
中考听力 | 2020中考英语听力冲刺训练42

更多微课点关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-01-02







第一部分  听  力




(    ) 1. A. At home.  

           B. At a library. 

           C. At a park.

(    ) 2. A. Sunny.      

           B. Rainy.     

           C. Snowy.

(    ) 3. A. A bike.                

           B. Some books.        

           C. A bag.

(    ) 4. A. The girl’s mom’s.        

           B. The man’s.            

           C. The girl’s.

(    ) 5. A. At a restaurant.        

           B. At a post office.       

           C. At a shop.


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


(    ) 6. Where did Li Ming go yesterday morning?

        A. The school.           

        B. The market.         

        C. The station.

(    ) 7. Did Li Ming hurt very badly?

        A. No, he didn’t.         

        B. Yes, he did.          

        C. We don’t know.

(    ) 8. What did the doctor ask Li Ming to do?

        A. Have a good rest.      

        B. Take an X ray.       

        C. Be careful next time.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

(   ) 9. Where is the woman going?

        A. To a shopping mall.          

        B. To a hospital.     

        C. To the cinema.

(   ) 10. How will the woman probably go there?

        A. By car.            

        B. By bus.            

        C. On foot.

(   ) 11. Which of the following is WRONG?

        A. The woman wants to see her friend.

        B. The man knows the place very well.

        C. There is a bus every twenty minutes.

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

(   ) 12. What’s probably the relationship between the two speakers? 

        A. Teacher and student. 

        B. Husband and wife.  

        C. Doctor and patient. 

(   ) 13. Who will play the leading role(主角)?  

        A. Anne Hathaway.    

        B. Julia Roberts.   

        C. Angelina Julie.

(   ) 14. When does the movie start? 

        A. At 8:00.     

        B. At 6:00.    

        C. At 7:00.

(   ) 15. What will they do before they leave? 

        A. Listen to music.     

        B. Clean the house.     

        C. Watch TV. 

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

(   )16. What does the speaker usually do in his free time on weekdays?

        A. Goes to a movie.         

        B. Listens to music.               

        C. Surfs the Internet.

(   ) 17. Where does Tom and the speaker play soccer?

        A. In a park.            

        B. Near the speaker ’s house.        

        C. Near a park.

(   ) 18. Who does the speaker usually go shopping with on Saturdays?

        A. His father.             

        B. His brother.                  

        C. His mother.

(   ) 19. Why does the speaker think Saturday evening is his favorite time ?

        A. Because he can have a big meal.

        B. Because he can go to bed late.            

        C. Because he can meet his friends.

(   ) 20. What does the speaker often do on Sundays?

        A. Cleans his room.       

        B. Goes to the countryside.       

        C. Reads some books.





Some  scientists in   21  

The  number of children with pet dogs


Time  spent doing    23  by  children without pets

314 minutes

One  way to make children keep fit and to be   24    

To  go for a   25    with pets






1. M: Hi, Lily. Would you like to go to the library on Saturday?

W: No, thanks. I think I’ll stay at home. 

Q: Where will the speaker spend her Saturday?

2. M: I usually come to school by bus. What about you, Lucy?

W: I usually come by bike on fine days. If it rains, I come by bus. 

M: So, you came to school by bus today.

W: Right.

Q: What is the weather like today?

3. M: What are you going to do this weekend?

W: We are going shopping, My mother is going to buy a new bag, My father wants to buy a new bike. And I am going to buy some books. 

Q: What is the girl’s father going to buy?

4. M: Is this key on the table yours, Lucy? 

W: No, it is not. It is mom’s. Mine is on the sofa.

Q: Whose key is on the sofa?

5. W: Do you want to try this shirt, Sir? It looks bigger and nicer.

M: No, it is still small for me. I am tired of trying on clothes. Thank you..

Q: Where does the conversation take place?


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。



W: You weren’t at home yesterday morning, were you, Li Ming?

M: No, I went to the market. And I had a little accident on the way.

W: I am sorry to hear that. What happened?

M: I fell off my bike.

W: Did you hurt yourself?

M: Luckily, I wasn’t badly hurt.

W: Did you go to the hospital?

M: Yes.

W: What did the doctor say?

M: He gave me some medicine and asked me to be careful next time.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

W: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to James Hospital from here? I want to see a friend there.

M: Well, there are two ways to get there. If you want to go right now you can walk straight down this street until you’re past a big shopping mall,  and then turn right. The hospital will be straight ahead. It’ll take you about twenty minutes to get there.

W: What’s the other way?

M: If you don’t mind waiting for a while, you can take the bus. It only takes about five minutes to get there.

W: Do I have to wait a long time?

M: Err. . . There is a bus every fifteen minutes.

W: Well, I don’t mind waiting for the bus. I’m too tired to walk. Thank you very much. 

M: You’re welcome.

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

M: Shall we go to the cinema this evening? It’s supposed to be really good.

W: What kind of movie is on? 

M: It’s a thriller. Julia Roberts plays the leading role.

W: Really? I think Julia Roberts. So it might be interesting. 

M: Yeah. The movie starts at eight o’clock, so we have enough time to eat and get ready.

W: Good. Dinner is nearly ready and I’d like to watch the news before we leave. The Oscars were on last night and I want to see the results.

M: OK. I won’t influence you by telling you who won. There were a few surprises. 

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

 My free time is very important to me. On weekdays I am quite busy and I do not relax much. I have to go to school and do my homework. When I have some free time, I usually watch TV, listen to music or read. Sometimes, if my friend Tom is not busy, We meet and play computer games at home or play soccer in the park near his house. On weekends I do many different things with my friends and family. On Saturday morning I usually clean my room and go shopping with my brother. Saturday evening is my favorite time of the week. I enjoy meeting my friends and going to a fast food restaurant. On Sundays I often spend the day with my family. We go for long drives in the country. I really like the countryside. We go on picnics or have lunch at different restaurants.



 Scientists in England found that children who have a pet dog are not easy to get heavy. They chose 2,065 children between nine and ten years old for a test. They were from 78 schools in England, 202 of them had dogs. Results showed that the children with dogs spent about 325 minutes doing exercise every day, 11 more minutes than those children without dogs. One of the scientist said, “ If children are really going for walks with their dogs, this may be one way to encourage them to be active and keep fit ” He was sure that after getting a dog, both the owner and the dog could keep fit.

1~5 ABACC  

6~10 BACBB  

11~15 CBBAC    

16~20 BABCB


22. 202  

23. exercise  

24. active   

25. walk

●● END ●

















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