a variety of ethnographic research instruments namely classroom observations and field notes, video recording of school lessons, in-depth interviews with teachers, teachers' reflective journals, anonymous questionnaires, and learner focus group interviews.

Research findings: Drawing upon Darvin and Norton's (2015) concept of investment, the paper discusses research findings indicating that the use of plurilingual tasks had a positive impact on the EFL learners' investment in language learning activities.

Originality/Value: The main implication that can be drawn from the findings is that the effective integration of plurilingual-inspired pedagogies in the foreign language classroom does not involve necessarily a drastic reformulation of learning goals and teaching procedures, but mainly a change in teachers' attitudes towards plurilingualism in the classroom.

Key words Plurilingualism, EFL, language teaching, tasks, teacher education

Improving text comprehension in ESL learners: a multichannel approach

Federica Ferrari, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Mariangela Picciuolo, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Daniele Bigi, Administrative and Management Area, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy


Purpose: This paper is a proposal for improving ESL text comprehension by merging a multimodal perspective on language (Kress et al. [2005]. Urban Classrooms, Subject English: Multimodal Perspectives on Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge Falmer.) with an integrated psychological (or ‘metacognitive’) approach to language learning and awareness (Fairclough [1992]. Critical Language Awareness. London: Longman, 1) .

Design: A multichannel approach is presented, based on two strategies: a main ‘multichannel’ strategy for reading the text, which focuses on the assessment of the visual, auditory, cognitive and kinaesthetic/emotional channels and relative functions, and a corollary one, specifically dedicated to implementing the cognitive function.

Methodology/approach: The approach has been extensively applied in university-level English classes (Reggio Emilia, Parma, Bologna University) using a ‘multichannel test’ based on students’ feedback to explore the effectiveness of the method. In this paper, a case study is offered: data have been collected with specific reference to the University of Bologna, A. Y. 2017/18 and 2018/2019.

Originality/value: Evidence suggests that further and diversified applications promise an empowerment of the approach and of its impact on ELT as well as on students’ awareness and satisfaction.

Key words Language awareness, Second language learning, Multisensory techniques, Multichannel approach, Reading strategies, Text comprehension

Rethinking the role of classroom communication: learning from older learners

Kay Irie, Faculty of International Social Sciences, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan

Abstract The Purpose: The purpose of this study is to take a fresh look at language education from the perspective of positive communication (PC) as it contributes to the well–being of language learners. It explores a context that has received little attention: older learners. The lessons drawn from older learners can help practitioners in other contexts rethink their approaches and innovate.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The interview data was taken from a research project on life stories of language learners. The participants, all over the age of 65, are students an English discussion class in Japan. The transcripts were thematically coded to identify elements of L2 communication that encourage them to continue learning.

Findings: The identified themes are compatible with the six concepts of Mirivel’s PC model (2014. The Art of Positive Communication. Peter Lang) and suggest that PC in L2 can encourage learners to connect, stimulate, and support each other which leads to the sustained engagement.

Originality/value: The study makes a contribution to the field by bringing attention to the potential of L2 communication from a new perspective. It explores areas where formal classroom learning and informal out of class learning intersect, and calls for a reexamination of communication in the language classroom.

Key words positive communication, communication, older learners, well-being, lifelong learning, positive psychology

Developing L2 speaking skills in English-medium EFL higher education

Joanna Pitura, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Kraków, Poland

Abstract Higher education students in English medium instruction in non English-dominant countries use L2 to share ideas and demonstrate learning thorough the medium of English and are often required to enhance their ability to communicate in this language while studying. However, the conditions provided for these students in university courses may or may not be conducive to the development of their skills to effectively communicate in speech in academic contexts. This exploratory study presents preliminary results of a larger research project, conducted to design, implement and evaluate a theoretically-driven, genre-based L2 speaking course for academic communication. Drawing on skill acquisition theory and activity theory, in order to understand how aspects of the learning activity enable or hinder the development of genre-based L2 speaking, this study captures the experiences of ten participants – Polish undergraduate English Philology students – with various facets of the course. The results bring to the fore the teaching and learning strategies that the students most value and most frequently use within their educational context. Additionally, the study, being part of a broader design-based research project, offers draft principles for course design.

Key words Skill acquisition, activity theory, design-based research, English medium higher educaiton, speaking

Using literature circles to teach graded readers in English: an investigation into reading performance and strategy use

Mu-Hsuan Chou, Department of Foreign Language Instruction, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan, China

Abstract Purpose: Graded readers can help English language learners to improve their reading ability. Literary texts with simplified language often differ from expository texts for teaching EFL learners. Although reading strategies have been used to facilitate comprehension, how students use strategies to process literary texts is underexplored. The present study investigates the effect of graded readers, literature circles (LCs) and reading strategies on university students in Taiwan.

Design/Methodology: This study adopted a quasi-experimental design with 60 first-year students reading two graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms collections. Of the 60 participants, 30 were in the control group and the other 30 who received the LC intervention were in the experimental group. Reading comprehension tests and a questionnaire for reading strategies were adopted.

Findings: The findings revealed that the students with the LC intervention outperformed the control group. The tasks in the LC were found to promote reading comprehension and strategy practice. In general, though reading strategies were similarly adopted, monitoring strategies were more frequently used by the experimental group. Originality/Value: LCs offered EFL learners a way to build linguistic and cultural schemata, to develop and practice metacognitive reading strategies, to enhance main-idea comprehension, and to form long-term memories for retention.

Key words Literature circle, graded reader, reading comprehension, reading strategy, EFL intermediate learner

Intercultural communicative competence beliefs and practices of Iranian pre-service and in-service EFL teachers

Mohammad Ahmadi Safa, English Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

Somayeh Tofighi, English Department, Humanities Faculty, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

Abstract This study set out to evaluate Iranian EFL teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) beliefs and practices. An ICC belief scale was developed drawing on Byram’s (1997) model of Intercultural Competence (IC) and Sercu’s (2005) EFL teachers’ opinion on Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching Questionnaire. To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it was piloted on a group of 60 teachers and the obtained data were subjected to Factor Analysis and Cronbach α internal consistency measures. The validated questionnaire was administered to 100 pre-service teachers majoring in Applied Linguistics at M.A. level from six universities in Iran and 100 in-service M.A. holding teachers working in private language institutes. Moreover, 30 EFL teachers’ teaching practices were observed. The results revealed that pre and in-service teachers did not significantly differ in their ICC beliefs. Furthermore, the inexperienced, semi-experienced, and experienced EFL teachers did not differ in their ICC belief patterns. However, while EFL teachers believed in the necessity of the integration of ICC in their classroom practices, the observation results revealed that their ICC practices failed to correspond with their ICC beliefs. The findings suggest that teacher training programs and instructional experience mediate the development of theoretical dimensions of ICC but do not lead to the development of the required skills for the implementation of ICC in pedagogical practices.

Key words Intercultural communicative competence, EFL teachers, belief, teaching experience, Iran

Translanguaging in the development of EFL learners’ foreign language skills in Turkish context

Muhammet Yasar Yuzlu, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

Kenan Dikilitas, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway

Abstract This study investigates the potential impact of translanguaging pedagogy on EFL learners’ four language skills, as well as their perceptions towards its in-class implementation as a pedagogy. The study was conducted for 10 weeks with 60 pre-intermediate and 60 upper-intermediate students at a high school in the north of Turkey. In each group, half of the students were assigned as the experimental group, while the other half as the control group. The experimental groups were subject to a 10- week (40 h of teaching) of translanguaging pedagogy, whereas one of the control groups was taught through grammar-translation methods, while the other, through communicative language approach. In the study, the quasi-experimental mixed methods design was employed. The analysis of a paired-sample t-test and one-way analysis of ANCOVA indicated that translanguaging played an effective role in improving students’ four English language skills. Semi-structured interviews revealed that the students reported constructive, cognitive, interactive, and affective benefits through translanguaging pedagogy since they were able to draw upon all the linguistic resources for meaning-making and negotiation, a sense of comfort, and a sense of motivation to use English. We offer implications for teachers and teacher educators regarding the role of translanguaging in teaching English.

Key words Translanguaging, bilingualism, foreign language learning, learner perceptions, EFL learners

Employing reflective practice to inform adjunct-faculty onboarding

Chris Harwood, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

Dennis Koyama, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

Abstract Reflective practice has long been considered an important part of professional development for educators; however, accounts of utilizing reflective practice with groups of experienced teachers remain scarce. We consider reflective practice to be an important means of fostering professional discourse among experienced teachers regarding their pedagogical beliefs and practices. To that end, this paper describes a reflective practice innovation introduced in an undergraduate English composition program in a Japanese university. In what follows we, as experienced teachers, detail how a reflective-practice routine (RPR) was established and used to evaluate the efficacy of existing curricular materials to inform adjunct-faculty onboarding and professional development. In closing, we make several recommendations related to scheduling, maintaining focused and constructive interactions when implementing an RPR, and we provide examples of how the results of the RPR were applied to improve our onboarding process, teaching practices, and course materials.

Key words Collaborative reflection, curriculum review, professional development, rhetoric and composition


Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching is an international refereed journal devoted to research into all aspects of innovation in language learning and teaching. It publishes research articles, innovative practice articles, review articles and book reviews. It draws on a range of disciplines that share a focus on exploring new approaches to language learning and teaching largely from a learner-centred perspective.


Changes in learners’ work, life, and study patterns and the use of new technologies for learning strongly impact on every aspect of language learning and teaching, from how we perceive the roles of teachers and learners, to how we adapt to new roles, from the materials and methods we develop to support learners in more flexible ways, to the research methodologies we use to investigate these ways. The  impact of globalisation, increased international mobility, and a need for more flexible ways of learning make a critical reflection on the changing needs of the learner necessary. The journal offers a forum for this kind of reflection and encourages researchers to explore the theoretical underpinnings of new pedagogies which focus on the development of and support for innovation in language learning.

学习者的工作,生活和学习模式的变化以及新技术学习的使用强烈影响着语言学习和教学的各个方面,从我们如何看待教师和学习者的角色,到我们如何适应新的角色,从我们开发的材料和方法,以更灵活的方式支持学习者, 我们用来研究这些方法的研究方法。全球化的影响,国际流动性的增加以及对更灵活的学习方式的需求,对学习者不断变化的需求进行了批判性反思。该杂志为这种反思提供了一个论坛,并鼓励研究人员探索新教学法的理论基础,这些教学法侧重于语言学习创新的发展和支持。







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今日小编:钊 君

审     核:心得小蔓





