
讲座 | [Rescheduled] Esther PascuaI - Imagined conversations

上外语言院 上外语言院 2022-07-15


讲座名称:Imagined Conversations in Thought, Semantics, and Discourse

主讲人:    Esther Pascual


讲座时间:2022/05/17  19:00-20:30


会议号:   697439135 密码:0517


Esther Pascual (PhD VU Amsterdam, 2003) is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Linguistics of Shanghai International Studies University. She works on what she has labeled ‘fictive interaction’, a phenomenon discussed in her 2014 monograph and 2016 co-edited volume (both published by John Benjamins) and in numerous papers in SSCI journals. Pascual is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the international peer-reviewed journals Language Under Discussion and International Journal of Language and Culture, and editorial board member of Journal of Linguistics, Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, and the Benjamins book series Human Cognitive Processes. Pascual currently serves as elected President of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics. 


Stemming from the assumption that social interaction is an essential part of human existence, I argue that there is a conversational basis for thought, linguistic meaning, and discourse structure. Specifically, I discuss the latest research on what I call fictive interaction (Pascual 2002, 2014; Pascual & Sandler eds. 2016), that is the use of the frame of ordinary conversation as a means to model: cognition (inner thought as a conversation with oneself); semantics (speaking of dance as a conversation); discourse (monologues organized as dialogues); and grammar (“why me? attitude”). I suggest that fictive interaction is a fundamental cognitive phenomenon, a powerful force underlying meaning, a possibly universal linguistic construction, a ubiquitous discourse-structuring devise, and an effective rhetorical tactic.

The focus of this talk will be on the presentation of non-conversational realities as imagined conversations as well as the interactional structure of discourse. I will show the pervasiveness and communicative effectiveness of non-actual conversational exchanges across languages, genres, and modalities (oral, written, visual). The data to be discussed range from an ancient Chinese philosophical text (Xiang 2016) and legal argumentation in a US high-profile criminal trial (Pascual 2008, 2014) to marketing (Brandt & Pascual 2016) and artwork descriptions (Sullivan 2006, 2016). I hope to show that the intimate relation between language and interaction is reflected in cognition, the lexicon, and discourse organization, and thus that any study of these needs to fully integrate interaction into its analysis and theoretical discussion. 



