
讲座 | Urs Maurer-Neural print tuning in reading and dyslexia

上外语言院 上外语言院 2023-06-27


讲座名称:Neural print tuning in reading and dyslexia: Effects in alphabetic languages and in Chinese

主讲人:   Urs Maurer


讲座时间:2022/03/27(周一)  16:00-17:30



Urs Maurer is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

His research focuses on cognitive and neural aspects of spoken and written language processing. He is particularly interested in reading acquisition, dyslexia, and second language learning. One goal of his work is to use neural markers of language processing to inform screening and intervention practices for dyslexia. His research involves behavioral and functional neuroimaging techniques, such as EEG and fMRI.

He received his PhD at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He then pursued postdoctoral studies at the University of Zurich and at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City. Before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich, funded through the Swiss National Science Foundation’s prestigious research professor scheme.


Fluent reading is supported by specialized brain processes that occur within 200 ms after word presentation. Such neural print tuning develops when children learn to read and it is reduced in children with dyslexia. In my talk I will present results from earlier studies in alphabetic languages and from recent studies in Chinese. I will also present findings from a dyslexia training study, in which we compare the effects of meta-linguistic vs. working memory training on reading and reading-related neural processes, including print tuning. Finally, I will further discuss the possibility of using markers of neural print tuning for evaluation of dyslexia intervention or for early recognition of children with dyslexia.



