
中国范儿119 “南水北调”工程:南来之水润北国

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


South-to-North Water Diversion Project: Water from South to Irrigate North


Wukesong subway station in Beijing is a major traffic hub on the city’s main street. Every two minutes, the subway carrying hundreds of passengers roars by. But not many know that just 3.67 meters below the platform lies a project that is an architectural marvel. Crossing Chang'an Street, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project brings waters of Yangtze River thousands miles away to Tuancheng Lake so millions in the north can also drink clean water that the south enjoys. In pure numbers, 7.5 out of every 10 glasses that are drank in Beijing contain this water from the south. 

China’s water resources are unevenly distributed between the north and the south. While the North China Plain has insufficient water resources with a per capita share less than one tenth of the world average the unavailability of this precious commodity made it difficult to support social economic development. The idea of "borrowing" water from the south was first floated in the 1950s. Half a century of discussions later, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project saw the light of day. At the beginning of the 21st century, water from the Yangtze River was transported to the north by the east, middle and west channels. Since December 2014, water has been continuously supplied, with a total of nearly 30 billion cubic meters of water transferred. The project has become an important water source for more than 40 large and medium-sized cities along the line, with a direct beneficiary population of over 120 million.


To facilitate flow of water, builders overcame one challenge after another. The Danjiangkou Reservoir in the middle line was built after developing new dams on the old dam and increasing the reservoir area to 1,022 square kilometers. Dozens of huge “aqueducts” were built along the line to make the water flow to the north. In addition, the “Yellow River Crossing Project” in the middle line entailed a tunnel running more than 30 meters below the river bed, cleverly diverting water through the Yellow River, while the east line built the largest pumping group in the world, which allowed water from the south to rise by more than 40 meters and then rush northward.

A key component of water transfer is water quality. In the past five years, the industrial structure of cities along the line has been adjusted, efforts have been made to prevent pollution and the water quality has remained stable above class II of surface water environmental quality standard. Residents in these areas vouch for the water tasting less alkaline and slightly sweet.

At the same time, efforts have been made to revive natural sources of water. Parched land now retains moisture, lakes and wetlands that were shrinking due to water shortage have been rejuvenated, fish and birds have reappeared and the groundwater level in Beijing and Tianjin continues to rise.


In the past five years, southern water has become the main source of domestic water in many important cities. At the same time, it provides reliable water resources support for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin Hebei and the construction of Xiong’an New Area. In the future, the existing river channels will be used to transport water, expand water supply to more cities and benefit more people along the line.

“The South-to-North Water Diversion Project has made great contributions to the present age and hold promise of many benefits in the future.” It is an example of resource sharing and mutual cooperation between the north and the south and a key project for improving people’s wellbeing in the country.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



