
拒绝的力量 | 晨读笔记06

at-home-good立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 公司根据这一个顾客的需求修改自己的产品,这会开始远离更广泛的顾客群。

2. 在我们的产品推出一段时间后,一些老顾客开始给我们施压。

3. 现在看起来像一个爆款的产品,到了第二天早上很有可能就成了只是还不错的产品。

4. 如果我们这么做了,就像是在跑步机上跑步,永远到不了一个地方。

1. It tweaks and changes the product per this one customer's requests and starts to alienate its general customer base. 

2. After our first product had been around for a while, we started getting some heat from folks who had been with us from the beginning. 

3. What seems like a sure-fire hit right now often gets downgraded to just a "nice to have" by morning. 

4. If we did that, we'd just wind up running on a treadmill and never get anywhere. 

  • 精读01-学会说“不”

1. 利用拒绝的力量来理清事情的优先级。你很少会后悔说“不”,但是常常因为说“好”而后悔。

2. 人们躲避拒绝因为这种对抗让他们不舒服。

3. 就像一段感情:分手很难,但是仅仅因为不愿意说出口而在一起,这更糟糕。

4. 长痛不如短痛,直面短暂的痛苦,来避免长期的悔恨。

5. 你还可以圈粉,把顾客争取到你这一边来。

1. Use the power of no to get your priorities straight. You rarely regret saying no. But you often wind up regretting saying yes.

2. People avoid saying no because confrontation makes them uncomfortable. 

3. It's like a relationship: Breaking one up is hard to do, but staying in it just because you are too chicken to drop the ax is even worse. 

4. Deal with the brief discomfort of confrontation up front and avoide the long-term regret. 

5. You can win them over to your way of thinking. 

  • 精读02-产品好才是真的好

1. 你买到了在店子里看起来更好的产品。

2. 聪明的公司做相反的事:生产在家里看起来更好的产品。

3. 如果想让产品真的在家里实用,需要牺牲一点花哨的东西。

4. 用广告或者营销是掩盖不了一次糟糕的体验的。

1. You just bought an in-store-good product.

2. Smart companies make the opposite: something that is at-home good.

3. When you create an at-home-good product, you may have to sacrifice a bit of in-store sizzle

4. You can't paint over a bad experience with good advertising or marketing. 

  • 同义积累

小小的修改,微调 (3)

tweak, tinker, fine-tune

  • 表达积累

1. 吸引眼球的

2. 网红爆款产品

3. 圈粉

4. 好招,坏招

5. 一点都不

1. sensational

2. a sure-fire hit

3. win sb over

4. bad move

5. nowhere near

Use the power of saying no to flashy tools. Turn down sensational materials with bells and whistles. You'd better focus on what truly matters, and that is listening and repetition. Listen and repeat. Be aware and imitate. Learn and grow. 

