


2021 National English Competition for College Students

(Type A - Final)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 TFTTF

11—15 CDCAA

Section C (5 marks) 

16—20 BDDAC

Section D (10 marks)

21. administration

22. magnet

23. lifetime exploration

24. ancient clay bricks

25. mysterious

26. Iraq

27. 2000

28. false teeth

29. microscope

30. small things

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 CADAD

36—40 BABDC

41—45 BDACC

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. turns

47. foundation

48. competent

49. like

50. care

51. as

52. released

53. generation

54. achievement

55. reunite

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks) 

56—60 DFAGC

Section B (10 marks)

61. It is located on the island of Heimaey.

62. Seven thousand years.

63. They were ferried to the mainland./They went to mainland by ferry.

64. To observe the awesome natural event.

65. They started to rebuild their hometown.

Section C (10 marks)

66. extinct

67. aware of

68. eradicate/wipe out

69. native to

70. invasive

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 科技的发展似乎势不可挡,但所有数字化的东西在取代传统的睡前读物—纸质书之前,可能都还有很长的路要走。一项新的研究表明,纸质书比电子书更适合睡前阅读。这项研究表明,好的老印刷版书,有需要你用手指翻动的真正的书页,让父母和孩子的互动比他们阅读电子书时要多。密歇根大学的研究人员研究了 37 对父母和幼儿如何通过电子书和纸质书互动。研究人员发现,在使用电子书籍时,父母向孩子们提出的问题较少,并且对故事的评论很少。

Section B (10 marks)

72. In 1890, the glacier covered an area of 16 square kilometres but by 2012, it measured just 0.7 square kilometres.

73. This monument was set up  to acknowledge that we  know  what is happening and what needs to  be done.   Only you know if we did it.

74. It is intended to raise people's awareness about the disappearance of glaciers and the effects of climate  change.

75. In 2014, we made the decision that this was no longer a  living  glacier, it was already  dead,  it was not  moving.

76. The symbolic death of a glacier is a warming to us, and we need to take action.

Part VI Error correction (10 marks)

Part VII IQ Test (10 marks)

87. Card. (All the word in List A can be prefixed with“red”, and all the words in List B can be prefixed with“blue”.)

88. Be all and end all.

89. The letter“n”.

90. Cattle horns.

91. 6A and 8C.

Part VIII Writing (30 marks)

Section A

92. 参考范文略

Section B

93. 参考范文略



  1. 本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。

  2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。

  3.  A 词数少于 100 词或多于 130 词的,B 词数少于 160 词或多于 200 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

  4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分



第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分


第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分


0 分


2021 National English Competition for College Students

(Type B - Final)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks) 


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 FTTFF

11—15 CABAC

Section C (5 marks)

16—20 ACDBB

Section D (10 marks)

21. a variety of

22. authoritative sources

23. in favour of

24. particularly  adjectives

25. critically evaluate

26. tree-climbing abilities

27. a living fossil

28. scent markings / a strong-smelling substance

29. barking sound

30. mountain areas

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 CBBAD

36—40 BBCAC

41—45 DACBD

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. mathematician

47. music/works

48. awoke

49. fields

50. when

51. though

52. between

53. introduced

54. attributed

55. silkworms

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks) 

56—60 CFGDA

Section B (10 marks)

61. They are used to their rooms being their exclusive domains. / Any  indication  that  a  roommate's  life deviates from the familiar can heighten a student's fear of the unknown. / They are afraid a stranger's life may be quite different from their own.

62. They carefully consider each student's circumstances when assigning roommates.

63. No, it isn't.

64. It refers to the behaviour that is not natural or sincere but is intended to attract  attention  (or  to  have a particular effect).

65. She worried that they weren't going to get along well.

Section C (10 marks)

66. communicate

67. harming

68. a (strong) motivation

69. corrupted / destoryed / ruined

70. standard / proper English

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 古代中国发展出了独特的文明,在许多人眼里,它既神秘又难理解。中华文明有多重起源,黄河不是  唯一的摇篮。5000多年前,从黄土高原到东海之滨的广阔土地上,已经有众多的文明结合点,这些结合点渐渐相互融合,最终形成统一的国家。4000 多年前,夏朝已经是一个庞大的地域性国家;至少在3500 年前,商朝就有了文字记载;3000 年前,周天子用分封制规范了土地的分配和社会的等级。经此历史阶段后,秦始皇在公元前 3 世纪统一中国,统一从此就成为中华古代文明中最珍贵的遗产,它保证了中华文明的绵延不断,保证了国家的持续发展。

Section B (10 marks)

72. Over the past 70 years, the Chinese government has successfully lifted 850 million people out of poverty.

73. Since 2012, an average of more than ten million people, equivalent to the population of a medium-sized European country, has been lifted out of poverty each year.

74. These policies have benefited the broad masses of people, including many ethnic minorities.

75. China's success in poverty alleviation has contributed greatly to the world's poverty reduction process.

76. Poverty alleviation is a challenge to all mankind and also the top  priority  of  the  2030  agenda  for  sustainable development.

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

Part VII IQ Test (10 marks)

87. mission

88. hold your tongue

89. C.   若 A 选项的顶面正确,则右侧应为空白面,A 项错误;B 选项的顶面和正面为相对面,不可能相邻,B 项错误;D 选项的顶面和右面为相对面,不可能相邻,D 项错误。故正确答案为 C。

90. Precise.

91. D.每一行,直线和曲线的交点数依次为 0、1、2.因此,问号处图形中直线和曲线应当有 1 个交点,只有D项符合。

Part VIII Writing 

Section A (10 marks) 

92. Omitted

Section B (20 marks)

93. Omitted



  1. 1. 本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。

  2. 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。

  3. 3. A 词数少于 100 词或多于 130 词的,B 词数少于 160 词或多于 200 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

  4. 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分



第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分


第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分


0 分


2021 National English Competition for College Students

(Type C - Final)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 FTTFT

11—15 DACCB

Section C (5 marks) 

16—20 BDCDA

Section D (10 marks)

21. they were taught

22. perceive different colours

23. depending on

24. distinguish between

25. having an argument

26. Blue Boy

27. buried them

28. their home  / scary

29. wedding

30. accommodations for guests

Part II Vocabulary and Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 DDBAD

36—40 CCBAD

41—45 CDBAC

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. acceptable

47. similarities

48. forward

49. observation

50. consisting

51. underlying

52. isolated

53. Eventually

54. originally

55. behind

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks) 

56—60 FACBD

Section B (10 marks)

61. (He actually walked) 28 miles.

62. A circle.

63. The same as teacher of mathematics.

64. The realization that there was a close relationship between the sound and the number of air vibrations.

65. By the technology of automatic speech recognition.

Section C (10 marks)

66. significant relationship

67. overweight / obese

68. lower levels

69. public health data

70. regional

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 奥林匹克口号由更快、更高、更强三个词组成。这个口号和奥林匹克宗旨一致:生活中重要的不是胜利,而是战斗;重要的不是获胜,而是参与。奥林匹克口号和宗旨都体现了顾拜旦所信奉的理想:尽最大的努力争取最好的表现是值得奋斗的目标。还有什么比从事运动和参加奥林匹克运动会更有意义  呢?这是一堂重要的生活课,不仅对于运动员而且对于所有人今天仍然同样有用。

Section B (10 marks)

72. The Imperial Palace lost its function after China's last emperor abdicated throne.

73. But with its 600th anniversary approaching, the Imperial Palace has seen earth-shaking changes.

74. As the Chinese government has made great efforts to protect the country's cultural heritage, the Imperial Palace has gained a new life.

75. These changes have produced remarkable effect, as the renovated Imperial Palace has become increasingly popular among tourists from home and abroad.

76. If you are willing to stay a little longer, you will find the beautiful  palaces and  courtyards of  the east  and  west wings are most worth visiting.

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

Part VII IQ Test (10 marks)

87. 领导人;头儿

88. Vegetable / Timetable

89. Fish 

90. 36 

91. C

Part VIII Writing (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

92. Omitted.

Section B (20 marks)

93. Omitted.



  1. 1. 本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。

  2. 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。

  3. 3. A 词数少于 100 词或多于 130 词的,B 词数少于 160 词或多于 200 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

  4. 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分



第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分


第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分


0 分


2021 National English Competition for College Students

(Type D - Final)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks) 


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 TFFTF

11—15 CBBCD

Section C (5 marks) 

16—20 CABDC

Section D (10 marks)

21. expensive equipment

22. experienced and observant

23. Having compared

24. the most reliable

25. cheer you up

26. increase the memory

27. pilots and soldiers

28. ethical questions

29. the original purpose

30. be tested

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 ACDCB

36—40 DABDC

41—45 BCABD

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. of

47. describe

48. closely

49. it

50. meaning(s)

51. follow

52. what

53. artificial

54. time

55. together

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks) 

56—60 DAGCF

Section B (10 marks)

61. They refer to people who were born roughly between 1965 and 1980.

62. The information overload caused by the rise  of modern  technology  and  social  media  and  sheltered  lives due to overprotective parents.

63. Money.

64. Because they don't take into account public attitudes toward stress and mental illness.

65. They are more likely to seek professional help to reduce their stress and anxiety levels.

Section C (10 marks)

66. similarities and differences

67. DNA

68. strength

69. several smaller subgroups

70. intelligence

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 几乎每种语言都有一些饱含丰富的词汇和习语的话题区域。例如,居住在阿拉斯加和加拿大最北部的因纽特人用许多不同的方式来描述雪。另一方面,爱尔兰人有各种各样的方式来描述绿色景观。其他例子也可以在与食物有关的语言中找到。例如,法语和意大利语中有丰富的词汇来论述酒,而美式英语中有很多方式来说明如何烹饪牛排。由此我们可以得出结论,语言的发展受到环境和文化的双重影响。

Section B (10 marks)

72. Proverbs are short famous sayings about life that are passed on from generation to generation.

73. The Chinese proverb“A single slip can cause (a thousand) years of / lasting regret.”is a good example.

74. Some think that the proverb is a warning to those who keep moving and never settle down.

75. If you don't move and change with the times, you'll become like a mossy piece of rock.

76. An expression similar to “You'll reap what you sow.”appears in many languages and it means that you'll get what you give.

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

Part VII IQ Test (10 marks)

87. 8(外侧两个数字相乘得到的结果等于内侧数字互换顺序后的数。)

88. C

89. D

90. playwrights/PLAYWRIGHTS

91. 说得没错!/你说得真对!

Part VIII Writing 

Section A (10 marks) 

92. Omitted

Section B (20 marks)

93. Omitted



  1. 1. 本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。

  2. 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。

  3.  3. A 词数少于 100 词或多于 130 词的,B 词数少于 160 词或多于 200 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

  4. 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分



第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分


第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分


0 分






