
中国范儿167 三星堆:文物为啥奇奇怪怪、可可爱爱?

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Gold mask, bronze figure, bronze statue, Jade Cong, ivory carving…Such treasures buried in the sacrificial pit have mesmerized people for long. In 2021, the mysterious Sanxingdui will throw surprises again.

The mysterious three mounds of Sanxingdui
The unearthed cultural relics are full of possibilities and the name "Sanxingdui" itself is full of mystery. Sanxingdui site, located in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, is an ancient cultural site of Shu state, which dates back to 5,000 to 3,000 years. The three mounds are arranged in a straight line, like three stars in the night sky, thus the name Sanxingdui(Three-Star Piles). Archaeologists speculate that Sanxingdui could have been a walled city. Since it was destroyed by human activities, two wide gaps and three isolated mounds are visible.

Is Sanxingdui an alien civilization?
The bronze mask with vertical eyes unearthed in 1986 has prominent eyes and two pointed ears. This has led to speculation among public that it could belong to aliens. Experts do not agree! According to Huayang Chronicles, "the Marquis of Shu, Cancong, whose eyes are prominent, became king." Cancong, the king of Shu, has "prominent eyes", but what do "prominent eyes" look like? Scholars of all ages couldn't understand it until the bronze mask of Sanxingdui was unearthed. Experts speculate that this is a "myth" associated with the ancient Shu people about the characteristics of their ancestors. Since ancient times, Northwest Sichuan was severely iodine deficient and hyperthyroidism was common. The disease was characterized by prominent eyes.

Enjoy hot pot in Sanxingdui?
It’s common knowledge that Sichuan people love hot pot very much. Was it popular in ancient Shu period? Archaeologists believe so. A pottery tripod cooker unearthed in Sanxingdui is divided into two layers, the inside and the outside. It has its own tripod. The outer layer can hold water and things, and the foot can sit atop a fire. It is one of the origins of hot pot utensils.

The mysteries surrounding Sanxingdui extend further. Strange and lovable cultural relics bring endless reverie to people.
Thousands of years ago, did the pig from "angry bird" exist?
What does the missing part of the golden mask look like?
What is the relationship between the golden scepter of Sanxingdui and the scepter of Egyptian pharaoh?
How could ancient Shu have so much ivory?

Is the hand of "Standing Bronze Giant" a selfie stick?

The exploration of Sanxingdui has been ongoing. The excavation, detection and analysis of cultural relics will bring light to some of the mysteries surrounding the site.



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