
《走遍美国》Family Album U.S.A 第12集

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。
2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。
3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。
4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。
5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。

ACT 3-1 “我早料到了!



Marilyn: Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. That's six steaks.

Richard:  Don't forget Susan.

Marilyn: Seven steaks. Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. The shopping: the salad: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and onions. The main course: steak and potatoes. Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people?

Richard:  Marilyn, I have to tell you something. At today's exercise class…

Marilyn: Yes, Richard.

Richard:  Well, I didn't really exercise.

Marilyn: I knew it!

Richard:  I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer. I'm sorry, Marilyn.

Marilyn: I don't understand. Did you exercise or not?

Richard:  No. Instead of exercising, I photographed the class.

Marilyn: And you didn't exercise?

Richard: No.

Marilyn: There's another advanced class today at four o'clock. We'll go together.

Richard: What about the bet?

Marilyn: Oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries. Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.

Richard: You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.

Marilyn: Including Susan. Four o'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me.


1. How much broccoli do I need for seven people?7个人吃饭得买多少花椰菜?how much后面跟不可数名词,如broccoli, lettuce。how many后面则跟可数名词,如tomatoes, onions。
2. Marilyn, I have to tell you something.玛丽琳,有件事我得告诉你。在向人承认自己隐瞒的事时可以用这句话来开头。谈一件不幸或不愉快的事时也可以用它来开头。
3. I knew it!我早料到了!Richard终于说出实话,Marilyn便埋怨丈夫一句。I knew it之所以用过去时,是因为意思是“我早知道”,“我本来(当时)就知道了”。
4. Instead of exercising, I photographed the class. 我没参加锻练,而是给他们班拍照来着。instead of…表示“而不是……”,“没有……,而是”。后面跟名词、代词宾格或动名词。of后面的是没有做的事,主句里的动词是做了的事。

5. Oh, the bet is still on. 嗨,这个赌还得接着打呀。此处on是副词,表示某件事或者某种状况仍在延续。又如:Don't worry about grammar, so long as the communication is still on. (只要交际活动能够有效进行,就不必为语法伤脑筋。)The battle is still on. (战斗还在进行。) 

ACT 3-2 “这是你生平第一回上健身操课吗?



Jack: Don't forget to breathe.

Instructor: Skip, hop, front. Twist…again…OK, now…scissors.

Richard: This is fun. It's a piece of cake.

Marilyn: Yeah. Just wait.

Instructor: 5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, pony, pony… 1, 2, 3, kick…1, 2, 3, kick…pony. And twist, twist.

Jack: OK. Let's pick up the pace.

Marilyn: How are you doing, Richard?

Richard:  I can barely move.

Instructor: 2, 3, 4, front. Now we're going to run it off. Front… knees up, knees up.

Jack:  OK. Finish off by jogging in place. OK. Keep those knees up. All right. That's it for today. Thank you, everyone. See you next week.

Richard:  Thank you, Jack, but no thank you.

Marilyn: The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh?

Richard:  No, no, you were right. I was wrong.

Marilyn: Come on, Richard. Get up. Let's go. You have to cook dinner for the entire family.

Richard:  Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move.

Marilyn: Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake.

Jack:  Excuse me, Richard, Marilyn.

Richard: You are a terrific instructor, Jack.

Jack:  Thanks. But I have a question. Is this your very first advanced aerobics class?

Richard:  Yes. It is.

Jack:  You are in great shape, Richard. Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time.

Marilyn: It's true. You are in great shape.

Richard: Thanks!

Marilyn: I think we'll cook dinner together.


1. Don't forget to breathe.别忘记(调整)呼吸。本情景中出现了许多用于表述健身操的动作的短语,让我们来一起看一下:exercising to music: 随着音乐做操,在音乐的伴奏下跳健身操。skip, hop, front: 跳,蹦,向前。twist: 扭腰。scissors: 剪刀步。go right: 向右。back: 后退。pony: 原义是“小马驹”,此处指“像小马一样跳跃,垫步”。kick: 踢腿。pick up the pace: 加快速度。pick up在这里的意思是“加速”。Now we're going to run it off.: 好,我们加快跑动。knees up: 膝盖抬高。jogging in place: 原地慢跑。
2. That's it for today. 今天就到这儿。
3. No, no, you were right.是,是,你说的对。这里的No, no指not so easy, 而不是用来否定Marilyn说的话。汉英之间这种表达习惯上的差异,请多加留心。
4. Is this your very first advanced aerobics class?这是你生平第一回上健身操课吗?very: 与最高级形容词或first,last等连用时也表示强调,意思是“就是…,确实是…”,或“绝对的,最最……的”。

5. You are in great shape.in great shape 身体状况很好。这是一种非正式场合的用语。 

来源:Family Album U.S.A


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Family Album U.S.A 第05集
Family Album U.S.A 第06集
Family Album U.S.A 第07集

Family Album U.S.A 第08集
Family Album U.S.A 第09集
Family Album U.S.A 第10集
Family Album U.S.A 第11集

