

五万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-22







Chinese Language, Interaction, and Multimodality Methods Workshops( CLIMM )  August 11/12-14, 2022  

     Workshop Program 


Aug.11th at 18:00 - 20:00 (Mountain time) / 

Aug.12th at 08:00 - 10:00 (Beijing time) /

Aug.12th at 01:00 - 03:00 (London time)

Chinese CA: 

A Hands-On Tutorial

Speaker: K.K. Luke,

Nanyang Technological University

One of the most frequently asked questions about CA is ‘What is the method of CA?’ Or: ‘How does one go about doing data analysis, and what counts as a good analysis?’ These are of course totally reasonable questions to ask but they turn out to be really hard to answer. The ‘CA method’ is vast and somewhat elusive, and is not something that one could easily describe or enumerate. It is better to illustrate the ‘CA method’ through engagement with data rather than programmatic, ‘explanatory’ statements. One learns how to do CA – and do it well – through regular practice, much like how we develop stronger muscles through daily exercise. This is why data sessions are so important and so indispensable: this is where CA analysis ‘happens’. In this tutorial, I will help you take the first small steps as we embark on this life-long, and most rewarding, journey.


Aug.12th at 07:00 - 09:00 (Mountain time) / 

Aug.12th at 21:00 - 23:00 (Beijing time) /

Aug.12th at 14:00 - 16:00 (London time)

IL methods/

Quantitative + qualitative methods

Speaker: Vittorio Tantucci, 

                Lancaster University

The workshop is centred on Chinese dialogic interaction and provides a range of corpus-based and computational methods to measure speakers' real time engagement, intersubjectivity and creativity at talk. The session will discuss notions hinging on dialogic syntax and dynamic resonance (cf. Du Bois 2014; Tantucci & Wang 2021a, 2021b, 2022a, 2022b; Tantucci et al. 2018, 2022), which have to do with how people creatively re-use utterances from their interlocutors to proactively engage in conversation. It will also provide replicable methods to study how intersubjectivity (cf. Traugott 2012; Tantucci 2021) is at work in Chinese interaction. Most importantly, it will show how to implement these notions for statistical predictive models in Rstudio and apply them to different populations of speakers, contexts of use and/or stages of language change.


Aug.12th at 18:00 - 20:00 (Mountain time) / 

Aug.13th at 08:00 - 10:00 (Beijing time) /

Aug.13th at 01:00 - 03:00 (London time)


Language and Body in Interaction:

A multimodal analytical approach to interaction

Speaker: Xiaoting Li, 

                     University of Alberta


---------- 15 min break-----------

Aug.12th at 20:15 - 22:15 (Mountain time) / 

Aug.13th at 10:15 - 12:15 (Beijing time) / 

Aug.13th at 03:15 - 05:15 (London time)

Integration of CA/IL/MM Methods in Chinese Morphosyntactic Research

Speaker: Hongyin Tao, UCLA

This workshop attempts to address questions related to compatibility and integration of CA/IL/MM methods with traditional morphosyntactic inquiries. It will be shown that CA/IL/MM bring in new perspectives that can change morphosyntactic investigations in radical ways and raise fundamental questions concerning, among others, data/objects of inquiry, units/scope of language use, and functions of language use.

本工作坊通过汉语实例讨论会话分析 / 互动语言学 / 多模态方法对传统语法研究提出的问题和可能启示。主要包括研究对象、研究单位、语言使用的功能等。


On Day 3, we will have six research presentations. These researchers will talk about their currentresearch and share their hand-on experiences with those who are interested in CA and IL.


Aug.13th at 18:00 - 18:40 (Mountain time) /

Aug.14th at 08:00 - 08:40 (Beijing time) / 

Aug.14th at 01:00 - 01:40 (London time)

Medical CA: How to get started and avoid common pitfalls

Presenter: Nan Wang, 

                  Hunan University

In this session, we aim to provide a short guide to conducting medical CA studies. Topics that will be covered in this session include:

-Choosing your research site(s)

-Important considerations before/during collecting data

-Normal procedures of analyzing data

-Making sense of your findings

-Common pitfalls to avoid...


Aug.13th at 18:40 - 19:20 (Mountain time)/ 

Aug.14th at 08:40 - 09:20 (Beijing time)/

Aug.14th at 01:40 - 02:20 (London time)

Medical CA: 

Locating the sweet spot of an Interdisciplinary collaboration

Presenter: Ni Eng Lim, 

Nanyang Technological University

In this workshop, I’ll like to share some of my experience on working with actual medical practitioners, and how that shaped my conception of possible medical CA topics. While there has been a good deal of literature written about various issues of doctor-patient interaction using CA, these have primarily been based on US or UK medical institution, and within the domain of primary care. From these studies, the concept of a defined consultation structure (i.e. Establishing problem - History-taking - Physical Examination - Explaining Diagnosis - Treatment Recommendation), as well as common medical CA themes such as “establishing doctorability” and “negotiating treatment recommendation” are well-established. But one should not lose sight that these structures were developed from a highly contextualized exchange (e.g. first-visits, primary care, acute symptoms etc.) of a particularalized medical institution (e.g. US or UK). How generalizable are these structures/themes, and what are the limits to referencing such ideas? Based on my collaboration with various specialist clinics (e.g. Urology, Ophthalmology and Palliative Care) in Singapore, I hope to engage in an exploration of how pragmatic interdisciplinary research with medicine could be conducted for a discipline such as CA.


Aug.13th at 19:20 - 20:00 (Mountain time) / 

Aug.14th at 09:20 - 10:00 (Beijing time)/

Aug.14th at 02:20 - 03:00 (London time)

Using broadcast media data in CA/IL/ML studies

Presenter: Yan Zhou, 

Northwestern University

Broadcast media programs provide opportunities to study social interaction in various institutional settings. This presentation discusses issues involving using media data in CA/IL/MM studies, such as the “naturalness” of the data, methods to search and download broadcast television programs, options for data transcribing services/software, and different ways to present multimodal media data.

-------- 15 min break----------

Aug.13th at 20:15 - 20:55 (Mountain time)/ 

Aug.14th at 10:15 - 10:55 (Beijing time)/

Aug.14th at 03:15 - 03:55 (London time)

CA and video-mediated interaction in Chinese

Presenter: Yumei Gan, 

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

The use of video-mediated interaction has become a ubiquitous characteristic of contemporary life. In this workshop, based on the facilitator’s conversation analytic study of video calls between migrant parents and their left-behind children in China (e.g., Gan, 2021; Gan et al., 2020), we will consider the many challenges that are faced by the researchers to collect data of video-mediated interaction, including not only the choice of camera views, but also the recording methods of addressing people’s mobility during video calls. We will also discuss issues relating to transcribing video calls and communicating one’s findings when presenting Chinese data.


Aug.13th at 20:55 - 21:35 (Mountain time)/ 

Aug.14th at 10:55 - 11:35 (Beijing time)/

Aug.14th at 03:55 - 04:35 (London time)

CA in Second Language and Classroom Interaction

Presenter: Xiaoyun Wang, 

                  University of Alberta

By attending this workshop, which showcases a CA perspective of investigation into second language (SL ) and SL classroom interaction, participants will be empowered with new insights regarding doing SL (classroom) interactional research. Harnessing Conversation Analysis, Multimodal Analysis, and Interactional Linguistics, participants will familiarize themselves with SL (classroom) interactional research including data collection and data analysis. We will also discuss new trends of SL (classroom) interactional research, which will help participants to tease-out their own possible future research topics.


Aug.13th at 20:55 - 21:35 (Mountain time)/ 

Aug.14th at 10:55 - 11:35 (Beijing time)/

Aug.14th at 04:35 - 05:15 (London time)

CA and Child Socialization

Presenter: Ruey-Ying Liu, UCLA

This workshop focuses on collecting and analyzing interactional data involving young children. Guided by the principles of Conversation Analysis, I will first discuss data collection of family interactions in the home setting. I will then draw on parent-child interactional data from Taiwanese American families and analyze parental practices of socializing interactional norms.

     Website & Registration

Website ( or scan the QR code )



registration ( you ONLY need to fill out ONE of the following registration forms ):

Registration from ( Google ):









刊讯|SSCI 期刊《双语:语言与认知》2022年第1期




重  磅|2022年度教育部人文社科项目评审结果(语言学)


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言与社会互动研究》2022年第1-2期


招  聘|哈佛大学招聘语言研究博士后
















招  聘|斯坦福大学招聘助教师(语言学)


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