
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20161210

2016-12-10 蔡雷英语
四六级听力 · 往期 

Question 1

  1. 61.

  2. 50.

  3. 15.

  4. More than 100. 


Question 2

  1. The U.S. operates it on land that is leased from Cuba since 1903.

  2. Starting in 2002, the detention camp has been used to house suspected terrorists.

  3. Many suspected terrorists were captured from other countries during the wars in Iraq and Vietnam.

  4. There have been accusations that some of the prisoners were tortured.

Question 3

  1. President Obama has said the facility is a symbol that's been used to recruit terrorists of Asian countries.

  2. Lawmakers from both major political parties said that the detainees of Guantanamo should be held in U.S. civilian prisons.

  3. President Obama has tried to close Guantanamo since he took office.

  4. The Congress agrees to close Guantanamo.




The Obama administration has transferred 15 prisoners out of an American naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

We're explaining why this is significant.

First, the facility. The U.S. operates it on land that is leased from Cuba since 1903. Starting in 2002, the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay has been used to house suspected terrorists that the U.S. captured from other countries, many during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Next, the controversy. Hundreds of prisoners have been held at Guantanamo or Gitmo over the years and there have been accusations that some of them were tortured or mistreated.

President Obama has said the facility is a symbol that's been used to recruit terrorists around the world. But though he's tried to bring Gitmo prisoners to the U.S. for trial, lawmakers from both major political parties have resisted that, saying the detainees are too dangerous to be held in U.S. civilian prisons, and some of the former Guantanamo prisoners who've been released have returned to terrorism.

These are some reasons why President Obama has been unable to close Guantanamo, though he's tried since he took office. It's not clear where the remaining prisoners would be sent. The president also needs but does not have congressional approval to close Gitmo. Currently, 61 prisoners remained in the facility.

  • Q1: How many prisoners have been transferred out of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?

  • Q2: Which of the following statement about the naval base is not true according to the news?

  • Q3: What do we know about the different attitudes towards Guantanamo?


