

李华芳 读品贩子 2021-09-11



The SCPA Ph.D. Student Best Paper Award Call for Nominations

The ASPA Section on Chinese Public Administration is pleased to announce the Ph.D. Student Best Paper Award. As an annual event, this award will be presented at ASPA annual conferences.

Eligible papers for consideration for the award are those published in the previous calendar year (including online publication), or the papers to be presented in ASPA annual conference. Nominated authors must be PhD students and SCPA members, and have registered for the ASPA annual conference.

Criteria for the best paper award include: 

(1) contribution to Public and Nonprofit Administration literature, 

(2) relevance to the practice of Chinese public and nonprofit administration, 

and (3) research quality (theoretical, methodological, analytical rigor). 

We welcome sole or coauthored papers. The nominated student is either the sole or lead author.

Nominations include: (1) a PDF file of the paper, and (2) a letter of support from the student’s faculty advisor or mentor for the nominated paper. Only full papers to be presented in the ASPA 2020 conference or published in 2019 will be considered. Only one paper per SCPA student member is accepted.

Nominations for the Ph.D. Student Best Paper Award are submitted to the review committee by email SCPApaper@gmail.com no later than February 29, 2020. Self-nominations are welcome.

The 2020 Ph.D. Student Best Paper Award Committee

Can Chen (Florida International University)

Huafang Li (Grand Valley State University)

Jiahuan Lu (Rutgers University)

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