
研质共设 | 日时夜影餐厅

研质共设 2022-10-29


  日食夜饮,致敬平凡   收藏一瞬间,细节致久远

  Day Meal And Night Drink


清明昏惑,日食夜饮。这既是一座白天的房子,也是一座夜晚的房子。200多平方米的空间里,装着时间的梦。一个个细碎而闪光的瞬间,是 永恒世界的组成部分,也是不可重复的平凡锚点。

Clear and confused, eclipse night drink. It is both a day house and a night house. In the space of more than 200 square meters, there is a dream of time. Small and shining moments are part of the eternal world and unrepeatable anchors.

白日里,食物的美好占据了很多想象空间。前成都尼依格罗行政总厨 ELEMEN CHANG(曾任职米其林三星餐厅)与法国蓝带荣誉毕业西点师 JOJO,通过精致轻法餐与早午餐,以慰温暖三餐。

During the day, the beauty of food occupies much of the imagination. ELEMEN CHANG, former executive chef of Niygro Chengdu (with three Michelin stars), and JOJO, an honorary graduate of Le Cordon Bleu pastry chef, keep meals warm with a light French meal and brunch.

夜晚时,微醺的畅意抒怀别有意趣。FLASK集团酒吧经理 Allen Xsu 与路易威登等世界品牌御用调酒师,随灯影初上呈上经典主义鸡尾酒。比例完美,兴味合意。让每次“夜饮”都难以忘记。

At night, the free expression of a little drunk do not have interest. Allen Xsu, the manager of FLASK Group, and bartenders from Louis Vuitton and other world brands serve classic cocktails along with the light. The proportions are perfect. The taste is perfect. Make every "night drink" memorable.




Morning dew is gone, evening infinite; Bright light billow, rain color also strange. All around quiet, scattered scattered. The rhythm of life and the charm of affection are contained in the light and shadow of day and night and the vegetables and rice and wine.

Drunk before the mountain city row upon row of commercial buildings and flowing streets gradually precipitated into the dark

At dusk, the love and hate of the children of the misty city's rivers and lakes and thick wistfulness are also ground into hazy dream.

With this collection, insipid light.


All things are natural, The seasons are soft.


徜徉于重庆金科中心的商业街间,“ONE DAY日时夜影”是蓦然回首的神之所往。餐厅设计简约轻盈,予心灵以恬淡留白。


Wandering in the commercial street of Chongqing Jinke Center, "ONE DAY, DAY, night and Shadow" is the destination of God when I suddenly look back. The restaurant design is simple and light, to the soul with quiet.

The designer removed the glass curtain wall facing the street, which was too straightforward, and expanded a veranda-like semi-open space. Grey cement walls, dark metal eaves and semi-permeable glass are used as rhetoric to ventilate and borrow the rain from the high folding window.


Thus, the warmth of the interior and the nature of the terrace are integrated, and the freshness of the plants and the aroma of the food are combined.Between vegetation marble and metal flashing light, solid wood, in lamplight dizzy catch up with the cane makes up furniture natural texture.


Mist flows haze, rainbow clouds, the air flows, the heart is free. Point a cup of coffee, steal a moment of leisure, lazy in the four seasons of different scenery, feel the touch of the wind from coarse to fine, see the color of light from strong to light.


Etching lithography, time flow


开阔而通透的餐厅布局,不仅通过三个梯度的视觉开阔性划分了用餐区,也进一步设定了光影奏鸣 曲的各个乐章。

The open and transparent layout of the restaurant not only divides the dining area through three gradients of visual openness, but also further sets the light and shadow play each movement of the song.


The different light of the day, filtered through the wide hole, the glass facade and the long narrow window, scatters in low, gentle texture and rich layers, touching the rustic and natural table, chair and plate inch by inch.


The space is whispering the floating of light and shadow day and night, and concretely capturing the gentle flow of time. In addition to the extremely restrained design language, there is a subtle atmosphere that can only be observed in the mood of vacation.


The smoky flavor of sunburn and the lingering sweetness of the moon and stars are highlighted in the simple and delicate design -- relaxed and pleasant to the taste. The merry-go-round outside the window is an infinite cycle of dreams.



Nothing ordinary. Shriveled is just the appearance of living, but life should have imagination.

On the day time or night shadow, space and reality interlace, people in the half dream.

项目名称 | 日时夜影餐厅

设计时间 | 2022年

业主团队 | 胡剑锋 殷俊

摄影        | 404NF STUDIO


