
讲座 | 史濛辉 两种汉语方言中的“浊音”:可能的音变方向与过程

上外语言院 上外语言院 2022-04-24



主讲人:    史濛辉


讲座时间:2021/05/13  11:45-13:00


腾讯会议:884887065 密码:0513


史濛辉,复旦大学现代语言学研究院青年副研究员,荷兰莱顿大学语言学博士,复旦大学硕士、学士,主要研究方向为语音学、方言学和社会语言学。目前,史濛辉博士已在The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America、Journal of the International Phonetic Association、Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics、《中国语文》、《语言学论丛》等国内外刊物上发表专业论文十数篇。



The relationship between voice onset time (VOT) and fundamental frequency (f0) is often linked to tonogenesis: Onset-induced f0 differences are exaggerated and become distinct tones, while onset voicing distinction can be either lost or maintained. The existence of the latter type of languages suggests that there may exist additional intermediate stages between the rise of the novel phonologized f0 differences as tonal contrast and the fall of the original voicing contrast. One question here is how these languages maintain the co-occurrence of the obstruent voicing contrast and lexical tonal contrast over time, answers to which would shed new light on tonal genetic processes in general.

In this talk, I will present data from two Chinese dialects (i.e., Shuangfeng Xiang and Lili Wu), where voicing contrast and lexical tonal contrast have been reported to co-exist. Moreover, phonation has been argued to serve as an important cue for the voicing contrast in both dialects. Three sets of parameters were measured, namely f0 contours, VOT, and contact quotient (CQ). Multilevel regression models were applied to data analyses.

The results show that onsets from the voiced category consistently co-occur with lower f0 contours across dialects and generations. Interestingly, the relationship between VOT and CQ is found to vary. The different relationships between laryngeal timing (in terms of VOT) and phonatory state (in terms of CQ) highlight possible pathways for changes of cue weighting in the phonetic implementation of voicing contrast in Asian tonal languages. Such relationships between VOT and CQ shed further light on possible intermediate stages in languages developing from voicing contrast to tonal contrast during sound change.



