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2017-01-19 蔡雷英语
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Today, I have set out a clear vision for the future of this country as we leave the European Union. It’s a plan for a stronger, fairer, Global Britain and a brighter future for generations to come. 

A stronger Britain means taking back control of our laws – so that we are governed by rules made in this country, and ending the jurisdiction of the European Court. It means working closely with the Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland administrations to deliver a Brexit that works for every part of the UK and thereby strengthens the precious ties between us; and maintaining the important common travel area with the Republic of Ireland.

A fairer Britain means getting control of the number of people coming to Britain from the EU. It means guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens living here, as our European partners guarantee the rights of British nationals living there. And – crucially – it means protecting and strengthening the rights people have at work so that workers continue to enjoy the rights and protections that they deserve. 

A Global Britain means building a new trading relationship with our partners in Europe. But also, being free to do new trade deals with countries from outside the European Union too. And it means continuing to cooperate with our friends and allies in Europe in critical areas such as science and technology, and in the fight against crime and terrorism. 

We will do all of this while providing as much certainty as we can at every stage of the negotiation, and working towards a smooth, orderly Brexit that allows businesses and others to face the future with confidence.

We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe, and our plan for Brexit will herald a new partnership between the UK and the EU. Our eyes are fixed firmly on the future, and on the kind of country we will build for generations to come. A stronger, fairer, outward-looking country that is respected around the world and strong, confident and united at home. 

That’s the Britain we will shape together. That’s my Plan for Britain.





