

Part I Writing


The Impact of Social Networking Websites on Reading


As we can see from the picture,a pair of lovers is discussing about reading. To our amusement, the boy says his favorite book is Facebook. While the picture is seemingly humorous and ridiculous, it is thought-provoking on second thought, intending to inform us that the social networks have exerted an important impact on our daily reading.

Opinions vary when it comes to the impact of social networking websites on reading. Some-people insist that social networking websites provide large collections of information at great speed and stimulate our reading interest. On the other hand, some people claim that it is a common phenomenon that youngsters spend too much time reading on social networking websites, and it is these websites that make teenagers have less opportunities or time to read traditional books.

There is a saying goes like this, "Everycoin has two sides". So there is no surprise that there are different opinions on the impact of social networking websites on reading. However, I, as a college student, am convinced that it is necessary for us to read on social networking websites, but it is also of greater necessity for us to read traditional books, because social networking websites are just tools and a heavy dependence on them will bring more harm than good.

Part II Listening Comprehension


1/C; 2/B; 3/C;4/A; 5/A; 6/D; 7/B; 8/C; 9/B; 10/D; 11/D; 12/A; 13/D; 14/C; 15/B; 16/B; 17/A;18/D; 19/D; 20/B; 21/A; 22/C; 23/B; 24/A; 25/D; 26/eternal; 27/diminising;28/absolute; 29/succeed; 30/on a vast scale; 31/As regards; 32/used up;33/disposing; 34/modification; 35/magnitude


Part III Reading Comprehension


36/E; 37/O;38/K; 39/L; 40/A; 41/F; 42/H; 43/I; 44/C; 45/D; 46/H; 47/C; 48/B; 49/N; 50/A;51/I; 52/G; 53/O; 54/D; 55/M; 56/C; 57/B; 58/A; 59/D; 60/C; 61/A; 62/B; 63/C;64/A; 65/D


Part IV Translation


In China, parents always try every means to help their children, and even make important decisions for them. They never care what their children really want, because they believe that it is good for them. As a result, children’s growth and education tend to surrender to the wills of their parents.

If parents decide to sign up for their children to take an extra class to increase their chances of being admitted to a key school, they will stick to their decisions, even if their children are not interested in.

While in the United States, parents are likely to respect their children's opinions,and pay more attention to their opinions in making decisions.

It may be worthy of praise for the Chinese parents to attach great importance to education. When it comes to education, however, they should learn how to balance the relationship between parents and their children from American parents.


