
​杨琦访谈 l 专访以VR/AR提供动觉学习的元宇宙先行者Raj先生-访谈第3期

星际微光团队 星际微光 2022-01-11

在2021年8月9日访问Raj时,“元宇宙”的概念还没有横空出世,但是Raj先生创业的项目其实就是“元宇宙”中重要的一环,利用虚拟现实和增强现实的技术来提供Kinesthetic learning(动觉学习)。本文首发于香港贸发局网站。因为是用英文访谈的,所以原始稿件是英文。本文考虑到不同读者的需求,用中英文双语发表。中文翻译由香港贸发局同事提供,考虑到两地语言差异,略作修改。限于篇幅,对原始访问稿件做了50%的删减,如果有朋友想了解全文,可以留言。—— 杨琦


 以VR/AR提供动觉学习的元宇宙先行者        专访Interface(因特飞思)创始人Raj先生

以VR/AR提供动觉学习的元宇宙先行者—— 专访Interface(因特飞思)创始人Raj先生

In April 2019, Raj Oswal came to Shenzhen on behalf of his client, a Silicon Valley, AI based Messaging company called Gupshup, looking to integrate their software with Chinese Smartphone makers like Xiaomi. He is a Silicon Valley based entrepreneur from the San Francisco Bay Area with 25 years’ experience in go to market initiatives for disruptive technology. Seeing the huge business opportunities in the GBA, Raj recently went on to set up his own Chinese company focused on being a technology solution provider for the GBA and Mainland China market– Interface Technology (Shenzhen) CO., (因特飞思科技(深圳)有限公司) – in Shekou, Net Valley in 2021. While he continues to represent the San Francisco company client Gupshup to provide new solutions such as AI Conversational Chatbots, he also has an eye on education technology for the future.  In one such example, Raj shares below how AR and VR content can enhance the online learning experience and how he perceives the GBA start-up ecosystem from his own experience.   


2019年4月,Raj Oswal代表其客户Gupshup来到深圳。Gupshup是美国硅谷一家人工智能短讯软件公司,有意与中国的智能手机生产商(例如小米)合作,把Gupshup的软件与后者的产品结合起来。

其实,Raj来自旧金山湾区,是一位在硅谷工作的企业家,致力为颠覆性科技进入市场提供解决方案,在这方面拥有25年经验。他发现粤港澳大湾区蕴含庞大商机,因此于2021年在蛇口网谷成立了自己的中国公司,名为“因特飞思科技(深圳)有限公司”(Interface Technology (Shenzhen) CO.),专门为包括大湾区在内的中国各地市场提供科技解决方案。



Making Education Immersive

Due to COVID-19, many classes have moved online and e-learning has become the new normal. However, many studies show that online classes are not always engaging, there can be distractions online and overall retention is low. Raj said: “We are exploring how to solve this problem through engaging experiences using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) content, which is called Kinesthetic learning. That is, you learn through interaction and experience which involves seeing, doing and hearing. Currently, we like interactive content through VR, for subjects in education.”. According to Raj, virtual Kinesthetic learners show significantly higher retention rates leading to improved critical thinking after just a week of exposure.

With his new company, aside from representing the AI messaging solution, he is teaming up with a tech-education colleague in Shenzhen.  Their aim is to explore and potentially design interactive content material for the international education market. “We would like to form a thriving community of passionate tech educators to provide experiential curriculum, content and other disruptive innovations for education,” added Raj.  

受新冠疫情影响,许多学校改为网上授课,令远程学习成为新常态。然而,许多研究指出,在线学习有时难以令学生投入,导致学生分心的因素太多,整体专注程度很低。Raj说:“为解决这方面问题,我们正在探索如何利用虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)内容,打造令学生沉浸其中的学习体验。这种学习方式称为“Kinesthetic learning(动觉学习)”。也就是说,学生通过互动和体验,包括看、做、听来学习。目前,我们采用VR技术,为教育领域提供多个科目的互动内容。” Raj表示,虚拟动觉学习者的专注度明显较高,仅仅一周的课堂后,学生的思辨能力已见提升。Raj成立自己的新公司后,除了提供人工智能短讯解决方案外,还与一位在深圳工作的科技教育同事合作,探索并尝试为国际教育市场设计互动教材。Raj补充说:“我们希望凝聚富有热诚的科技教育者,建立一个充满活力的社群,为教育界提供体验式课程、内容以及其他颠覆性创新成果。”  

Inspired by Successful Tech Giants in Shenzhen

Coming from the San Francisco Bay Area, Raj finds Shenzhen full of opportunities for innovation and technology development. He points to the many famous tech giants such as Tencent, Huawei, DJI and ZTE that have developed there. Raj said: “Silicon Valley has been innovating for decades, but to see what Shenzhen has achieved in such a short period of time is amazing.” Raj believes Shenzhen is unique on the mainland, an emerging powerhouse filled with young talent and blessed with good infrastructure to support technological innovation in areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), and Smart Robotics. 



Raj从旧金山湾区来到深圳,发现这里充满了创新和技术开发的机遇。他表示,许多著名科技巨头都是在深圳起步和壮大的,腾讯、华为、大疆和中兴等都是很好的例子。Raj说:“硅谷数十年来一直在创新,但深圳在如此短时间内取得这样的成就,实在令人惊叹。” Raj认为深圳是中国内地独一无二的城市和创新创业龙头,年轻人才荟萃,基础设施完善,能为人工智能、物联网和智能机器人等领域提供技术创新的动力。

Seeking Funding Support

For  new start-ups in Shenzhen, Raj suggests to take part in start-up competitions. He said: “These are the fastest and easiest way to reach out and pitch to potential investors. There is a lot of funding available in Shenzhen from both government and the private sector. I think it is important to be sure that the investor’s goals are in line with our company’s ideas. 

Recipe for Success

Before becoming a start-up founder, Raj had several early years working experience with early stage start-ups in Silicon Valley, California. He believes there is no structured way to success. “Many start-up concepts are based on modifying or adapting existing products and services, but start-ups also need to be dynamic in responding to customers’ needs and be creative in providing solutions.” He continued: “Sometimes the products or services of these start-ups are not yet mature, but nevertheless some of these young entrepreneurs aggressively expand and diversify their products and services. They should stay focused on a signature product or service, then roll out others step by step. It is the same approach as expanding the market for your product, it is best to build a strong base in a familiar market first, then tap into other markets”.

Some young entrepreneurs, Raj observed, are used to working in large corporations which have well defined workflow, clear division of labor, and readily available resources. When they start up their own businesses, they have unrealistic expectations. Raj said: “These young entrepreneurs can seek advice from accelerators and incubators. There are many resources available for start-ups, but you have to reach out.” 

What factors are important to the success of a start-up? Raj said: “I think human capital is the most crucial factor. You have to have a good team to implement your idea. Secondly, you must be innovative, visionary and believe in yourself. Finally, funding is, of course, essential.”




Creating synergy in GBA

Shenzhen is not only the world’s manufacturing hub but also China’s very own Silicon Valley. The 14th Five-Year Plan steadily progresses the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, to safeguard its future growth. Shenzhen has a complete manufacturing supply chain, which helps start-ups to take their ideas from concept to product. Talking about GBA, Raj said: “At some point, start-ups will want to expand their markets beyond the mainland, and they can reach overseas markets efficiently using Hong Kong as a launch platform.” 

Hong Kong is the most international city in the GBA, and it is known as a globally important financial, transportation, and trade centre and a regional aviation hub. Its professional services are also internationally renowned. Raj however sees room for improvement: “I think the Hong Kong Government should continue to invest more in university research and education. Ultimately, a lot of innovation comes from good university research. Accelerators and government institutions should be working closely with Hong Kong’s universities, looking for opportunities for technology transfer and innovation. After all, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA and other universities are what makes San Francisco’s Silicon Valley so great.”

Raj shares his vision with us: “You always have to be ahead of the curve, and it is very important for an entrepreneur to have a vision past five years. For me, I think immersive technology like VR could be the next big thing in the market, given the momentum and timing of global tech giants like Facebook, Microsoft, ByteDance and others backing the movement. All in all, start-ups need to understand the dynamics of the market and provide timely solutions to grasp the latest opportunities.” 



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