
中国范儿159 “奋斗者”号:万米深海烙上“中国印”

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



Submersible Striver: Chinese Footprints on the Deep Seabed

At 8:12 on November 10, 2020, China’s new deep-sea manned submersible Striver, or Fendouzhe in Chinese, successfully landed on the bottom of the Mariana Trench, setting a new record of 10,909-meter manned deep diving. In the 1960s, China put forward the dream of "exploring the moon in the space and discovering the mysteries of the deep oceans". But until the 1990s, China's diving depth remained at 600 meters, while MIRs (Russia's submersibles) had reached 6,000 meters.

In 2005, inspired by the MIRs and the film ‘Titanic’, Chinese researchers designed the Jiaolong manned submersible after several rounds of discussions. From Jiaolong to Deep Sea Warrior (China's second deep sea manned submersible), China has come a long way to develop the first deep-sea manned submersible with independent intellectual property rights—Fendouzhe. At present, it is the first of its kind equipment with the largest number of personnel, the longest operation time and the strongest operation ability in this type of manned submersible in the world.
"Ten thousand meters under the sea, fabulous!" said pilot Zhang Wei after the successful operation. During the deep-sea scientific expedition, Striver brought back precious video data and mineral, sediment and biological samples which provided first-hand information for further scientific research on the abyss.

What’s unique is that Striver is also a testament to China’s self-reliance and the strength in a number of core technology and key material fields.

The inner diameter of Striver manned module is the largest of its kind in the world and can accommodate three aquanauts at the same time. A new type of high strength and high toughness titanium alloy independently developed by China ensures that the manned module has less welding seams and higher level of safety. The alloy provides an armor material capable of resisting high pressure in the deep sea.
Striver will work for about 10 hours at a stretch. The research and development personnel have broken through the key technical barriers such as deep-sea lithium battery materials and greatly improved the underwater operation time of the submersible.

The acoustic system of Striver is a product of the independent intelligent manufacturing in China and ensures real-time transmission of data, text, voice and images from the 10,000 meter seabed to the mother ship on the sea surface.
After 20 years of hard work, Striver is practicing the spirit of "being rigorous and realistic, uniting and cooperating, striving and dedicating, and overcoming obstacles bravely” while riding waves in the 10,000 meter deep sea.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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