



Unit 2辅导视频

Unit 2辅导视频二





up  [ʌp]  adv.  向上

get up   起床;站起

dress [dres]  v. 穿衣服   n. 连衣裙

get dressed  穿上衣服

brush  [brʌʃ]   v. 刷  n.刷子

tooth [tuːθ]  n. (pl.  teeth [tiːθ] ) 牙齿

shower [ ʃaʊə]  n. & v.  淋浴  n. 淋浴器(间)

take a shower  洗淋浴

usually [ ju:ʒuəli]  adv. 通常地;一般地

forty [ fɔ:(r)ti]  num. 四十

wow  [waʊ]  interj.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀

never [ nevə(r)]  adv. 从不;绝不

early [ ɜːlɪ]  adv. & adj. 早(的)

fifty  [ fɪftɪ]  num. 五十

job   [dʒɒb],  [dʒɑːb]  n.工作;职业

work [wɜːk]  v. & n.  工作

station [ steɪʃn]  n. 电(视)台;车站

radio station   广播电台

o clock  [ə klɒk],  [ə klɑ:k] adv.(表示整点)……点钟

night [naɪt]  n.  晚上;夜晚

funny  [ fʌnɪ]  adj. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的

exercise [ eksəsaɪz]  v. & n.  锻炼;练习

on weekends     (在)周末

best  [best]  adj. 最好的    adv. 最好地;最

group [gruːp]  n. 组;群

half [hɑːf], [hæf]  n. & pron.  一半;半数

past [pɑːst], [pæst]  prep. 晚于;过(时间)adj. 过去的

quarter [ kwɔː(r)tə(r)]  n.一刻钟;四分之一

homework [ həʊmwɜː(r)k]   n.  家庭作业

do (one’s) homework  做作业

run  [rʌn]  v.  跑;奔

clean [kliːn]  v. 打扫;弄干净  adj. 干净的

walk [wɔːk]  n. & v.  行走;步行

take a walk   散步;走一走

quickly [ kwɪkli]  adv.  很快地

either [ aɪðə(r)], [ iː ðə(r) ]adv. 或者;也(用在否定词组后)

either…or …   要么……要么……;或者……或者……

lot  [lɒt],  [lɑ:t]   pron. 大量;许多

lots of  大量;许多

sometimes  [ sʌmtaɪmz]  adv. 有时

taste  [teɪst]  v. 有……的味道;品尝    n.味道;滋味

life  [laɪf]  n. 生活;生命


1. go to school 去上学

2. get up 起床

3. get dressed 穿衣服

4. brush teeth 刷牙

5. eat breakfast 吃早饭

6. take a shower 洗澡

7. what time 什么时间

8. at six forty 在六点四十

9. an interesting job 一个有趣的工作

10. at the radio station 在广播电视台

11. usually /always/ often/ sometimes/ never 经常/总是/经常 /有时/从不

12. your radio show 你的广播节目

13. from …..to 从….到…..

14. at night 在夜晚

15. a funny time 一个有趣的时间

16. take exercise 锻炼

17. be late for….. 因… 迟到

18. at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十

19. on weekends 在周末

20. on school days 在上学日

21. half past six 六点半

22. a quarter past three 三点过一刻 (3:15)

23. a quarter to ten 十点差一刻 (9:45)

24. do (one’s) homework 做(某人的)家庭作业

25. take a walk 散步

26. go to bed 睡觉

27. eat quickly 吃得快

28. have much time 有许多时间

29. half an hour 半个小时

30. get home 到达家

31. either…..or 或者…….或者......

32. eat a good breakfast 好好吃顿早餐

33. lots of = a lot of 许多

34. be good for….. 对…….有益

35. taste good 尝起来好

36. do her homework 做她的家庭作业

37. have a healthy life 有一个健康的生活方 式

38. have dinner 吃晚饭


1. What time do you go to school?


2. 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?


—I usually take a shower at six forty.


3. 一When do you go to work? 


一At eleven o’clock, so I’m never late for work.


4. —What time do they get dressed?


一They always get dressed at seven twenty.


5. What time does your best friend go to school?


6. —When do students usually eat dinner?


一They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.


7. When I get home. I always do my homework first.


8. In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.



人教版七年级英语(上)Unit 2单元检测



1. Tom has () ________ uncle and ________ aunt.

Aaan       B. a; a        C.an; the              D. an; an

2. ---Is this a photo ________ your family?

---Yesit is.

A. to                       B. of                   C. in                    D.a

3. This is Ms.Smith.My mother is hersister.She’s my ________.

A. uncle                  B. grandmother    C.grandfather      D. aunt

4. ---Are your father and your mother inthe picture?

---________.They are my uncle and my aunt.

A. Yes, they’re            BNo, they aren’t CYes, they are         DNo, those aren’t

5. Kate has two cousins. _______ are Sallyand Frank.  

A. This                      B. That            C.They          D. You

6. ---             is the boy behind you?

--- He’s my brother.

A. What                    B.How much        C. Where               D. Who

7. --- How much are these pens?

---            15 yuan.

A. These are              B.They are            C. This is               D. It is

8. --- What are those?

---           arecakes.

A. That                     B.These              C. Those                D. They

9. --- Hello, Tina.             is my friend, Helen.

--- Nice to meet you, Helen.

A. This                            B.That                  C. He                    D. She

10. This ________ a ball and these ________my keys.

A. is; is                   B.is; are              C.are; is               D.are; are

11. Here _______ two black pens. They areLily’s.

A. be                B. am             C.is                D. are 

12. Jack is my mother’s brother. He is my________.

A. brother               B. aunt                       C.uncle             D.cousin

13. My mother ___________inthe__________photo.

A. is; one             B. are; one       C. are; first       D.is; first

14. __________are my cousins.

A. This              B. She            C. That               D.These

15. ---Have a good dayJane!


AI’m OK        B.No, thanks       C. Thank you       D. Yesplease




The Smith family like sports very much. They have a basketball, asoccer ball, two tennis bats, four pingpong bats, some pingpong balls and sometennis balls. Mr. Smith and his son John play basketball every afternoon. Mrs.Smith and her daughter Sally play pingpong every morning. The family playsoccer or tennis on the weekends. John likes soccer very much, but Sallydoesn’t like it. She likes tennis more.


16. The Smith family have a basketball,asoccer ball and a volleyball.

17. The Smith family play basketball andsoccer every day.

18. The Smith family has four people.

19. Sally and John like soccer.

20. Sally doesn’t like tennis.


My name is Emma. I’m an English girl. I’min Beijing with my parents now. My parents work here. Today is Friday, June 1.It’s my birthday. It’s Children’s Day, too. It’s hot. My father and motherdon’t go to work this afternoon. They go shopping for my birthday party. In theafternoon I go to the Children’s Palace(少年宫) with my cousins and my friends. We sing, dance and play gamestogether(一起). I have abirthday party in the evening. I get many presents from my father, my mother,my cousins and my friends. How happy I am!


21. Emma comes from               .

A. China                   B. America            C. England            D.France

22. --- What is the weather liketoday?   

--- It is               .

A. cold                    B. cool                  C. warm                D.hot

23. What do Emma’s parents do in theafternoon?

A. They go to work.                               B. They go to thepark.

C. They go shopping.                             D. They go swimming.

24. Emma goes to                in the afternoon.

A. the park                                       B.the zoo             

C. the Children s Palace                          D. the Children s Cinema

25. Emma doesn’t                today.

A. sing or play games                      B. do her homework

C. get any presents                          D.dance or play games



A. uncle    B. school  C. these  D. who   E. last  F. aunt

This is my family photo.You can see my family in it.   26    are my grandparents.They have a son and adaughter. My father’s first name is Edie. His    27   name is Brown.My father has a sister. Her nameis Mandy Brown. She is my   28   She is a teacher in a middle  29   Look at the boy!    30    is heIt’s meI love my family!

A. name   B. are   C. friends  D. color    E. sisters   F. photo


HelloMy name isFrank Green.My first name is Frank.My last name is GreenThis is

   31   ofmy family.This is my father. His favorite(最喜欢的   32   is black.And his favorite number isthree. His telephone number is 0987901.This is my motherShe is nice.Her phone number is 8976743.Whois that girl next to(紧挨着) herShe is mysister, Alice. My grandparents    33    in the picturetooAnd they are in China now.What’s the   34    of the dogIt’s Coco. My sister and I are his good    35  .I am not in the picture.

答案:26.__________  27. __________  28. _________ 29. _________  30. _________

     31. __________  32.__________  33. _________  34. _________ 35. _________



HelloMy name isTom. I’m in No.9 Middle School.   36    Thisis my father.   37    He is an English teacher (老师) in my school.   38    She is a teachertoo.   39    Oh, no. She is my cousinMaria.   40     He is in Linyi.


A. And this is my mother, Julia Brown.

B. This is a photo of my family.

C. Is that girl my sister?

D. My brother isn’t in the photo.

E. His name is Frank Brown.

F. We are good friends.

答案:36.________  37. ________  38. ________ 39. ________  40. ________



41. Jane, are _________(that) your sisters?

42. Who ________(be) the girls?

43. Linda has three __________(orange)

44. Look at the photo.These are my ________(parent)

45. I have two good friends._________(He)are Bob and Dale.

46. Those are orange ___________(bus).

47. Is Jane         (she)friend?

48. Here are five_____________(family)



This is Mr. Black’s family photo. The manwith glasses (眼镜   49   (be)Mr. Black, the father. The woman    50     (be)the mother. They have a son and adaughter. The boy                  behind(在……后)Mr. Black     51     (be). His name     52    Jack. He   53    (be)fourteen years old. Kate is Jack’s sister. She is 12. Jack and Kate   54     (be)in the same school, but they    55    (be)indifferent grades. Jack is in Grade Three and Kate is in Grade One. They aregood students.



Hi, I’m Gina. Those are my friends. Their (他们的) names are Jack, Grace andFrank. Jack and Grace are brother and sister. There are four people in theirfamily, and their father and mother are teachers. They also have a dog. Thedog’s name is Bob. Frank is a good boy. He is in a big family — hisgrandparents, parents, aunt, uncle, cousin and him. His aunt’s name is Linda.His uncle’s name is Tom. And the name of his cousin is Alan. 

56. What is Grace’s father?


57. What’s the dog’s name?


58. How many people are there in Frank’sfamily?


59. Who is Frank’s uncle?


60. What’s the name of Frank’s cousin?







一、1-5 DBDBC  6-10 DBDAB 11-15 DCDDC

二、16-20BBABB  21-25 CDCCB  26-30 CEFBD 31-35 FDBAC  36-40 BEACD

三、 41.those  42. are  43. oranges 44. parents  45. They  46. buses 47. her  48. families

四、 49. is  50. is 51. is  52. is  53. is 54. are  55. are

五、 56. He is ateacher.

    57. Bob.

    58. Eight.

    59. Tom.

    60. Alan.


Good morning, everyone. I’m Zhang Li. This is a photo of my family.There are six people in it. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father,mother, brother and me. My grandparents are in the middle. The old man in blueis my grandfather and the old woman in yellow is my grandmother. Who is the manin green? That’s my father. Is the woman in orange my mother? Yes, she is. I’mthe girl in the photo. And the boy is my brother.、

