

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!
第一句“天地玄黄”至第三十六句“赖及万方”为第一部分。先从天地开辟讲起。有了天地,就有了日月、星辰、云雨、霜雾和四时寒暑的变化,也就有了孕生于大地的金玉、铁器 (剑)、珍宝、果品、菜蔬,以及江河湖海、飞鸟游鱼,天地之间也就出现了人和时代的变迁。
接着叙述京城之中汇集的丰富典籍和大批英才,“既集坟典,亦聚群英”,重在表现上层社会的豪华生活和他们的文治武功。最后描述了国家疆域的广阔和风景的秀美, “九州禹迹,百郡秦并……旷远绵邈,岩岫杳冥”。 
The Thousand-Character Writing 

The sky was black and the earth was yellow,The universe was vast and a dark whole.The sun rises and sets and the moon is regularly round,Stars spread high above without a toll.

天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒:玄,天之色也(黑色);黄,地之色也;洪,大也;荒,远也;宇宙广大无边。

日月盈昃 辰宿列张:太阳有正有斜,月亮有缺有圆;星辰布满在无边的太空中。

 Cold and heat come and go,Fall harvest and storing for winter people know.Intercalary days and months are fixed to make a year,


寒来暑往 秋收冬藏:寒暑循环变换,来了又去,去了又来;秋季里忙着收割,冬天里忙着储藏。

闰余成岁 律吕调阳:积累数年的闰余并成一个月,放在闰年里;古人用六律六吕来调节阴阳。

When clouds rise and meet cold, there will soon be a rain,When dew drops congeal, they become frost in the main.Gold is found in the Li River,Jade is found in the Kunlun Mountains.
云腾致雨 露结为霜: 云气升到天空,遇冷就形成雨;露水碰上寒夜,很快凝结为霜。金生丽水 玉出昆冈: 金子生于金沙江底,玉石出自昆仑山岗。 The best-known sword is called Juque,The most famous peal is known as Yueguang.Plum and a certain kind of apple are among best fruits,

Important vegetables include mustard and ginger.

剑号巨阙 珠称夜光: 最有名的宝剑叫“巨阙”,最贵重的明珠叫“夜光”。

果珍李柰 菜重芥姜: 果子中最珍贵的是李和柰,蔬菜中最看重的是芥和姜。

Sea water is salty while river water is fresh,Fishes swim in water while birds fly in the air.Longshi, Huodi, Niaoguan and Renhuang, as legend goes,Were celebrities of China's remote ages.

海咸河淡 鳞潜羽翔: 海水咸,河水淡;鱼儿在水中潜游,鸟儿在空中飞翔。

龙师火帝 鸟官人皇: 龙师、火帝、鸟官、人皇,这都是上古时代的帝皇官员。

 Cang Jie created Chinese characters,And some other people began to make clothes.Good emperors Yao and Shun

Abdicated willingly.

始制文字 乃服衣裳: 有了仓颉,开始创造了文字,有了嫘祖,人们才穿起了遮身盖体的衣裳。

推位让国 有虞陶唐: 唐尧、虞舜英明无私,主动把君位禅让给功臣贤人。

The Zhou Dynasty's Wu and the Shang Dynasty' s TangWere the emperors who loved common people and punished criminals severely.A wise emperor often consulted his good officials to administer his empire,And the empire was governed in peace. 

吊民伐罪 周发殷汤: 安抚百姓,讨伐暴君,有周武王姬发和商君成汤。

坐朝问道 垂拱平章: 贤君身坐朝廷,探讨治国之道,垂衣拱手,和大臣共商国事。

 He loved his subjects and tended the multitude,The minority nationalities like Rong and Qiang could be ruled with ease.Places far and near come to be under one ruler,

All the people voluntarily submitted to the authority of the emperor. 

爱育黎首 臣伏戎羌: 他们爱抚、体恤老百姓,四方各族人都归附向往。

遐迩一体 率宾归王: 远远近近都统一在一起,全都心甘情屈服贤君。

Phoenixes are singing merrily among bamboos,White colts are gazing on grassland.The grace of a virtuous monarch will nourish the grass and trees,And benefit the whole empire on many hands.

鸣凤在竹 白驹食场: 凤凰在竹林中欢鸣,白马在草场上觅食,国泰民安,处处吉祥。

化被草木 赖及万方: 贤君的教化覆盖大自然的一草一木,恩泽遍及天下百姓。


Human bodies are from the four main substances,
Man's minds should cherish the five virtues or principles.
Every person should remember the parents' benevolence of rearing them,
And never harm or hurt their own bodies.

盖此身发 四大五常:人的身体发肤分属于“四大”,一言一动都要符合“五常”。

恭惟鞠养 岂敢毁伤:恭蒙父母亲生养爱护,不可有一丝一毫的毁坏损伤。

Women who are pure and virtuous are to be admired and respected,
Men should learn from the people who are both talented and morally good.
You should correct your mistakes as soon as you know it,
And do not forget what you have learned.

女慕贞洁 男效才良:女子要思慕那些为人称道的贞妇洁女,男子要效法有德有才的贤人。

知过必改 得能莫忘:知道自己有过错,一定要改正;适合自己干的事,不要放弃。

When you talk,
Neither other people's shortcomings nor your own strong points should be mentioned.
A person's honesty must withstand the test of time,
And it is better for one to be tolerant and generous towards others.

罔谈彼短 靡恃己长:不要去谈论别人的短处,也不要依仗自己有长处就不思进取。

信使可复 器欲难量:诚实的话要能经受时间的考验;器度要大,让人难以估量。

Mozi lamented that the white silk had been dyed,
The Book of Poetry commends pure lambs.
If you keep following the examples of good people and good deeds, and restrain yourself properly,
You can surely become virtuous and saintly.

墨悲丝染 诗赞羔羊:墨子为白丝染色不褪而悲泣,「诗经」中因此有「羔羊」篇传扬。
景行维贤 克念作圣:高尚的德行只能在贤人那里看到;要克制私欲,努力仿效圣人。

Good name can only be made on the basis of your virtues,
And similarly, if you stand upright, you can have an upright appearance.
In an empty vale, a sound can reach far,
In an empty hall, a sound can easily have echoes.

德建名立 形端表正:养成了好的道德,就会有好的名声;就像形体端庄,仪表也随之肃穆一样。

空谷传声 虚堂习听:空旷的山谷中呼喊声传得很远,宽敞的厅堂里说话声非常清晰。

Misfortunes and disasters result from the accumulation of evil deeds,
Happiness and blessings are the result of good deeds and virtues.
A piece of jade, big as it is, is by no means as precious as
Time, no matter how short the time is.

祸因恶积 福缘善庆:祸害是因为多次作恶积累而成,幸福是由于常年行善得到的奖赏。

尺璧非宝 寸阴是竞:一尺长的璧玉算不上宝贵,一寸短的光阴却值得去争取。

When treating your parents and serving your monarch,
You should be separately filial and loyal, solemnly and respectfully.
To be filial, you ought to spare no effort,
To be loyal, you should sacrifice your life willingly.

资父事君 曰严与敬:供养父亲,待奉国君,要做到认真、谨慎、恭敬。

孝当竭力 忠则尽命:对父母孝,要尽心竭力;对国君忠,要不惜献出生命。

Serving your monarch is like walking along an abyss and on thin ice you must act carefully,
Treating your parents, from morning till night, during hot days and cold days, you should do your best to make them live comfortably.
In so doing, your moral integrity can be compared to an orchid – elegant and fragrant, And to a pine grow thrivingly.

临深履薄 夙兴温凊:要“如临深渊,如履薄冰”那样小心谨慎;要早起晚睡,让父母冬暖夏凉。

似兰斯馨 如松之盛:能这样去做,德行就同兰花一样馨香,同青松一样茂盛。

Your morality and conduct are live rivers – flow without a stop,
And are also like clear deep water which is mirroring.
Your appearance and manner should be composed like brooding,
When talking, you should be calm with no hasting.

川流不息 渊澄取映:还能延及子孙,像大河川流不息;影响世人,像碧潭清澄照人。
容止若思 言辞安定:仪态举止要庄重,看上去若有所思;言语措辞要稳重,显得从容沉静。

It is good to be a good person at an early age,
It is better, even perfect to be good all the time.
This is the foundation of one's achievements and fame,
With this foundation, one's success will be greater and sublime.

笃初诚美 慎终宜令:无论修身、求学、重视开头固然不错,认真去做,有好的结果更为重要。

荣业所基 籍甚无竟:有德能孝是事业显耀的基础,这样的人声誉盛大,传扬不已。

Study well to be promoted to an official position,
With the position, one can participate in political administration.
A Zhou Dynasty official, under a tree, fulfilled well his political obligation,
The people after his death kept the tree and praised him with even greater admiration.

学优登仕 摄职从政:学习出色并有余力,就可走上仕道〈做官〉,担任一定的职务,参与国家的政事。

存以甘棠 去而益咏:召公活着时曾在甘棠树下理政,他过世后老百姓对他更加怀念歌咏。

Musical notes and instruments are used according to the rank of the people listening to them,
Different etiquette is used to distinguish classes.
One should be in harmony with one's superiors and inferiors,
The wife follows and supports whatever the husband advocates and does.

乐殊贵贱 礼别尊卑:选择乐曲要根据人的身份贵贱有所不同;采用礼节要按照人的地位高低有所区别。

上和下睦 夫唱妇随:长辈和小辈要和睦相处,夫妇要一唱一随,协调和谐。

Away from home, heed what your master instructs,
At home, follow the rules your parents have fixed and decided.
To your uncles and aunts, you should be as respectful as to your parents,
To your brothers' children, you should be as kind as to your children indeed.

外受傅训 入奉母仪:在外面要听从师长的教诲,在家里要遵守母亲的规范。

诸姑伯叔 犹子比儿:对待姑姑、伯伯、叔叔等长辈,要像是他们的亲生子女一样。

Brothers should be concerned about each other,
For they are of the same blood lineage like branches of a tree.
One should make friends with the people of one's same character,
And friends should advise one another, seeing a friend go wrong, they should not let it be.

孔怀兄弟 同气连枝:兄弟之间要非常相爱,因为同受父母血气,犹如树枝相连。

交友投分 切磨箴规:结交朋友要意相投,学习上切磋琢磨,品行上互相告勉。

People should have in their hearts kindness and sympathy,
They should not ignore the others who are in difficulty.
People's virtues include fidelity, loyalty, modesty, and forgiveness,
Which must be kept even when a person suffers setbacks in adversity.

仁慈隐恻 造次弗离:仁义、慈爱,对人的恻隐之心,在最仓促、危急的情况下也不能抛离。

节义廉退 颠沛匪亏:气节、正义、廉洁、谦让的美德,在最穷困潦倒的时候也不可亏缺。

When people are calm, their emotions are peaceful;
When people are attracted by material, they are liable to become tired spiritually.
Stick to the truth and their ambition will be content,
Pursuing material gains will shake people's will and worsen the people morally.

性静情逸 心动神疲:品性沉静淡泊,情绪就安逸自在;内心浮躁好动,精神就疲惫困倦。

守真志满 逐物意移:保持纯洁的天性,就会感到满足;追求物欲享受,天性就会转移改变。

If they keep their noble ideas and elegant sentiments,
They will get high position and high pay naturally.

坚持雅操 好爵自縻:坚持高尚铁情操,好的职位自然会为你所有。


Among the cities of ancient China,
There are two capitals: one in the east and the other in the west.

都邑华夏 东西二京:古代的都城华美壮观,有东京洛阳和西京长安。

The eastern capital, facing the Luo River, was in front of Mount Mang;
The western capital was situated in a place where the Wei River and the Jing River passed.
The two capitals' palaces looked winding and sprawling,
They were towering so high and astonishing as if they were flying.

背邙面洛 浮渭据泾:东京洛阳背靠北邙山,南临洛水;西京长安左跨渭河,右依泾水。

宫殿盘郁 楼观飞惊:宫殿盘旋曲折,重重迭迭;楼阁高耸如飞,触目惊心。

Birds and animals were painted on the buildings,
On which, painted also were immortals and many a spiritual being.
On both sides of the main palace were side palaces with side doors,
Among the halls' columns were curtains which were gaily decorated.

图写禽兽 画彩仙灵: 宫殿上绘着各种飞禽走兽,描画出五彩的天仙神灵。

丙舍傍启 甲帐对楹: 正殿两边的配殿从侧面开启,豪华的账幕对着高高的楹柱。

Feast and banquet were well prepared in the palace
Where music was played, which made people happy and delighted.
Getting on the steps and entering the palace, the emperor's subjects were busy celebrating at a feast.
The pearl-filled hats worn by the subjects moved and dazzled like stars.

肆筵设席 鼓瑟吹笙: 宫殿中大摆宴席,乐人吹笙鼓瑟,一片歌舞升平的景象。

升阶纳陛 弁转疑星: 登上台阶进入殿堂的文武百官,帽子团团转,像满天的星星。

The right corridor led to Guangnei Palace. 
The left corridor led to Chengming Palace. 
Classics of many centuries were collected here,
And here was also a place for the gatherings of outstanding persons.

右通广内 左达承明: 右面通向用以藏书的广内殿,左面到达朝臣休息的承明殿。

既集坟典 亦聚群英: 这里收藏了很多的典籍名著,也集着成群的文武英才。

Kept her were the precious Chinese handwritings — Du Du's cursive script and Zhong Yao's official script.
As well as the books written long before and the classics found in the residence of Confucius.
The palace was lined with ministers on both sides;
When the emperor went out, he was protected by the officials alongside him, who were high-ranking.

杜稿钟隶 漆书壁经:书殿中有杜度的草书、钟繇的隶书,还有漆写的古籍和孔壁中的经典。

府罗将相 路侠槐卿:宫廷内将想依次排成两列,宫廷外大夫公卿夹道站立。

The ministers or the officials were given by the emperor eight countries' land
And a thousand soldiers who were ready to fight for their home-protecting.
Accompanied by the officials wearing tall hats,
The emperor rode on his carriage whose wheels rolled on and on with ornamental tassels fluttering. 

户封八县 家给千兵: 他们每户有八县之广的封地,配备成千以上的士兵。

高冠陪辇 驱毂振缨: 他们戴着高高的官帽,陪着皇帝出游,驾着车马,帽带飘舞着,好不威风。

Monarch's ministers and their descendants enjoyed the government salary and so lived a wealthy life,
They rode fine horses or carriages and moved briskly.
The gave counsel to their monarch and made contributions to the empire,
Their merit and credit were engraved on tablets to leave their marks on history.

世禄侈富 车驾肥轻: 他们的子孙世代领受俸禄,奢侈豪富,出门时轻车肥马,春风得意。

策功茂实 勒碑刻铭: 朝廷还详尽确实地记载他们的功德,刻在碑石上流传后世。

Monarch's ministers and their descendants enjoyed the government salary and so lived a wealthy life,
They rode fine horses or carriages and moved briskly.
The gave counsel to their monarch and made contributions to the empire,
Their merit and credit were engraved on tablets to leave their marks on history.

磻溪伊尹 佐时阿衡: 周武王磻溪遇吕尚,尊他为“太公望”;伊尹辅佐时政,商汤王封他为“阿衡”。

奄宅曲阜 微旦孰营: 周成王占领了古奄国曲阜一带地面,要不是周公旦辅政哪里能成?

Qihuanggong, the head of Qi Kingdom corrected other kingdoms and made them unite,
To give aid to the weak and assist those that were in danger.
Qili Ji helped Han Emperor Hui from being ousted,
And Wu Ding, a monarch of the Shang Dynasty, through a dream, found Fu Yue who proved to be a good prime minister.

桓公匡合 济弱扶倾:齐桓公九次会合诸侯,出兵援助势单力薄和面临危亡的诸侯小国。

绮回汉惠 说感武丁:汉惠帝做太子时靠绮里季才幸免废黜,商君武丁感梦而得贤相传说。

It was the efforts made by the persons of exceptional ability
That gave a peaceful life to many people of the empire.
Kingdoms Jin and Chu in turn dominated the other kingdoms during the Spring and Autumn Period,
Kingdoms Zhao and Wei were forced into adversity because of the Lianheng tactics during the Warring States times.

俊乂密勿 多士寔宁: 能人治政勤勉努力,全靠许多这样的贤士,国家才富强安宁。

晋楚更霸 赵魏困横: 晋、楚两国在齐之后称霸,赵、魏两国因连横而受困于秦。

Kingdom Jin took a neighbor kingdom's road to overthrow Kingdom Guo
And the king of Jin called the dukes together at Jiantu and formed the alliance.
Xiao He followed the rules fixed by Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty,
Han Fie got punished and harmed by his own self-made laws.

假途灭虢 践土会盟: 晋献公向虞国借路去消灭虢国;晋文公在践土与诸侯会盟,推为盟主。

何遵约法 韩弊烦刑: 萧何遵循简约刑法的精神制订九律,韩非却受困于自己所主张的严酷刑法。

Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Lian Po and Li Mu were famous senior generals during the Warring States period,
All of them were best versed in the art of military fighting.
Their reputation and prestige spread even in the desert land,
And their heroic deeds and honor would be recorded in history and everlasting.

起翦颇牧 用军最精: 秦将白起、王翦,赵将廉颇、李牧,带兵打仗最为高明。

宣威沙漠 驰誉丹青: 他们的声威远传到沙漠边地,美誉和画像一起流芳后代。

The control of floods by Da Yu was known throughout the nine provinces in the then China,
The Qin emperor unified hundreds of prefectures.
Mountain Tai was known as Number One among the five famous mountains,
Feudal monarchs offered sacrifice to the gods of heaven and earth at Yunyun and Tingting which were two holy hills.

九州禹迹 百郡秦并: 九州处处有留有大禹治水的足迹,全国各郡在秦并六国后归于统一。

岳宗泰岱 禅主云亭: 五岳中人们最尊崇东岳泰山,历代帝王都在云山和亭山主持禅礼。

The Yanmen Pass, the Qin Great Wall,
Jitianyi, a post station, the Mount called Chicheng,
The Kunming Lake, Mount Jieshi in Hebei Province,
Shandong's Juye Lake, and Hunan's Lake Dongting,

雁门紫塞 鸡田赤城: 名关有北疆雁门,要塞有万里长城,驿站有边地鸡田,奇山有天台赤城。

昆池碣石 钜野洞庭: 赏池赴昆明滇池,观海临河北碣石,看泽去山东钜野,望湖上湖南洞庭。

All the above places bore out that China had a vast territory,
High and steep mountains whose deep caves seemed glooming.

旷远绵邈 岩岫杳冥: 江河源远流长,湖海宽广无边。名山奇谷幽深秀丽,气象万千。


Take farming industry as the foundation of the country,
Remember to get well prepared for sowing and harvesting.

治本于农 务兹稼穑:治国的根本在发展农业,要努力做好播种收获这些农活。

During the tilling time, people were out in the fields laboring,
And sowed grain crops such as millet and kaoliang.
Once harvested, a certain amount of new grain must be handed over to the state to pay the tax;
The willing tax-payers got praised and rewarded, and those would be punished who were unwilling.

俶载南亩 我艺黍稷:一年的农活该开始干起来了,我种上小米,又种上高粱。

税熟贡新 劝赏黜陟:收获季节,用刚熟的新谷交纳税粮,官府应按农户的贡献大小给予奖励或处罚。

Mencius advocated a simple life,
Shi Yu was honest and upright in behaving.
People should try their best to maintain balance in their life attitude,
And keep being careful, modest and hardworking.

孟轲敦素 史鱼秉直: 孟轲夫子崇尚纯洁,史官子鱼秉性刚直。

庶几中庸 劳谦谨敕: 做人要尽可能合乎中庸的标准,勤奋、谦逊、谨慎,懂得规劝告诫自己。

When listening to the people, one should try to understand what was really meant by their words;
When being together with the people, one should be good at weighing up their words, watching their facial expressions and guessing their implied meaning.
One ought to learn good ideas and experience from other people,
And encourage oneself to be modest, to make progress and to well establish oneself in society.

聆音察理 鉴貌辨色: 听别人说话,要仔细审察是否合理;看别人面孔,要小心辨析他的脸色。

贻厥嘉猷 勉其祗植: 要给人家留下正确高明的忠告或建议,勉励别人谨慎小心地处世立身。

To be well established in society, one ought to constantly engage in introspection and never ridicule others;
When finding favour in the superior's eyes, one ought to guard against the "extreme joy begets sorrow" calamity.
When one's honour and rank reach their height, disgrace and shame are approaching;
One can avert disasters if one timely retires to one's home or seclusion.

省躬讥诫 宠增抗极: 听到别人的讥讽告诫,要反省自身;备受恩宠不要得意忘形,对抗权尊。

殆辱近耻 林皋幸即: 知道有危险耻辱的事快要发生,还不如归隐山林为好。

Shu Guang and Shu Shou (two wise persons of the Han Dynasty) resigned from their post at an opportune time,
Who else could force them to giver their resignation?
Stay at a lonely place and retire in comfort,
Without gossips one could live in serenity and happiness.

两疏见机 解组谁逼:疏广疏受预见到危患的苗头才告老还乡,哪里有谁逼他们除下官印?

索居闲处 沉默寂寥:离群独居,悠闲度日,整天不用多费唇舌,清静无为岂不是好事。

Seek ancient wisdom and find life's truth,
Be carefree and live in leisureliness.
Joy is increased and worry is decreased,
As sorrow declines, there comes joyousness.

求古寻论 散虑逍遥:想想古人的话,翻翻古人的书,消往日的忧虑,乐得逍遥舒服。

欣奏累遣 戚谢欢招:轻松的事凑到一起,费力的事丢在一边,消除不尽的烦恼,得来无限的快乐。

Lotus blooms in the lake look dazzlingly beautiful,
The grass in the garden sprouts and turns green.
Loquats are still as green as emerald even in winter,
Wutong trees' leaves early in autumn are fallen.

渠荷的历 园莽抽条:池里的荷花开得光润鲜艳,园中的草木抽出条条嫩枝。

枇杷晚翠 梧桐蚤凋:枇杷到了岁晚还是苍翠欲滴,梧桐刚刚交秋就早早地凋谢了。

Old roots die naturally,
Old leaves fall and fly.
A solitary roc is flying
High as if it reached the sky.

陈根委翳 落叶飘摇:陈根老树枯倒伏,落叶在秋风里四处飘荡。

游鵾独运 凌摩绛霄:寒秋之中,鲲鹏独自高飞,直冲布满彩霞的云霄。

To be deep in studies is like being in a marketplace,
All one sees are things about books.
After you have a new carriage, you should be aware of the new danger;
When you talk, you shouldn't forget "Walls have ears".

耽读玩市 寓目囊箱:汉代王充在街市上沉迷留恋于读书,眼睛注视的都是书袋和书箱。

易輶攸畏 属耳垣墙:说话最怕旁若无人,毫无禁忌;要留心隔着墙壁有人在贴耳偷听。

When people usually eat,
They can be satisfied if the food suits their taste.
When they have just eaten enough, even the best food like meat and fish can not attract them;
When they are hungry, even the bad food like chaff and husks can satisfy their appetite.

具膳餐饭 适口充肠:安排一日三餐的膳食,要适合各位的口味,能让大家吃饱。

饱饫烹宰 饥厌糟糠:饱的时候自然满足于大鱼大肉,饿的时候应当满足于粗菜淡饭。

When relatives and old friends visit your home,
You should treat them differently: better food is given to older relatives and older friends.
Married women's main daily work at home is spinning and weaving,
And their duty in their bedrooms is to attend their husbands.

亲戚故旧 老少异粮:亲属、朋友会面要盛情款待,老人、小孩的食物应和自己不同。

妾御绩纺 侍巾帷房:小妾婢女要管理好家务,尽心恭敬地服待好主人。

Silk fans were pure, elegant and white,
Candles were silver and burning dazzlingly bright.
Took a rest during the day on blue bamboo mats
And slept on ivory beds at night.

纨扇圆絜 银烛炜煌:绢制的团扇像满月一样又白又圆,银色的烛台上烛火辉煌。

昼眠夕寐 蓝笋象床:白日小憩,晚上就寝,有青篾编成的竹席和象牙雕屏的床榻。

Banquets were given and livened up by bands singing in honour of visitors and friends,
Who, with their hosts, raised high their cups to toast each other and drank contently.
They sang cheerfully and danced for joy,
They were so happy that they enjoyed good health naturally.

弦歌酒宴 接杯举觞:奏着乐,唱着歌,摆酒开宴;接过酒杯,开怀畅饮。

矫手顿足 悦豫且康:情不自禁地手舞足蹈,真是又快乐又安康。

People, from generation to generation,
Never forget to offer sacrifices timely to gods and their ancestors in every season.
When the sacrifices were offered, they kowtowed to express their courtesy solemnly;
They were full of awe and veneration and were in fear and trepidation.

嫡后嗣续 祭祀烝尝:子孙继承了祖先的基业,一年四季的祭祀大礼不能疏忘。

稽颡再拜 悚惧恐惶:跪着磕头,拜了又拜;礼仪要周全恭敬,心情要悲痛虔诚。

Letters and documents should be concise,
Answers to others' questions should be in detail.
People want to take a bath if they have got dirty,
A hot thing in hand is hoped to become cool.

笺牒简要 顾答审详:给别人写信要简明扼要,回答别人问题要详细周全。

骸垢想浴 执热愿凉:身上有了污垢,就想洗澡,好比手上拿着烫的东西就希望有风把它吹凉。 

When donkeys, mules, calves and bulls get startled,
They all possibly run wildly.
Governments are in charge of arresting rebels and escaped criminals,
And killing the bandits usually.

驴骡犊特 骇跃超骧:家里有了灾祸,连牲畜都会受惊,狂蹦乱跳,东奔西跑。

诛斩贼盗 捕获叛亡:对抢劫、偷窃、反叛、逃亡的人要严厉惩罚,该抓的抓,该杀的杀。

Lü Bu was adept in shooting arrows and Yi Liao at playing with pellets,
Jikang was good at plucking a certain musical instrument and Ruan Ji at whistling.
Meng Tian was the first man to make writing brush and Cai Lun the first man to make people,
Ma Jun, a skilful craftsman, created a waterwheel and an ancient gentleman surnamed Ren was good at fishing.

布射僚丸 嵇琴阮啸:吕布擅长射箭,宜僚有弄丸的绝活,嵇康善于弹琴,阮籍能撮口长啸。

恬笔伦纸 钧巧任钓:蒙恬造出毛笔,蔡伦发明造纸,马钧巧制水车,任公子垂钓大鱼。

It is beneficial to society to settle disputes,
Which is a good deed, but the way to settle disputes should be skilful.
Both Mao Qiang and Xi Shi were outstanding beauties in ancient China;
Frowning or similing, they still looked charming and beautiful.

释纷利俗 竝皆佳妙:他们的技艺有的解人纠纷,有的方便群众,都高明巧妙,为人称道。

毛施淑姿 工颦妍笑:毛嫱、西施年轻美貌,哪怕皱着眉头,也像美美的笑。

Time flies like an arrow and hastens people to their old age,
The sun shines overhead.
The Plough moves high in the sky,
The moon, whether full or not, illuminates the whole world.

年矢每催 曦晖朗曜:可惜青春易逝,岁月匆匆催人渐老,只有太阳的光辉永远朗照。

璇玑悬斡 晦魄环照:高悬的北斗随着四季变换转动,明晦的月光洒遍人间每个角落。

People should be useful and accumulate merit by good deeds
So that a peaceful and happy life can be permanently lived.
When walking, people should be steady and easy in their manners;
Whether bending bodies or raising heads, people should behave themselves as seriously as in temples.

指薪修祜 永绥吉劭:行善积德才能像薪尽火传那样精神长存,子孙安康全靠你留下吉祥的忠告。

矩步引领 俯仰廊庙:如此心地坦然,方可以昂头迈步,应付朝廷委以的重任。

The dress people wear should look neat and dignified,
When taking walks or climbing high, people should pay attention to their appearances.
Since I am limited in knowledge and ill-informed,
I might be like a benighted person to impress others ridiculously.

束带矜庄 徘徊瞻眺:如此无愧人生,尽可以整束衣冠,庄重从容地高瞻远望。

孤陋寡闻 愚蒙等诮:这些道理孤陋寡闻就不会明白,只能和愚味无知的人一样空活一世,让人耻笑。

Some quite frequently-used auxiliary words in Chinese
Are the four characters whose pronunciations are "yān" ,"zāi","hū” and "yě“separately.

谓语助者 焉哉乎也:编完「千字文」乌发皆白,最后剩下 “焉、哉、乎、也”这几个语气助词。





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《孙子兵法》 The Art of War

《大学》 The Great Learning



