
​杨琦访谈 l 专访土耳其工业物联网和人工智能创业者Gokhan先生-访谈第5期

星际微光团队 星际微光 2022-01-11

土耳其硬件和软件工程师Han先生在7年前来到中国深圳时,就已经预测到如今大湾区创业如火如荼的景象。于是,他在当时就决定留下来,创业。作为一名外籍人士,这些年,他切肤地感受到了深圳为创业者所提供的良好环境。他也高度赞扬深圳发达的供应链体系,因为在工业物联网硬件和软件领域,无论他需要什么,几乎都可以在2小时内获取。—— 杨琦



—— 专访科星人工智能科技(Kstar‑AI)创始人Han先生

Industry 4.0 is the roadmap for the digital transformation of business. It is revolutionising the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products. It sees manufacturers adopting Industrial Internet‑of‑things (IIoT) devices and technologies to cope with the growing market for flexible, automated and networked manufacturing. Witnessing the rising demand in this area, Gokhan, who came originally from Turkey, established an IIoT solution company called Kstar‑AI in Shenzhen, a city in mainland China which is renowned as a global manufacturing hub. As a start‑up founder, Gokhan shared his journey in Shenzhen and his business goals with us.  



From Data to Value

Established in 2017 and headquartered in Shenzhen, Kstar‑AI focuses on building IIoT hardware and software platforms that enable manufacturing companies to go from sensor to local cloud and beyond. “The IIoT itself is not an end, but the insights and additional business value derived from the data are. We offer components and solutions for data acquisition, data pre‑processing, data communication and data analysis to help companies adopt new technologies and simplify complicated issues that arise during technology evolution,” said Gokhan.

Gokhan shared one of the Kstar‑AI hardware devices with us. “Our IIoT devices, the Kstar‑AI industrial Edge Box 1000 series, not only support Amazon AWS, Azure, Ali Cloud, and Huawei Cloudy, but also private networks which allow users to build their own local cloud. If a user chooses to develop a customised local cloud, they no longer need to pay subscription fees for data to other platforms” said Gokhan. The Edge Box 1000 series comes with HDMI web browser output which can display the dedicated local cloud platforms of users. With keyboard and mouse, users can control their own local cloud platform without a computer.

In addition to the hardware devices, Kstar‑AI provides software solutions for clients. Gokhan said: “Currently, we are developing a sustainable cloud with AI for a water and energy group. Indeed, we have built over 100 software platforms for industrial edge computing.”


科星于2017年成立,总部位于深圳,专注研发工业物联网硬件及软件平台,使制造业公司可通过传感器连接到本地云以至其他系统。康汉说:“采用工业物联网并非最终目的,而是藉此从数据中得出宝贵的洞见和额外商业价值。我们提供数据采集、预处理、传输和分析等方面的硬件和解决方案,帮助公司采用新技术,并简化科技演进过程中出现的复杂问题。”他介绍科星旗下一款硬体设备:“我们的Edge Box 1000工业物联网设备系列不但支援亚马逊(Amazon)的AWS、微软(Microsoft)的Azure、阿里云及华为云,还支援私人网络,允许用户构建自己的本地云。如果他们选择建立定制的本地云,便无须向其他平台定期支付数据服务费。” Edge Box 1000系列配备高画质多媒体介面(HDMI)网络浏览器输出,可以显示用户专用的本地云端平台,而用户也可透过键盘及鼠标在该平台上操作,无须使用电脑。



Start-up Journey in Shenzhen

Gokhan, who is originally from Turkey, is the sole founder of Kstar‑AI. After completing his university degree in the United Kingdom, he came to the mainland for a job as a hardware and software engineer. Gokhan said: “At the beginning, I came to Shenzhen only to complete a project, but then I found that there was huge potential in the IIoT market in Shenzhen, as a global manufacturing hub. I decided to stay in Shenzhen and I have been living here now for about seven years.”

Gokhan explains what he sees in Shenzhen: “In line with government initiatives on re‑industrialisation, more and more manufacturers want to upgrade and enGokhance their factories through advanced technologies. Shenzhen, as a global manufacturing hub, has an escalating demand for technologies like IIoT and artificial intelligence (AI). Since developing tailor‑made IIoT solutions often requires us to visit the client’s factory in person, setting up a headquarter in Shenzhen, where most of our clients are located, is the best option for us.”

Currently, Kstar‑AI has two people in their Shenzhen headquarter who are dedicated to company management and product development, and a team of six software engineers in Turkey responsible for R&D. Gokhan explained the reasons for this arrangement: “The wages of software engineers in Shenzhen have been escalating in recent years. The monthly salary for a mid‑level software engineer in Shenzhen has already hit RMB20,000, while it is four times cheaper in Turkey. To save costs, we decided to keep the core management and sales in Shenzhen and base engineering support in Turkey.” As a start‑up, Kstar‑AI has experienced remarkable growth over the past three years, developing seven products and completing more Gokhan 25 projects.



康汉是科星的独资创办人。他原居于土耳其,在英国完成大学学位后便到内地工作,担任硬件及软件工程师。他说:“起初,我到深圳只是为了完成一个项目,后来我发现深圳作为全球制造枢纽,其工业物联网市场蕴含巨大潜力,便决定留下来,至今已在这里居住了7年左右。”他谈到深圳吸引他留下来创业的原因:“随著政府推出多项举措推动再工业化,越来越多制造商渴望引进先进技术,以升级和强化旗下的厂房。深圳是全球制造枢纽,对工业物联网和人工智能等技术的需求持续增加。考虑到开发定制的工业物联网解决方案时,我们通常要亲自到客户的工厂视察,加上我们的客户大多数都在深圳,所以把总部设在这里是最佳选择。”现时,科星的深圳总部有两名专责公司管理和产品开发的人员,在土耳其则设有一支由6名软件工程师组成的研发团队。康汉解释为何作出这样的安排:“近年,深圳的软件工程师薪酬不断上涨,中级软件工程师的月薪已经达到20,000元人民币,反之在土耳其则便宜4倍。为了节省成本,我们决定把核心管理和销售职能保留在深圳,而工程支援团队则设在土耳其。”科星作为一家初创公司,过去3年发展成绩卓越,开发了7种产品并完成超过 25 个项目。

Shenzhen’s Strengths in Advanced Manufacturing

Besides the business opportunities, Gokhan is amazed by the quick turnaround for building prototypes in Shenzhen. “We can easily find suitable manufacturers in Shenzhen who can develop our hardware products rapidly and effectively. For example, it only took us three months to produce our edge computers, completing the whole process from design to prototype production. If we had done this in Turkey, it would probably have taken us a year,” said Gokhan.

Gokhan is very positive about Shenzhen’s start‑ups community and support. “I have built up connections with all kinds of engineers in Shenzhen and they helped me a lot when I started my company. Shenzhen government also offers many policies to support start‑ups which I have found very useful. For example, start‑ups can enjoy rent subsidies or tax deductions.”



Register as a WFOE

Despite his overall success, Gokhan has faced several key challenges as a foreign businessman in Shenzhen. “We registered as a wholly foreign‑owned enterprise (WFOE), which is a particular form of Chinese limited liability company. The registration process was very complicated, with a lot of paperwork. However, these application forms are only available in Chinese, and so we had no choice but to pay a Chinese agent to act as our representative”. Gokhan suggests the Shenzhen government should set up a dedicated counter for Gokhandling enquiries about company registrations, so that foreign start‑ups can have options other tGokhan hiring an agent.

Gokhan continues, “even with our WFOE status, I get frustrated with banking issues. As a self‑funded start‑up, I may need to inject funds into the business account from my personal savings account. However, such transfers have been refused because of my foreign identity. Similarly, it is difficult to transfer money internationally.”



Hong Kong: An Ideal Platform for “Going Out”

Gokhan has visited Hong Kong several times and he thinks that Hong Kong is a prime location to set up an office. “Currently, most of our clients are on the mainland, but if we are going to expand overseas, having an office in Hong Kong would be a definite advantage. Firstly, Hong Kong is an ideal location for holding face to face meetings with overseas clients because most overseas visitors do not need to apply for a visa to visit Hong Kong. Secondly, Hong Kong is just next door to Shenzhen. With the Hong Kong‑Zhuhai Macao Bridge and the Guangzhou‑Shenzhen‑Hong Kong Express Rail Link, we can travel between two cities in no time.”

Thirdly, Hong Kong is an international financial hub with free flow of capital, which Gokhan agrees is important for his future business expansion. Gokhan said: “Our products are getting more attention from investment companies in Hong Kong and the United States. I believe that we will make use of Hong Kong banking services to settle international bank payments in the future.”

When it comes to strengthening Hong Kong as a start‑up platform, Gokhan as a foreign start‑up founder suggests: “The Hong Kong government could set up both online and physical information centres to provide support on policies and subsidies, business tools and advisory services, so that it will be easier for foreigners to establish companies in Hong Kong. Also, office rents in Hong Kong are unaffordable for most start‑ups, so rent subsidies would be helpful for us too.”

Since industrial digital transformation is still at an early stage, Gokhan is optimistic about his company growth. Looking ahead, Kstar‑AI has an eye on the Southeast Asian market. “In recent years, Southeast Asia has been developing rapidly, and more and more manufacturing plants have relocated to the region, so we see huge opportunities there,” said Gokhan. Looking in another direction, Gokhan has plans to set up another R&D centre in Pakistan or India where the wages of software engineers are even more competitive.

鉴于工业数字化转型仍处于早期阶段,康汉看好公司的发展前景。展望未来,科星有意开拓东南亚市场。康汉说:“东南亚近年发展迅速,且越来越多制造厂迁到该区,因此我们认为区内大有商机。” 他又指出巴基斯坦和印度的软件工程师薪酬更具竞争力,因此正计划于两国选址设立另一所研发中心。


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