

山东大学 语言科学 2021-09-20


经过近一年筹备,2019年4月末,由山东大学翻译学院主办的《国际翻译与应用语言学期刊》(The International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics )(ISSN: 2575-6974,EISSN: 2575-6982)顺利推出创刊号。《国际翻译与应用语言学期刊》的顺利创刊,将助力山东大学翻译学科的发展,提升其在相关学科的影响力。





《国际翻译与应用语言学期刊》由中国山东大学(威海)主办,美国IGI Global出版发行,是一家新办正规国际期刊。IJTIAL只接受英文投稿,免费出版,不付稿酬,常年征稿(一年两期,没有截止日期),作者可获赠刊一本。按照国外审稿流程,无论用稿与否,本刊都会提供及时详细的评审意见。IJTIAL鼓励登录系统投稿,谢绝一稿多投,欢迎国内外翻译与语言学界同行赐稿!

International Journal of Translation,Interpretation and Applied Linguistics(IJTIAL)is based at Shandong University (Weihai),China and published by IGI Global,US. It now calls for papers from translation and linguistics researchers across the world. 

Journal Description

International Journal of Translation,Interpretation and Applied Linguistics(IJTIAL)is a biannual innovative forum for researchers and practitioners from any part of the world to disseminate the latest trends,techniques,and practical solutions in the growing fields of translation,interpretation,and linguistics. This journal encompasses a broad range of discussions on translation theories,interpretation practice,global education of translators and interpreters and applied linguistics.The editorial offices for the journal are based at Shandong University (Weihai)in China. The journal is universally accessible in both online and print form. It does not charge any review or publication fees. 

ISSN: 2575-6974|EISSN: 2575-6982|DOI: 10.4018/IJTIAL


The mission of the International Journal of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics (IJTIAL)is to encourage sound empirical interdisciplinary research that aims at the improvement of T&I and ESL practice. It also accepts theoretical research articles,book reviews and interviews. The language of publication is English although the issues discussed may involve all languages and language combinations. Thematic issues guest-edited by leading scholars from around the world are published annually and proposals are welcome.


T&I theory and practice 

T&I Teaching and Training 

T&I technology and aids 

Linguistics and T&I 

Linguistics and ESL Education


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original empirical research articles 5,000–9,000 words in length. Submissions of book reviews and interviews should be circa 2,000-4000 words. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at 


The submission page can be found by clicking 


All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of: 

Wei Zhao or Ying Cui 

Emails: caroline_zhaowei@sina.com



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