
为什么Questlove和我相信植物肉是未来 | 盖茨播客

Bill Gates 比尔盖茨 2024-01-12

My latest podcast is all about learning something new.

What do you do when you can’t solve a problem? I like to talk to smart people who can help me understand the subject better. I call this process “getting unconfused”—and I think it is one of the best ways to learn something new. In my new podcast, I try to get unconfused about some of the things that fascinate me.




Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson is the ultimate multi-hyphenate: He’s a musician, filmmaker, author, entrepreneur, and more. The Grammy and Oscar winner is also a plant-based foods advocate, so when I had some questions about the future of food, I knew I had to sit down with him. We had a blast talking about why he made a meatless Philly cheesesteak, how we make healthy food accessible to more people, Questlove’s insane record collection, how we got our nicknames, and our Wordle strategies.



QUESTLOVE: Somehow, I just saw the future. And I don’t know, something told me like, plant-based is going to be the future.




BILL GATES: You know, if you're honest with yourself, as you learn something, you're a little bit confused. You know, confusion is admitting, that you don't know everything you should and trying to get that broad overview. You know, it's all about getting unconfused.

Welcome to Unconfuse Me. I’m Bill Gates.






BILL GATES: My guest today is Ahmir Questlove Thompson. Most of you probably know him as the drummer of The Roots. He’s got six Grammys, one Oscar, done a lot of books. And also, works on food systems, including a meatless cheesesteak. Today we’re going to talk about how he’s bringing plant-based foods to reluctant consumers, and also his deep love for storytelling.

比尔·盖茨:今天我请到的嘉宾是阿米尔·Questlove·汤普森(Ahmir Questlove Thompson)。大多数人可能都知道他是The Roots乐队的鼓手。他获得过六次格莱美奖,一次奥斯卡奖,出过很多书。此外,他还从事食品系统方面的工作,比如研制素食芝士牛排。今天,我们将讨论他是如何向保守的消费者推荐植物基食品的,以及他有多么爱讲故事。



BILL GATES: So welcome. 


QUESTLOVE: Thank you for having me.


BILL GATES: I think both of us like the word games..


QUESTLOVE: You’re a Wordle guy?


BILL GATES: Yeah, every day.


QUESTLOVE: Do you have a Wordle group chat, or do you just play by yourself?


BILL GATES: Just me and four other people. Every morning, it’s like, oh somebody’s got a three. Damn.


QUESTLOVE: I’m in three different Wordle group chats. (Laughter.)


BILL GATES: Oh, cool. Today’s word, have you done it yet?


QUESTLOVE: I didn’t play, but my group chat is angry. 


BILL GATES: It’s hard.


QUESTLOVE: Usually, I let them go first. They do it first thing in the morning. I do it at the end of the day, usually like at 11 p.m. 


BILL GATES: Oh, nice, just in time.


QUESTLOVE: So, based on their reactions, I can tell if something is a double letter. I can tell if it’s super angry, and it’s like their sixth-- fifth or sixth attempt, then I know, like, okay, well it must be a K or a Z or an X. So, I have an advantage to it.


BILL GATES: I’d say today is one of those days. (Laughter.)


QUESTLOVE: It’s good to know you’re a Wordle addict. That’s good.


BILL GATES: What got you into the plant-based food area? 


QUESTLOVE: So, you know, for me, food has always been the greatest social adhesive. Once I started doing Fallon, you know, I’ve become friends with Anthony Bourdain, and he was sort of mentoring me in terms of like food being art and that sort of thing. 


So I threw these things called food salons. We decided to go rogue one night and like, hey, let’s shock everybody and just have, like Shake Shack as the meal for tonight. 

我举办了一些聚会,我们称之为“美食沙龙”。有一天晚上,我们决定不走寻常路,就像,嘿,让大家震惊一下,今晚就吃Shake Shack吧。

And it just so happens that my partner, Alexis Rosenzweig, had read this article about a guy named Patrick Brown, who apparently had this new technology, Impossible, where this hamburger cooks well and all this stuff. 


And you know, my thoughts back then with like anything vegetarian or vegan, I was like 430 pounds, like I was a junk food – I’m from Philadelphia. You know, I breathe cheesesteaks. So, it just so happens that Patrick happened to be in town. 


BILL GATES: Amazing. 


QUESTLOVE: And so it was like, hey, let’s do a thing, like we’d do a blind taste test and Shake Shack versus this plant-based thing. Like it’s supposed to be a hamburger that tastes like hamburger, but plant based. And I was like, yeah, that should be fun. Like, I just wanted a party trick. 

QUESTLOVE:因此,就像这样,嘿,我们一起做一件事吧,我们蒙上眼“盲尝”Shake Shack和植物基的汉堡,看看能不能分辨出来。它应该是一个吃起来像普通汉堡包的汉堡包,只不过是植物基的。我就想,是啊,应该很有趣,我只是把这当成一个派对上的游戏。

And I did three of the tests, and every time I chose the Impossible Burger. 


And somehow I just saw the future. And I don’t know, something told me like, plant-based is going to be the future. 


And I’m a guy that was like always rolled my eyes at anyone who like, oh, you shouldn’t eat animal flesh. That was back in late 2011, 2012. I mean, ten-plus years later, I’ve been in a lot of first round investments for Impossible, NotCo, Eat Just, RightRice, Magic Spoon Cereal, Appeal. There’s a lot of them. But I just feel as though that’s the future, and I want to be the person that plants the seed. Yeah. 

我是这样一种人,如果有人告诉我,你不应该吃动物的肉,我肯定会翻白眼。这是2011年、2012年的事。我的意思是,十几年以后,我已经参加了Impossible,NotCo,Eat Just,RightRice,Magic Spoon Cereal,Appeal等很多这样的品牌的首轮投资。我就是觉得,这就是未来的趋势,我想要当那个播下种子的人。就是这样。

BILL GATES: Yeah, one thing that’s cool is that it gets rid of the animal cruelty thing, but it’s also a big climate thing. 


QUESTLOVE: Yes, absolutely.


BILL GATES: I came to it more from that climate angle, and I got to meet Patrick Brown, who’s a very great scientist. And they’re doing well, but a lot of people want him to do-- make it even slightly better. They have a good roadmap, so I’m optimistic. 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, the thing is, kind of the cool thing about especially with Impossible, is that was back in 2012, 2013, I think, and I was impressed then. But since then, they’ve improved and improved. And the thing is – the thing that I always felt as though there’s a lot of social issues, especially with black people in the inner city, that we have yet to get to. I’m a person that always wanted to know why are the worst foods, the high sugar foods, the fatty foods, why is that so accessible? Why is that so cheap?


And one day, Magic Johnson was a guest on The Tonight Show, and I happened to be looking at the production notes. Because I have to play a walk on-song, and I usually craft the walk-on song about whatever they’re there to promote. And I looked, and it was like Magic Johnson’s TGI Fridays.

有一天,“魔术师”约翰逊做客《肥伦今夜秀》,我碰巧看到了拍摄手札。因为我必须在节目中伴奏,我通常会精心制作一首伴奏歌曲,关于他们在节目中要宣传的东西。我一看,好像是关于“魔术师”约翰逊的TGI Fridays餐饮连锁。

And I went down to his room. I’m like, wait, you’re here to promote your Fridays restaurant? And I was kind of ribbing him about it. And he’s like, “No, this is the most important of all my ventures. This is the most important one.” And when he explained it to me, I mean, that was my Doc Brown flux capacitor, like eureka moment. He told me that where he strategically placed these Fridays are in neighborhoods in which you can’t even get a salad within 20 or 30 blocks.


Now I’m from West Philadelphia, so we would have to go all the way out to Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, to buy food instead of going to the local neighborhood supermarket. And that’s because there was a variety of fruits and vegetables and fresh things there. And once he said that, I realized like, oh, okay, this also explains my weight and all this, like the fattiest foods in the world were accessible to me. 


I kind of want to change the narrative because I think people have this impression. First of all, there’s just no education on how it’s made. There’s a lot of misinformation. 


And then on top of that, I just think that the reason why I invested in the Impossible Cheesesteak, was I wanted to show Philadelphians locally that just because it’s plant based doesn’t mean that it’s boring or bland. And just starting there, people are opening their ideas. 


BILL GATES: I haven’t tried your cheesesteak yet, but –


QUESTLOVE: Goldbelly.


BILL GATES: People like it? 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, my biggest fan is Obama, so –


BILL GATES: All right. 


QUESTLOVE: I mean, I love all types of food, I know that people just generally don’t like a know-it-all, even if it’s to the detriment of their own life and health


But I think there’s a way to just plant seeds. Like the way that I introduced the cheesesteak, I struck a deal with my local team. I’m from Philadelphia. So at Phillies games we had plant based cheesesteak and whatnot. And it was a hit because most of them gave us feedback, like, wow, this really does taste good, like it doesn’t taste like cardboard. So yeah, I definitely foresee a future in which alternative foods can sustain us and help us.


BILL GATES: Well, we need that. Of all the climate areas, the one that people are probably least aware of is all the fertilizer and cows, and that’s a challenge. But when you meet people like Patrick Brown, you go, wow. 


QUESTLOVE: Pat’s intense.


BILL GATES: He’s intense. Yeah. 


QUESTLOVE:  And right now, I’ll say that the hardest, you know, it needs a perfect cheese to it. So right now, it’s vegetarian based because we’re using real cheese. But the second that there is a plant-based cheese that tastes good, and we have high standards with how it tastes, so as soon as that happens, then we’re really going to change the game.


BILL GATES: Yeah, I have a few companies that are working on that.  


I know we have a number of mutual friends, including Nathan Myhrvold. 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, Yeah, man.


BILL GATES: That guy is amazing. 


QUESTLOVE: Nathan is to me, that was the closest experience I had to like a Willy Wonka, where you’re seeing like, robots that you’re not supposed to know about. And we had, I guess, a 20-course meal. And so like, the world doesn’t know that food science can really be fun and creative and that it’s art. And so, I love Nathan to death. 


BILL GATES: Yeah. Nathan is the one who taught me that animal fats melt at different temperature than these plant fats. So one of the keys to getting the cheese that’s going to meet your high standards, is to somehow chemically make fats that are really the same as what you’re used to. The tongue feel; that ingredient makes a huge difference. Anyway. So now there’s some people who think they can do that and make it even less expensive. It’s incredible the number of companies.


QUESTLOVE: And I also just love the interest of it. There’s a school in New York City called the – I don’t know if you ever heard, the Food and Finance School?




QUESTLOVE: The Food and Finance School is a school that’s sort of the equivalent of a performing arts high school, like the Fame school. 

QUESTLOVE:食品与金融学校,相当于一所专门的表演艺术高中。就像Fame School一样。



QUESTLOVE: Where you have music, drama, dance, creative writing, learning, production. This school is the culinary equivalent to that, and these kids are way more advanced in their thinking. Like, when you’re younger, you just don’t – there’s no limit, there’s no cynicism, like you’re just constantly at play. 

QUESTLOVE:Fame School有音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、创意写作、学习、制作。而这所学校就相当于烹饪学校,这些孩子的思想更超前。就像,当你年轻的时候,你不会——没有限制,没有愤世嫉俗,就是玩。

So this school pretty much teaches you everything about the food world. So yes, there’s like baking and cooking and pastries, but there’s also like cutlery, how to photograph food. On their rooftop they have an irrigation system. They’re raising fish up there.


And so, I started a program, in which for the summer it’s like the food entrepreneurialship program, in which like 20 or 25 of the students for four weeks, they go out to Silicon Valley where like a lot of these future food companies are located, and a lot of these kids might not have had access to plant-based food technology or any of those things. So they’re so advanced in knowing and creating what is needed for sustainability. And, I have absolutely no doubts that in five to 10 years, we’ll even be further down the road with it. So.


BILL GATES: Yeah, it’s great to see science and art and culture kind of coming together.




BILL GATES: So.  What’s your guilty pleasure snack food? 


QUESTLOVE: (makes strange noise) Okay. My guilty pleasure snack food. I’m a Philadelphian. So, as a Philadelphian, there’s a company called Tasty Cake, and it’s tri-state. And Tasty Cake is kind of like our localized version of, like, what Hostess is, a Twinkie, a Yankee Doodle, like, kind of that sort of part cupcake, part whatever. So, there’s something called the Butterscotch Krimpet, which in its heyday, wow. 

QUESTLOVE:(发出奇怪的声音)好吧。我最爱的但有负罪感的小吃。我是费城人。作为一名费城人,有一家公司叫Tasty Cake,经营范围达三个州。Tasty Cake有点像我们的本地化的,比如说Hostess的那种,Twinkie,Yankee Doodle,就像一部分是纸杯蛋糕,另一部分是什么的那种。还有一种叫奶油蛋糕的东西,在它最流行的那段期间,哇哦。

What’s your guilty pleasure snack food? 


BILL GATES: The one I can’t avoid, so I just make sure it’s not around, is See’s Candies has a peanut brittle that is both salty and sweet, and the mouthfeel is pretty amazing. 

比尔·盖茨:我不能不吃的就是See's Candies的花生糖,它既咸又甜,口感非常棒。

QUESTLOVE: Is it bad for your teeth?


BILL GATES: No, it’s just a lot of sugar.


QUESTLOVE: A lot of sugar, okay.


BILL GATES: A lot of calories, and you don’t fill up much. So, if you have a whole box there, next thing you know, you’re just chomping away.


QUESTLOVE: Right, okay.


[music transition]


BILL GATES: Another thing that’s kind of almost unusual is you have a gigantic record collection. 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, I do, in terms of volume, I have about 200,000 records. 


BILL GATES: Amazing. 


QUESTLOVE: But I don’t want people to think that, like, I just went out and individually, like got 200,000 records. I’ll say that in the last – in the last six years, what’s happened is – okay, so the way that the record industry was, say, in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and the ‘70s, there would be something called one-stop-shops, and one-stop-shops are the people that order in bulk every type of record. And then they’ll service those records to restaurants that have jukeboxes, bars, diners that have jukeboxes, local mom and pop record stores. 


And so, what’s happening is that a lot of those one-stop-shop owners, are, you know they’re passing away. And oftentimes, it will be a family, and they had a one-stop-shop, and they’re like, “Well, we have like 30,000 pieces and we don’t know what to do with it. 

现在的情况是——很多一站式商店的店主,你知道,他们都去世了。很多时候,是一个家族在经营一家商店, 他们会想,“好了,我们有三万张唱片,我们不知道该怎么办了。”

BILL GATES: Yeah, I thought I’d gone past vinyl, but then my friend Bono gave me a turntable. And he was very thoughtful; he gave me about 12 records that he thought I’d like. And next thing I knew, I was using it.


QUESTLOVE: I heard this. I heard this.


BILL GATES: Speaking of vinyl, we’ve got a turntable here. And I asked you if you might bring a record. So, what have you got? 


QUESTLOVE:Thad Jones and Mel Lewis, this is some of the greatest jazz orchestral work that there is. There’s a really awesome cover of “Get Out My Life, Woman,” which was a common song back then. So I guess I want to play the cover of Get Out My Life Woman.

QUESTLOVE:萨德·琼斯和梅尔·刘易斯,这是最伟大的爵士管弦乐作品之一,其中有一首翻唱自《Get Out My Life, Woman》的歌曲非常棒,这首歌曾经很流行。我想我要演奏《Get Out My Life, Woman》的翻唱。

BILL GATES: Fantastic.


QUESTLOVE: Yeah. And it’s a double album. So Jazz great Joe Williams is singing on this version. 


This album, and this is from my personal collection, I lived in England for time, and this was one of the first records I purchased.


[Music playing.]


QUESTLOVE: I believe this is ‘70. Yes.


[Music playing.]


QUESTLOVE: It’s like one of the records from my childhood.


[Music playing.]




QUESTLOVE: Yeah. So there you go.




QUESTLOVE: Thad Jones and Mel Lewis, yes.


BILL GATES: So that’s Thad Jones?




BILL GATES: And that’s Mel Lewis?




[Music playing.]


QUESTLOVE: And Joe Williams, a gentleman that’s been singing like with Duke Ellington since you know, the ‘40s, is singing on this.


BILL GATES: Yeah, okay, cool.


[Music Fades.]


BILL GATES: Uh, so, I also have a record for you. This is Sly and the Family Stone’s Greatest Hits, I’ll bet you have a lot of copies of this, but this is actually signed by the artist.

比尔·盖茨:我也有张唱片要给你。这张唱片是Sly and the Family Stone的精选集,我敢打赌你肯定有很多张,但这张唱片上有艺术家的签名。

QUESTLOVE: Jesus H. Christ. Wait. (Laughter.) This is what you call prime stunting. Like this is – Jesus Christ.  I – well, right now, actually I’m coming here straight from the set. I’m working on my follow-up to Summer of Soul is the Sly and the Family Stone documentary. Whoa. 

QUESTLOVE:我的老天爷,天啊。等等。(笑声。)这就是所谓的最大的“巧合”。天啊,我现在刚从片场过来,我正在制作《灵魂乐之夏》的续集,也就是Sly and the Family Stone的纪录片。哇哦。

BILL GATES: Well, that’s great. I watched last night Summer of Soul, which was a blast. 


QUESTLOVE: Thank you. There’s no way I can have a real conversation with you right now because I’m like, wow, this is amazing. Thank you.




QUESTLOVE: I appreciate it.


BILL GATES: Yeah, We’ll have to ask them how many they signed like that. Maybe not that many. It’s pretty cool. 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah. Wow. That’s – that’s – that’s rare. That’s so rare. 


BILL GATES: In your movie, Summer of Soul, it was great when you got those artists, to see them now that they’re a lot older – 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, to see them watch themselves.


BILL GATES: They were. 


QUESTLOVE: My producer Joseph says that that’s the best part of the movie, like the Harry Met Sally interstitial of them watching themselves. 


You got to understand that just randomly, these two strangers came to me with 40 hours’ worth of footage, and they were like, “We know you love music, Questlove. Here, take this and direct it.” 


And the way that human nature is, I think we’re so cynical and we’re so distrusting, it was almost like, okay, why are you guys coming to me? Like, did Spike Lee or Ava DuVernay say no? Like, am I the last on your list? Like, is the audio bad? Like, there has to be a reason why you can’t find a director to do this. 


It took me like maybe six or seven months to finally come to grips that, okay, this is your new mission. But for me, the one thing I was worried about was I knew that people of age of the Harlem Cultural Festival, anyone over 45 and up, would instantly gravitate to it, but how was I going to attract someone younger? 


And I didn’t want to – you know, it would have been easy for me to, like, call up Drake. Like Drake’s uncle is Larry Graham. 


BILL GATES: Oh, you’re kidding? I didn’t know that.


QUESTLOVE: The inventor of funk. Right. Drake’s name is Aubrey Graham. And if people follow Drake on social media, then you know that Drake’s father is just as famous as Drake is. But Drake’s father’s brother is Funkmaster Larry Graham. So I mean, that’s the type of grasping for straws that I was trying to do. Like, maybe I can get Drake to talk about his uncle or something like that. 

QUESTLOVE:放克音乐的发明者。对。Drake名叫奥布里·格雷厄姆(Aubrey Graham)。如果大家在社交媒体上关注Drake,就会知道Drake的父亲和Drake一样出名,但Drake父亲的哥哥是放克大师拉里·格雷厄姆。所以我是说,这就是我为了“自救”试图做的事。比如,也许我能让Drake说服他叔叔什么的。

But what I discovered was that the commonality between millennials and Gen Z with what was happening in the Harlem Cultural Festival, like this 50-year gap, was we were starting to see a parallel movement of like the political uproar and the social uproar and the tension of the time that started the Harlem Cultural Festival, which was the killing of Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy, and we lost our leaders, and what’s happening in the Nixon administration coming in and a lot of programs getting cut. And we were going through the same thing with unarmed killings and protest and not knowing if there’s going to be – if we’re going to live, or if we’re safe. And so, kind of that was what bonded the time periods together, and that’s – I think it’s a way better story than what I thought it was going to be. 


BILL GATES: No, it ended up being phenomenal. 


QUESTLOVE: Thank you. 


BILL GATES: It’s amazing how much of the music I knew because that’s the music of when I grew up. 


QUESTLOVE: You know what’s weird? That was probably the main battle between me and some of the producers, the exec producers, because the thing is that in my mind, I wanted goosebump performances. 


I’ll give you example: Stevie Wonder. During Stevie Wonder’s 40-minute performance, he’s doing his mega-hits. I mean, he had, still had like Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday, I Was Made to Love Her, Ma Cherie Amour. He had the hits. But it was like, the one song in which I got goosebumps watching him perform was also the one song that showed you what Stevie Wonder was about to do in the future. Like, we got a glimpse of what ‘70s to ‘90s Stevie Wonder was about to do.

我给你举个例子:史提夫·汪达。史提夫·汪达演出的40分钟,他演唱了他的经典歌曲。我的意思是,他有《Yester-Me》、《Yester-You》、《Yesterday》、《I Was Made to Love Her》和《Ma Cherie Amour》。他有很多热门歌曲。但是只有一首歌,让我在看他表演时会起鸡皮疙瘩,那就是向你展示史提夫·汪达的未来的那首歌,我们看到了70年代到90年代的史提夫·汪达的未来。

And they were like, well, no one knows the song, Shoo-Be-Doo-Dah-Day. So you want to make this a seven-minute performance and start with a drum solo at the beginning. But for me it was like, but it’s an amazing performance, and that’s what we have to go with, not the hits. Let’s go with the amazing performance. And so, I’m glad that we won that battle. 


BILL GATES: Yeah, a lot of gospel. 




BILL GATES: It’s great stuff. 




BILL GATES: There’s this song which I always thought was When Jesus Walks. It turns out it’s When Jesus Washes that – and of course, now it makes more sense, because it’s really from the Bible. I never knew what were they talking about. 


QUESTLOVE: What it was, right.


BILL GATES: I mean, it’s baptizing people there.


Well, it’s amazing the number things you get up to. You’ve got books. You’ve got this new movie. You’re on TV almost every night. 




BILL GATES: That’s a heck of a schedule. 


QUESTLOVE: Well, okay, so my father was an oldies doo-wop legend back in the ‘50s. 


And what makes my situation unique is that I’m also the last generation raised by parents that didn’t trust or believe in babysitters. So, you had to go to work. You had to work with your parents. 


By seven, they’re teach me how to iron, and steam, and clean outfits, and go to the cleaners and that sort of thing. By the time I was nine, it was very normal for a 9 or 10 year old to go to a nightclub and ask for a ladder, give me a razor blade so I can cut these light gels, and switch out light gels and everything. 


And when I was 10, I was operating the system inside nightclubs. It was just normal for a 10 year old to operate a smoke machine, and the lights and the spotlight.


And then one day, my dad’s drummer got in a motorcycle accident. And my dad was just like, “Well, okay, you know the show. So, you’re the new leader.” And my first gig, that gig was at Radio City Music Hall. 




QUESTLOVE: Weird enough, right?


BILL GATES: Nice place to start.


QUESTLOVE: And my dad felt like it was a jackpot moment because he doesn’t have to pay his guy $700 a week. (Laughter.) For me, it’s like, I was the richest 11 year old in existence. So, give Ahmir like 200 bucks. He’ll buy a bike, he’ll be happy. And I became his bandleader, that was the modus operandi. And whatever job was available, you did. And I think that that’s what I inherited from my family.


By the time I got to Fallon, I was teaching at NYU. I was starting the Questlove’s Food thing. I was writing books. I had my podcast. I was deejaying at all hours of the night. There were still The Roots, literally on The Tonight Show. I invested in a hoodie store. And so, I thought the more jobs you had, that defines your value. 

我参加《肥伦今夜秀》的时候,已经在纽约大学教书了。我开始做“Questlove的食物”课题的工作。我在写书。我有我的播客。我一整个晚上都做DJ,待在The Roots乐队,就在《肥伦今夜秀》的舞台上做。我还投资了一家帽衫店。所以,我觉得工作越多,就越有价值。

And then once everything was taken away in the pandemic, and we had nothing and silence, I kind of realized that for health reasons, resting, silence, meditation, that’s just as important. I’m just trying to get to a place where I’m enjoying boring stuff, like naps and nothing, you know, the guy that used to always work. But I’m still writing books and directing.


BILL GATES: (Laughter.) Seven jobs, yeah. 


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, yeah.


BILL GATES: No, it’s nice. The pandemic did get us to step back a little bit. 


QUESTLOVE: I figured the path to sanity, for me, was I somehow just went back to being an eight year old, started drawing and sketching, started watching cartoons, started things that I wouldn’t dare do in my busy, too-busy-to-have-fun time. So, what did you do?


BILL GATES: Well, it was a very unusual time for me because the Gates Foundation has a lot of experts on vaccines and infectious disease. In fact, most infectious disease is in Africa and poor countries, and rich countries are very lucky. There isn’t that much. I mean, there’s some TB, there’s some HIV, but not a lot. 


And one of our concerns was that in the rich world, you have all this oxygen. And even though those systems are overloaded, in poor countries, you have way, way less. And so, we were trying to say, okay, how quick can we get a vaccine? How quick can we get an antibody? 


Now, the fact that we were involved and writing checks, we wrote $2 billion of checks, it kind of, in a way, you suspend your emotional reaction, because you’re at least, okay, I’m a fireman. Let’s go in here and do all of that. And it was only like a year in when we finally got the vaccine, to step back and say, wow, that was crazy. I mean – 


QUESTLOVE: So, you immediately felt the pressure and the weight of the world on your shoulders, like I have to use my resources to save the world.


BILL GATES: And we can help with this, yeah, because it’s our area. And in 2015, I actually gave a speech where I said, hey, everybody ought to be concerned about this. And sadly, we didn’t get ready for – 


QUESTLOVE: Mathletes versus athletes, mathletes versus athletes.


BILL GATES: And then, so when it when it does come up, and then there was all this insanity about misinformation that maybe I was benefiting from it or maybe Fauci was making money off of vaccines, things that were so the opposite, that even today, I kind of think, hey, is that a joke? But then you run into people who actually believe these things. 


So, that was a crazy time. And even now as we realize, okay, the kids who didn’t get their schooling or some level of depression that is still higher.


QUESTLOVE: Resonated, yeah.


BILL GATES: For me, personally, and maybe a little bit like you, it was such so jarring that it did get me to think about my life and what I value, friendships and things. So, I can’t tell you that it was all negative. It was scary.


QUESTLOVE: But just to keep you sane, like, would you go to video games or, like, just for a moment of sanity? How did you – 


BILL GATES: I got to do a lot of reading. And one nice thing was because I had no meetings I had to go to, I started exercising, particularly playing tennis a lot more. And so, it really knocked me out of my normal pattern. And there are some very positive aspects of it. And now when we’re going back to normal, I’m sure you’re like this. It’s like, okay, everybody wants you to resume all the things we were doing before, and you have to kind of force yourself to say – 


QUESTLOVE: Don’t do that.


BILL GATES: Wait a minute, there’s some of these things that they weren’t bad, but now, I’m living a somewhat different set of priorities. And I have to add it all up. (Laughter.) You can’t do all the stuff that you learned to like during the pandemic, and then all that stuff you did beforehand.


QUESTLOVE: Yeah, I, too, thought like, okay, well, let me go back. But then, no, I still… I actually morphed into the person I used to laugh at. So, I don’t think I was big on meditation or gratitude or yoga or stretching or morning walks or my health, or any of those things. And that, to me, that was the paradigm shift I needed. It’s almost like I needed the pandemic to sort of morph into who I am now. 


So, wow, thanks for sharing that with me.


[music transition]


BILL GATES: So what name does your family call you?


QUESTLOVE: I’ve always been Ahmir. There was a period where they would call me by my middle name, Kahlid, like, playfully. 




QUESTLOVE: But no, I’ve always been Ahmir, especially when I forget to take the garbage out or do the dishes, whatever. So, it’s more like Ahmir with 12 exclamation points at the end. 


So, what name does your family call you? 


BILL GATES: Well, my dad was also Bill, and he was quite tall, so people call him Bill or Big Bill. So, I’m the third. And so, in my family, the nickname is Trey. Everybody calls me Trey, which then, when people from outside the family are around, people are calling me that – 


QUESTLOVE: Your name is Trey?


BILL GATES: Yeah, that’s my name.


QUESTLOVE: Dawg, that’s a hood name. (Laughter.)


BILL GATES: (Laughter.) Is it? 


QUESTLOVE: I wasn’t expecting that one. All right. Yeah, I’ve got a cousin named Trey.


BILL GATES: Do they give you a hard time about the name Questlove? 


QUESTLOVE: No, but it’s weird now because, there’s this dual life thing. Everybody in hip hop does the government name thing and then their moniker. I didn’t want to be Questlove. I didn’t want a title. 


BILL GATES: Oh, okay.


QUESTLOVE: Back in high school when Tariq was naming us, I decided that I wanted to be a question mark. (makes question mark noise) And the thing was when we started doing the press rounds, a lot of the European press just thought my name is Mark. “So, Mark, da-da-da-da.” I was like, “Well, why are you calling me Mark?” And they’re like, “Question Mark?” And I was like, “Oh, no, no.” 


BILL GATES: (Laughter.) “This is not going to work.”


And so, by our third album, Illadelph Halflife, I decided that I’m going to go with an old school rendition of that name. So, if you’re old school, you’re either going to be Rock, Ski or Love, 

所以到了我们的第三张专辑《Illadelph Halflife》,我决定用老派的方式来演绎这个名字。如果你是老派乐队,你要么叫摇滚,要么叫滑雪,要么叫爱情。

BILL GATES: Yeah, sure.


QUESTLOVE: I mean, you’re a power broker, so you should be Trey-Rock. That’s your name. (Laughter.) I’ll be Questlove and you’re Trey-Rock. (Laughter.) You know I’m going to call you that till the day you die. (Laughter.) 


BILL GATES: All right. 




BILL GATES: Well, thank you. It was great talking to you today and a lot of fun. 


QUESTLOVE: I enjoyed it. Thank you. And thank you for this. 




QUESTLOVE: I got to frame this. It’s amazing.




BILL GATES: Unconfuse me is a production of the Gates Notes.  Special thanks to my guest today, Ahmir Questlove Thopmson. 





QUESTLOVE: Just like crates and crates and crates and crates of records, I’m up to 200,000, but it’s also like I have 300 copies of, like, Culture Club’s “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” on 45, that I don’t need, so?

[Bill laughs]


QUESTLOVE:一箱一箱又一箱的唱片,我已经有20万张了,但我还有大概300张Culture Club的《Do You Really Want to Hurt Me》,45开本,但我不需要,所以呢?



为什么Questlove和我相信植物肉是未来 | 盖茨播客

Bill Gates 比尔盖茨

