
PEP英语三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car?微课视频|朗读MP3|课课练


Unit4 Where is my car?


on在……上  in在……里  under在……下面   chair椅子  desk书桌 cap帽子  ball球  car小汽车  boat小船  map地图 toy玩具  box盒;箱



1. Let’s go home! OK! 我们回家吧!好的!

2. Where is my pencil box? 我的铅笔盒呢?

3. Look!It’s in your desk.  看!它在你的书桌里。

4. And your pencil! It’s under your book! 你的铅笔,它在你的书下面。

5. Silly me! 我真傻!

6. Where is my map? 我的地图在哪儿?

7. Is it in your bag? No,it isn’t. 它在你的包里吗?不,它不在。

8. Is it in your toy box? Yes,it is.  它在你的玩具箱里吗?是的,它在。

9. Have a good time! 玩得开心点儿!

Unit 4 Where is my car?



1. 在桌子上_________________________2. 椅子上_________________________

3. 课本下_________________________4. 在书包里_________________________


(    )1. Where are _____ pens? Are _____ in the box?

A. my; they     B. /, they     C. your; you      D. his; them

(    )2.  Are these your pictures?

 Yes, _____.

A. it is        B. it isn’t       C. they are      D. these are

(    )3. I have _____ ruler _____ my pencil box.

A. a; in        B. a; at         C. an; in        D. an; at

(    )4. The desks are _____ the floor.

A. in          B. on           C. at           D. under

(    )5.  _____ the football on the desk?  No, it _____.

A. Is; is        B. Are; are       C. Is; isn’t       D. Are; aren’t


(    )1. Where is my ruler?                      

(    )2. Is your pencil box on the desk?            

(    )3. Where is my doll?                     

(    )4. Let's go home!                         

A. It’s in your pencil box.

B. OK.

C. Oh, yes!

D. It’s on the desk.





一、1. on the desk  2. on the chair  3. under the book  4. in the schoolbag

二、1. D  2. C  3. A  4. B  5. C

三、1. A  2. C  3. D   4. B



(    )1. Where ________ my pencil?

A. amB. areC. is

(    )2. It’s ________ your desk.

A. deskB. underC. Chair

(    )3. Silly ________!

A. IB. meC. my

(    )4.  Let’s go home.   ________

A. OK!B. Uhoh!C. Oh!


1. Where is my pencil box?


2. It’s in your desk.


3. It’s under your book.


4. Let’s go home.





B  A  D  C

二、1. C  2. B  3. B  4. A

三、1. 我的铅笔盒在哪里?

2. 在你的课桌里。

3. 在你的书下面。

4. 我们回家吧。


1. 划小船  A. Show me your car. B. Row a boat.

2. 开小汽车A. Drive a car. B. Put your car on the bag.

3. 排球  A. Bounce a ball. B. Put on your hat.

4. 看地图  A. Read a map. B. Look at me.

5. 戴上帽子A. Read a map. B. Put on a cap.


1. This is ___ car.

A. /B. my

2. I can ___ the ball.

A. driveB. bounce

3. ___ the book, please.

A. RowB. Read

4. ___ your cap.

A. Put onB. Put

5. ___ the teacher.

A. LookB. Look at





一、1. A  2. C  3. D  4. B  5. E

二、1. B  2. A  3. A  4. A  5. B

三、1. B  2. B  3. B  4. A  5. B


