

Part I Writing


Looking Before Leaping


Confronted with various kinds of Information, modern people tend to trust whatever they have heard or read. However, it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something because the things we see or hear cannot all be correct. Living in the information age full of changes, we should discern clearly right from wrong.

It is evident that some information is so misleading that we should not believe it. For instance several years ago, due to the nuclear pollution in Japan, a host of Chinese, especially middle-aged people and seniors, rushed to buy salt, firmly believing salt could prevent radiation, which was very ridiculous. Also, although it is generally accepted that a picture is worth a thousand words, some pictures cannot be trusted in this day and age, for photoshop has prevailed all around the world.

In conclusion, it is imperative for us to hold correct attitudes towards the information we see or hear. Instead of drawing conclusions in a hurry, we should raise our awareness of judging right from wrong and look before leap. I firmly believe a better future is awaiting us if we make each and every decision upon deep thinking.

Part II Listening Comprehension


1/C; 2/D; 3/C;4/D; 5/D; 6/A; 7/A; 8/B; 9/B; 10/C; 11/B; 12/A; 13/A; 14/C; 15/D; 16/C; 17/A;18/B; 19/C; 20/A; 21/D; 22/D; 23/C; 24/B; 25/C; 26/anxiety; 27/identifies;28/compares to; 29/a body of; 30/motivate; 31/define; 32/fundamental;33/ruined; 34/In short; 35/imperfect


Part III Reading Comprehension


36/A; 37/K;38/C; 39/L; 40/H; 41//F; 42/I; 43/B; 44/M; 45/N; 46/J; 47/I; 48/B; 49/D; 50/A;51/H; 52/M; 53/E; 54/A; 55/L; 56/C; 57/A; 58/A; 59/D; 60/B; 61/B; 62/B; 63/A;64/C; 65/D


Part IV Translation


Beijing is planning to invest 760 billion yuan to control pollution in the next three years, starting from reducing the emission of PM2.5. The newly announced planis aimed at reducing four major sources of pollution, including exhaust emissions of over 5 million motor vehicles, coal-burning in surrounding areas, sandstorms from the north and local construction dust. Another 85 billion yuan will be used to establish or upgrade the facilities for municipal waste treatment and sewage treatment. Besides, 30 billion yuan will be invested in the forestation program in the coming three years.

In order to improve the environment, the municipal government also plans to construct anumber of water-recycling plants and to ban illegal construction. In addition, Beijing will impose tougher punishments on those who violate the emission-reduction regulations.


