
有抱歉金句吗 | 晨读笔记09

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 尽可能广的传播消息,把能找到的大喇叭都用上。不要试图隐瞒。

2. 尽快的给顾客回复,可以缓解一场危机,还能反转为安。

3. 他们只是想当咯吱叫的轮子,想得到一点润滑油。一旦你给出快速的答复,他们的态度会大转弯。

1. Spread the message far and wide. Use whatever megaphone you have. Don't try to sweep it under the rug

2. Getting back to people quickly can defuse a bad situation and turn it into a good one. 

3. They are only trying to be a squeaky wheel in hopes it'll get them a little grease. Once you answer quickly, they shift 180 degrees

  • 精读01- 为您带来的不便,我们感到很抱歉

1. 最糟糕的抱歉方式之一就是不是抱歉的抱歉,也就是听起来是,但其实没有承担任何责任。

2. 它表示,责任在你。

3. 没有最佳道歉佳句,任何老套的道歉话术听起来都很宽泛空白,你需要视具体的情况而定。

4. 道歉时最主要的原则,想象如果你是被道歉的那一方,你对这个道歉会怎么想?

5. 在错误事情发生前做的所有事比事后道歉的句子重要得多。

1. One of the worst ways is the non-apology apology, which sounds like an apology but doesn't really accept any blame.

2. It shows people that the buck stops with you.

3. There's no magic bullet. Any stock answer will sound generic and hollow. You are going to have to take it on a case-by-case basis

4. The number-one principle to keep in mind when you apologize: How would you feel about the apology if you were on the other end?

5. Everything you do before things go wrong matters far more than the actual words you use to apologize. 

  • 精读02- 习惯就好

1. 在你介绍产品新特性之后,会收到很多本能的抵抗。

2. 别恐慌,不要对回应做出快速的改变。如果你能挺过第一周,事情会逐渐稳定下来的。

3. 人类都是习惯性的生物。他们只是习惯了一个东西的使用方法,所以任何改变只是扰乱了他们习惯的秩序。

4. 消极的回应总是比积极的回应更响亮更有气势。

5. 不要在一个有必要但是有争议的决定上改变主意。

1. After you introduce a new feature, knee-jerk reaction will pour in.

2. Resist the urge to panic or make rapid changes in response. If you ride out that first rocky week, things usually settle down.

3. People are creatures of habit. They're used to using something in a certain way and any change upsets the natural order of things. 

4. Negative reactions are almost always louder and more passionate than positive ones. 

5. Don't foolishly backpedal on a necessary but controversial desicion.

  • 表达积累

canned answer 统一回答,固定回答

stock answer 陈词滥调的回答

canned laughter 录制好的笑声

work wonders 非常有效地解决问题

build rapport with customers 和顾客建立好关系

there's a world difference between doing A and doing B 有天壤之别

for a stretch 一段时间

a knee-jerk reaction 本能反应,膝跳反应

simmer 炖

simmer down 冷静

