
四六级,看这一篇就够了:超强预测 + 高分范文 + 考试流程、注意事项、备考策略

蔡雷英语 2020-11-18



英语四级 12月15日  9:00-11:20

  英语六级 12月15日  15:00-17:25


  • 学生证、身份证、 准考证三证缺一不可。

  • 16日上午四级考试8:40进入考场,下午六级考试14:40进入考场。

  • 考试开始先写作文(30分钟),作文完毕后听力开始,听力完毕,考生停止作答。

  • 检查听力所需要的耳机与收音机是否能用。



⬇ 四级试卷结构

⬇ 六级试卷结构










1. 作文,可能还是这三种形式:

漫画、引言及口语式(对你影响最大的一个人之类)。但是最重要的第一点是:别把题目看走眼,你可能就已经成功了一半。比如有回四级作文题是:Education pays, 学渣们都以为是教育花费,其实是:教育是有回报的。

2. 在写之前,回忆考前积累的相关表达,包括单词的替代,固定句型的套用,一个简单的例子的是think,你至少可以选择…

=believe=maintain=consider=assume=deem= insist=be convinced = reckon=harbor the idea that…=take the attitude that…=hold the view that 或者更复杂的版本

3. 发现文章的观点没有足够理由支撑, 可使用举例子的方法。

这招对六级那种最难写的引言式文章最有用。你可以用以下句子开头:As an illustration, we may take …as an example.

This story is not rare....Such dilemma we might often meet in daily life.

4. 最后阶段建议多背功能句,考场灵活应用.

如: 文章结论句 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…Taking all these factors into account, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…Therefore, we can reach the following conclusion…


▲1. 考场上,宁愿简单,不要犯错,可拿平均分


▲2. 卷面整洁,字迹工整,第一印象加分


▲3. 字数不用过分纠结,采用三段式,比较合理



  • 第一段(现象或图片描述,引出观点);

  • 第二段(原因、建议、影响等多维度或选择一个角度,论证观点);

  • 第三段(与第二段不同的建议、影响、结果的总结,总结、重申观点)

▲4. 想要拿高分,注意语言的多样性、句式多变




  •  大多数人 most people→ the majority of the population

  •  经常 often→frequently

  •  我相信 I believe→ from my standpoint, from my perspective

  •  必须 must→ it is a must for us to…

  •  知道 know→ be aware of

  •  因为 because→in that

  •  最后 at last→eventually

  •  然而 but→however

  •  如果 if→provided that

  •  各行各业的人 all kinds of people→people from all walks of life

  • 引起,导致 lead to→contribute to

  • 人 people→individuals

  • 好的 good→desirable, beneficial

  • 坏的 bad→undesirable

  • 很多many→ numerous

  • 越来越 more and more→ a(n) increasing/mounting number of

  • 很 very→extremely

  • 方面 side→aspects

  • 表明 show→demonstrate, indicate

  • 利用 use→utilize

  • 因此/结果 so→therefore

  • 部分 part→proportion

  • 提高 improve→enhance

  • 改变 change→transform

  • 强调/重视 emphasize→ attach great importance to

  • 培养 develop→cultivate

  • 破坏 destroy→undermine

  • 解决 deal with →tackle /figure out

  • 普遍的 everywhere→universal

  • 明显的 obvious→apparent

  • 在当今社会 in the modern society→in the current society

  • 使 make→enable

  • good:好的 perfect, excellent, outstanding, superior

  • many:许多a lot of, a host of, a sea of

  • some:一些 quite a few , several

  • think:认为acknowledge, hold the view that

  • more and more:越来越多 increasing, increasingly, growing

  • helpful:有益的 beneficial, rewarding

  • bad:坏的 wicked, dreadful, unfavorable

  • customer:顾客 consumer, client

  • in my opinion:以我看来 from my part, from my own perspective

  • very:非常 exceedingly, extremely

  • cause:引起 result in, be triggered by

  • want:想要 desire, be eager to

  • remember:记住 memorize, bear in mind that

  • have:拥有 own, possess

  • poor:穷的 needy, impoverished 

  • rich:富的 wealthy, affluent

  • excellent:棒的 excellent, fabulous, marvelous

  • obvious:明显的 apparent, evident

  • healthy:健康的 robust, wholesome

  • surprising:惊人的 amazing, miraculous

  • beautiful:美的 attractive, gorgeous, eye-catching

  • popular:流行的 prevailing, prevalent

  • improve:提高 enhance, promote, boost

  • solve:解决 resolve, tackle, cope with, deal with

  • develop:培养 cultivate, foster, nurture

  • complete:完成 fulfill, accomplish, achieve

  • keep:保留 hold, preserve, retain

  • energetic:有活力的 dynamic, vigorous

  • destroy:破坏 damage, ruin

  • influence:影响 impact, the effect of…

  • pollute:污染 taint, contaminate


高分范文 No.1

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to college freshmen to express your views on how to maintain psychological health. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear friends,

As college freshmen, struggling to adapt yourselves to the college life, you must be confused about a lot of problems. On behalf of the Psychological Counseling Center, I would like to make several suggestions concerning psychological health to you.

First and foremost, keep a keen interest in learning. An outstanding performance in your schoolwork will boost your confidence, thus allowing you to be immune from negative moods or thoughts to a great degree. Secondly, be on good terms with your roommates and communicate with your family members more. Studies show that people with strong family or social connections are psychologically healthier than those who lack a support network. Last but not least, engage in regular exercise. Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep and exercise, which help decrease depression and improve moods.

I hope these suggestions will be of help to you, and please feel free to contact the Psychological Counseling Center for any further questions.

Yours sincerely,


高分范文 No.2

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on ways to achieve effective communication. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


“Nobody attended the Effective Communication Seminar. They didn't understand the invitation.”


On Effective Communication

Just as the picture depicts, a secretary reports to her boss that no one attended the Effective Communication Seminar due to their failure to understand the invitation. Satirical as the cartoon is, what it conveys to us is that it is of great significance to achieve effective communication. In order to communicate effectively, we must keep the following points in our minds.

Make sure what we're going to express is clear and concise in order to make ourselves well understood. Speak on important matters directly and do not waste time on trivial details that will make other people confused. To make our communication successful, another aspect to bear in mind is to put ourselves in other peoples' shoes. Only when we get the clue about others' interests and needs can we choose the approach that suits them, which will guarantee the success of the communication.

In conclusion, having effective communication skills is imperative for our success. If we can do what has been mentioned above, we can get ahead in certain areas where others with poor communication skills may not succeed.

高分范文 No.3

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your congratulations to one of your classmates upon successfully starting a business. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear Oliver,

I am excited to hear the news that you have founded an English training school. Congratulations! It is really encouraging for me to see your efforts finally rewarded.

It comes as no surprise to learn that you have made such a remarkable achievement. You have always excelled in schoolwork, and as your best friend, I know how hard you have worked to achieve the goal. Also, I have complete confidence in you and believe that your training school will be a big success in the foreseeable future. However, it is out of doubt that managing a training school is no easy task. In case you come across any difficulty where I am helpful by chance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please accept my genuine congratulations again. Wish you still further success.

Yours sincerely,



高分范文 No.1

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


To Be a Tough Man

As the saying goes, “A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.” If one wants to become strong and gain his success, there is no doubt that he needs to fight against whatever difficulties he may encounter in his real life. The saying also reminds us of an old proverb “The man who wants to conquer the whole world must conquer himself first.”

Firstly, a strong will can help a man guarantee his success and help him finish the long and tough journey when he gets involved in trouble. Facing troubles, he may feel depressed and upset. However, it is what he believes and persists with that leads him to get rid of difficult situations. Besides, difficulties in life provide a good opportunity for a man to practice himself so as to help him succeed in the near future. That’s why we say that a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.

In a nutshell, hard as the struggle seems to be, a man should challenge himself and practice himself in a way to prove himself in order to embrace the glory of future success. 

高分范文 No.2

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Dialect is a kind of nostalgic thing which makes you homesick.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Dialect Is What Makes You Homesick

As the saying goes, “Dialect is a kind of nostalgic thing which makes you homesick.” Dialect is not only a kind of local and native language, but also plays a very important role in crosscultural communication and that is why we should protect it.

First of all, dialect reflects the living backgrounds as well as local traditions or customs in some ways. People take it as a symbol of their identities. Secondly, it is an old saying that home is where the heart is and dialect is where the memory is, since both of them accompany us wherever we are. In this regard, priority should be given to protect dialects and attention should be paid to enriching this kind of tradition.

To sum up, since dialect is one of the most precious fortunes that we have owned, it is no wonder that we should spare no effort to protect it and keep it for future generations. In other words, dialect is beyond a simple local language and can make people homesick.

高分范文 No.3

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


How to Face Fear?

Fear is a natural feeling caused by the possibility of danger, pain, etc. As for the attitude toward it, I heartily agree with the quote “If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” That is to say, we should face up to fear and be the master of it. 

Fear tends to result from our exaggerating the possible unfavorable conditions. When overwhelmed by the exaggeration of uncertainty, we can unconsciously slip into the feeling of fear, which in turn worsens the situation. Being a slave of dread may also cause us to underestimate our ability and belittle ourselves. As a result, we will never fulfill our potential before we make an attempt. Once endeavoring to approach a seemingly formidable task, we will reasonably gain a better understanding of it and more self-confidence.

Admittedly, a certain amount of fear could help us take the difficulties seriously and keep prudent. Nevertheless, we should never be crushed by fear. We can often encourage ourselves with Franklin Roosevelt’s noted words—“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”


  • 听到什么选什么,哪个选项被读到最多词选哪个,是在无法彻底听懂的情况下,正确率最高的做题方式;

  • 千万不要先涂卡,在做题!一起一起做!!

  • 长对话和短文听力的第一题答案,大部分都在前三句就出现;

  • 转折词后面容易出现答案,如but,however等。


▲1. 开篇必有考点


▲2. 顺序原则,遇到听不懂之处,千万别纠结



▲3. 转折、最高级和语调变化处常考

历年在转折处常有考点。考前最后几天练真题听力时,听到but, however等转折词时,重点听其后的内容。

同时注意语调变化,升调时一般是疑问句,会出题。留心最高级(以-est结尾)、举例处(for example, such as等)、年代时间(1990s)等处,常设考题。


▲4. 熟悉话题高频词,预读和抓听都需要




  • casualty n.伤亡(人数); 事故

  • wound n. 伤害;v. 受伤

  • crash v. 碰撞

  • strike v. 罢工

  • president n.总统

  • release v. 释放

  • hostage n. 人质

  • authority n. 当局,相关部门

  • rate n.速度; 比率; 等级; (利息等的)费率

  • symptom n. 症状

  • claim vt.声称; 断言; 需要; 索取vi.提出要求;


  • promote v. 提升;促进;发起;宣传

  • intensive adj. 加强的;集中的;透彻的;

  • recovery n. 恢复,复原;重获;收回

  • spiritual adj. 精神的,心灵的;宗教的;高尚的

  • worship n. 崇拜;敬仰 v. 崇拜,崇敬,爱慕;信奉

  • communal adj. 公共的;公社的

  • misinterpret vt. 曲解

  • supervise v. 监督;指导

  • friction n. 摩擦;摩擦力;不和,争执

  • evolve vt.使发展; 使进化 vi.发展












据观察,每年必考地方是列举处,即有first,sceond,in addition……的地方,还有举例与打比方的地方,即有as,such ,for instance等出现的地方,有几个应考规律,大家记住。

  • 选项中照抄或似乎照抄原文的一般不是答案,而同义词替换的是正确答案;

  • 选项中表达意义较具体,也就是句子较长的一般不是答案而概括性的,抽象的是答案;

  • 选项中有绝对语气词的比如must,never,merely等不是答案而有不十分肯定语气词的是正确答案,比如could,might,possible等。




  • 若要求对某段内容进行推论,那么就只看题干要求作答的那一段,

  • 选项中采用试探性,不十分绝对语气词的比如tend to ,offten等一般是答案,

  • 符合常识逻辑的一般是答案,比方说为什么中国比较穷,是因为人口众多,为什么美国人很胖,是因为他们吃的肯德基和麦当劳太多了。




  • ①与原句内容相反;

  • ②与原文内容一半相同一半不同;

  • ③与原句内容相似但过于绝对化。

  • ④原文中根本没提到


  • ①虽覆盖全文意思,但显得太笼统;

  • ②其内容太窄,不能覆盖全文内容,只是文章内容的一部分,或只是文章内容的一个细枝未节;

  • ③与文章内容毫不相干,或与文章内容相悖。


  • ①不是在文章事实或上下文(句)逻辑基础上进行推理而得出了观点。

  • ②虽然可以以文章提供的事实或内在逻辑为基础进行推理,但推理过头,概括过度。


▲1. 选词填空:三步走

  • 第一步:给选项标注词性,一词多词性,标注多个词性;

  • 第二步:预判空格词性;

  • 第三步:结合词性和上下文,进行“拼图”游戏。


▲2. 长篇匹配:先题后文,先简单,定位+同义替换定答案

  • 长篇匹配考查大家在大量信息中快速抓取信息的能力。

  • 最快速有效的方法就是:先题后文,先做较简单的5道题目。

  • 简单题目题干特征如下:特殊印刷体、比较级最高级、较长的名词或形容词短语等,回到原文中去匹配

  • 匹配时遵循“2+1”原则,至少有2个定位词,加上至少一处同义改写。

  • 题干中划出的关键词越多,段落原文中与题干关键词匹配度越高,可判定答案就是该段落。

▲3. 仔细阅读:考前多进行计时训练




  • 如:年夜饭  译:The annual reunion dinner

  • 析:指过年的那顿团圆饭,每年一次。所以在翻译时要表达出这个团聚的含义。


  • 如: 我在第一段说过,我刚从大学毕业。

  • 译:  As I said in my first paragraph, I was fresh from college.

  • 析:中文的时态是依赖一些汉字表达,英文根据动词的变化形式展示。文中的“过”英文采用一般过去时翻译。

3.有些介词可能会帮到忙,比如with+ 名词的结构,就很多见。

  • 如:这里有许多山脉,生长着大片的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产。

  • 译: There are mountain ranges here with extensive forests and rich mineral resources.

  • 析:生长和储藏这两个动词在译文中并没有以动词的形式翻译,转译为英文的介词。


  • 如:是巴斯德发现了疾病是由活着的病菌引起的。

  • 译: It was Pasteur who discovered that diseases are caused by living germs.

  • 析:此句应用了英文的强调句进行翻译。


▲1. 增词



译文为: Flu can be spread by hand contact.


▲2. 减词


例如“百姓出现做饭点火难现象”中的“现象”一词可以省略,只译成“people do not even have matches to light their stoves.”就足以表达原文中的信息。

▲3. 词类转换

词类变形和转换,是英语语言的一个很重要的特点,特别是名词、动词、形容词这三种最主要的词类,大部分可以直接转换使用,或者稍加变化(前缀、后缀等) 即可转换为另一种词类。


译文:His speech impressed us deeply.


▲4. 语态转换


例如:门锁好了。The door has been locked up.


▲5. 语序变换


▲6. 分译与合译


▲7. 正反表达翻译


1. 汉语从正面表达,英语从反面表达。



译文为:His speech is pretty thin.

以上七种技巧看起来简单,要真正灵活运用还要多加练习,看看自己以往的翻译有哪些不足,有意识地运用这些技巧,考试时翻译部分so easy!


毛笔(Chinese brush)是一种源于中国的传统书写工具,与墨、纸、砚(ink stone)并称为“文房四宝”。毛笔有着悠久的历史,相传为秦始皇的大将蒙恬所创。毛笔笔尖最初用兔毛,后来也用羊、狼、鸡、鼠等动物毛,笔管用竹或其他材料制成。在古代,毛笔不仅是一种基本的书写工具,还被广泛用于书法(calligraphy)和绘画创作。几千年来,它为创造中华民族光辉灿烂的文化做出了卓越的贡献。

    Chinese brush is a traditional writing instrument originating from China. Ink stick, paper, ink stone and Chinese brush are known as “Four Treasures of the Study”.

Chinese brush has a long history. Legend has it that the brush was invented by Meng Tian, a general under the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Originally, the head of the brush was made from rabbit hairs, and later also from the hairs of goats, wolves, chickens, mice and other animals. The shaft is made of bamboo or other materials. In ancient times, Chinese brush was not only an essential writing tool, it was also widely used in calligraphy and painting. For thousands of years, it has made outstanding contributions to the creation of the effulgent Chinese culture.

中国的烹饪历史悠久,有8 000多种有名的菜品,48种基本的烹饪方式,包括烤、煎、煮等。中国菜可以大致分为八大地方菜系(cuisine),流传最广的当属四川菜系。川菜以麻辣著称,宫保鸡丁、麻婆豆腐大受人们欢迎,四川火锅是世界上最有名的火锅。除此之外,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,如北京菜和上海菜。北京菜腻且偏咸,最典型的是北京烤鸭,几乎每一个到北京的外国人都会到全聚德吃烤鸭。上海菜油腻且口味偏甜,对于喜欢甜食的人再好不过了。

Chinese cooking has a long history. There are over 8 000 well-known Chinese dishes and 48 basic ways of cooking including roasting, frying and boiling, etc. Chinese cooking can be roughly divided into eight regional schools of cuisine. The most popular one is Sichuan cuisine, which is spicy and hot. Kung-pao chicken and mapo tofu are very popular with people. Sichuan hotpot is the most famous hotpot in the world. Additionally, there are many other famous local schools of cuisine, such as Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine. Beijing food is greasy and a little salty. The most typical one is Beijing roast duck. Nearly every foreigner who comes to Beijing will taste Beijing roast duck in Quanjude Restaurant. Shanghai food is oily and sweet. It's the best choice for people who have a sweet tooth.


In the long history of Chinese feudal society, the emperors, as the holders of supreme power, built palaces and other structures for themselves which the populace might aspire to but could never attain. The architecture represents the essence of the architectural techniques at that time. Ancient records describe the now vanished Epang Palace of the Qin Dynasty, Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty and Daming Palace of the Tang Dynasty as huge constructions with broad courtyards and magnificent halls. The only imperial palaces extant nowadays are the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Imperial Palace in Shenyang, which were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They represent the best technical and artistic achievements of ancient palace architecture.

“生、旦、净、丑”是京剧中的角色分类。“生”是男性正面角色,“旦”是女性正面角色,“净”是性格鲜明的男性配角(supporting role),“丑”是幽默滑稽的人物或反面角色。每种角色都有表明身份的脸谱(facial make-up)和扮相(costume),只要演员一上场,你一看便知。在人的脸上涂上某种颜色以象征这个人的性格和品质、角色和命运,是京剧的一大特点,也是理解剧情的关键。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇(valor);黑脸为中性,代表猛(vigor)智;黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表凶诈。

Sheng, dan, jing, chou refer to different types of roles in Peking Opera. Sheng is the positive male role, and dan is the positive female role, while jing is a supporting male role with a distinctive character and chou is the clown or a negative character. Each type of role has its own facial make-up and costume that expose its identity as soon as he/she appears on the stage. One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character that shows the personality, quality, role and fate, which is also the key to understanding the plot. To put it simply, red is positive, standing for loyalty and valor; black represents a neutral role, representing vigor and wisdom; yellow and white both suggest cunning and negative characters.


筷子由两根长短相同的木棍组成,是中国的传统餐具(eating utensil)。筷子出现在三千多年前,它的出现不仅是中国烹饪文化的变革,也是人类文明的标志。此外,筷子在烹饪技巧的发展过程中也起着推动作用。如今,筷子不仅是一种餐具,还成为一种独特的文化形式,对于我们来说,筷子可以作为艺术品来欣赏、研究和收藏。筷子虽小,但仍被世界上许多人所推崇。一项有趣的实验表明,当你在使用筷子的时候,许多关节和肌肉都会得到锻炼。

Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of equal length sticks. Chopsticks appeared more than three thousand years ago. The appearance of chopsticks is not only a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but also a symbol of human civilization. Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques. Today, chopsticks are not only a kind of tableware, but also have become a unique culture form, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection. Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.


Online banking has a lot of advantages. It never closes, offering services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all you need to do is just a slight click of the mouse. If your nearby banks or ATMs are not available when financial problems arise, you can immediately log on to your online banking and cope with your business. In terms of the speed of the execution and confirmation of transactions, online banking is generally no slower than ATMs. Online banking now offers advanced tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes and so on to help you manage your assets more effectively.

自主创业(self-employed)的好处之一是盈利归自己所有,利润是对自己努力、能力和创造力的回报。自主创业的第二个好处是个人才智和能力能直接反映在收入上。自主创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够控制自己的工作时间。但是创业并不是一帆风顺(go smoothly)的事。首先,做自己的老板把责任直接放到了个人的肩上。其次,自己做老板时,一单成功的生意可能会带来很大的盈利,而一单失败的生意可能会造成破产。第三个弊端是没有稳定的工资,收入浮动很大。

One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profits that the business makes belong to the owner. The profits earned are the reward for the owner's effort, competence and creativity. Another advantage is that a person's earnings directly reflect his intelligence and abilities. The third advantage of being self-employed is that a person as the boss can control his working hours. However, being self-employed does not always go smoothly. First, being one's own boss means placing the responsibility directly on that individual's shoulders. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with successful business, losses can force them out of business. The third disadvantage is that self-employed people have no stable wage and their earnings can vary greatly.

中医起源于6 000多年前的神农氏,这位著名的中国古代药王所生活的时代被认为是中医发展的萌芽阶段(embryo stage)。中医学在长期的发展过程中,逐渐形成了一整套医学原则和观点。首先,中医认为“万物人为贵”。中医将“救死扶伤”视为职业道德规范。第二,中医注重无病防病,强调以食补(food treatment)来延缓衰老,减少疾病。第三,中医理论认为,社会环境与自然环境相互作用、互为依存,人的身心也是一种相互作用、互为依存的关系。

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated from Shennong, the famous king of medicine in ancient China who lived more than 6 000 years ago. The time Shennong lived is considered to be the embryo stage in the development of TCM. During its long process of development, TCM has gradually developed a complete set of medical principles and concepts. First, it believes that “nothing is more important than a human life”. It regards “healing the sick and rescuing the dying” as its professional ethics. Second, it pays attention to the prevention of diseases, advocating the food treatment approach to defer senility and reduce diseases. Third, according to the TCM theory, the relationship between the social environment and natural environment, as well as the relationship between the human body and spirit is of mutual influence and interdependence.

是中国人日常生活中不可或缺的饮料(beverage)。中国人对泡茶非常挑剔,常用泉水、雨水或雪水来泡茶。其中,泉水和秋天的雨水最好。水质和味道最为重要,好的水必须是纯净、凉爽、清澈流动的。茶在中国人的情感生活中扮演了重要的角色。到中国人家里做客,主人总是立刻就敬上一杯茶。上茶不只是礼貌,它还象征着团结,代表着尊重,代表着主人与客人共享美好时光。主人倒茶(pour tea)只倒七分满,此外杯中三分装的是友情和关爱。

For Chinese people, tea is an indispensable beverage in their daily life. Chinese people are very particular about making tea. To make tea, they often use spring water as well as rain and snow water, among which spring water and rain water in autumn are considered to be the best. In terms of water, the emphasis is put on the quality and taste, and fine water must be pure, cool, and clearly flowing. Tea plays an important role in Chinese emotional life. It is always offered immediately to a guest in Chinese. 



