
NOTHING DESIGN | 120㎡极简公寓,绘制中古风暗金图册

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2023-09-24




The owner of this case is a young lawyer, whose own professional attributes and living habits have a deep impact on this set of works. Due to the high pressure of work, the owner wants the residence to have a quiet and warm atmosphere. In the finalized plan, the public area is constructed with dark furniture and light color base, while the sitting area shows a large area of pure black blocks to create a more quiet sleeping environment. As a one-person house, parents occasionally come to visit during holidays.


Original floor plan



After renovation



The entry position is very recognizable with the increase of wall hooks and the placement of kar dental foot pier with smooth irregular shape and the purest color expression.


The smooth lines of the entrance form the initial impression of the space. The through-the-top cabinet ensures the overall clean and freshness of the entryway, with the kickless design pulling up the visual feeling, so that the public area will not be the least bit depressing on the basis of installing central air conditioning.


The black body of custom cabinetry connects the living room with the dining and kitchen spaces, creating an open return line while also better enriching the structure of the space.



The whole house is designed without main lights, and the ceiling beige vents and walls are treated in the same color. L-shaped polyhedral combination cabinets are used as independent unit modules in different spaces to establish a continuous expression with different elevations. The interplay of hard and soft materials in the living room shows a sense of installation and pioneering, as if it were a mysterious exhibition space.


The TV backdrop is designed as if it were a still-life piece, with the TV measured in advance and reserved for wiring and space, and eventually built into the multifunctional cabinet to ensure the space has a minimalist visual effect.



The curved lines of dontouch look messy and random, but in fact they are orderly, symbolizing the dynamic concept of "flow" to inject a touch of art into the beige space.


Warm louvered lines in beige gray tone outline the shaded aesthetics of the space, the flow of light and shadow, illuminating the dappled side of the living space, different from the conventional TV-themed living room, where the sight can focus on the feeling of details.


In order to create a harmonious visual relationship, usm coffee table is added to the curve-based furniture module, and the hard straight lines of the strong industrial style do not add any extra visual burden. Coarse and delicate, retro and modern, collide to create a high level of spatial texture.

沙发/ligne roset togo茶几/usm

作为全球第一款真正意义上的全泡棉沙发,ligne roset togo以其独特的形态著称,特殊缝纫技术带来的褶皱效果与米灰色乳胶漆暗哑的调性有机融合。堆叠、交织、并置的线条彼此穿插,极大程度丰富了空间层次。

As the world's first truly all-foam sofa, ligne roset togo is known for its unique form, with a pleating effect brought about by a special sewing technique that blends organically with the dull tone of the beige latex paint. The stacked, interwoven and juxtaposed lines interspersed with each other greatly enrich the space.


Beige gray latex paint with a large area of dark-toned furniture, using this collision of warm and cold hard fusion, reflecting the pursuit and attitude of mature men to life.


The graceful banyan tree is the background of the space, presenting the comfort and coziness of nature in a plain and delicate color, while the dynamic shape rising upward is highly visual tension.

  矮凳/Senufo stool


The open area of the display shows a matrix façade division effect, appropriately dotted with vertical and horizontal three-dimensional lines on the back wall, enriching the storage system while shaping the space with a different sense of volume.


Through the beige pleated curtain, daylight quietly seeps into the space at all times, and the rubber tree with the primitive texture of the vintage rough pottery vase, time seems to slow down here.


The façade is extended by a large number of through-ceiling lines and block structures, thus releasing the overall visual depth of the space.


In the context of overall spatial coherence, each installation element seeks to fade away in favor of more detailed variations.


The space forms a more interactive migratory path around the combination of cabinets and a dynamic dining and kitchen area to meet the owner's vision of an open western kitchen, while giving the space an inclusive social sharing attribute.



As the iconic Italian mid-vintage style chairs of the 90s, Sabrina has a pioneering sense that is unique to that era, with a metallic sheen with a covered leather cushion, the overall presentation in the original wood color dining area is very durable.


The flying saucer light reduces the hardness of the space with its curved form.


The one-shaped center island bar allows the vision to extend forward naturally, and the scale of space is maximized. The fusion of different materials brings a small surprise to the daily life, and together they build the beauty of balance in the interior.


Let go of the paranoia about light, the shadows under backlighting are equally attractive. Considering the storage needs of the dining area, the multi-functional cabinet is designed in the direction of the dining table in the form of a water bar operating surface, in accordance with the principle of nearby storage, daily items can be put into the upper and lower storage cabinets to keep clean and tidy at all times.


Considering that both sides of the dining room are floor-to-ceiling windows, the corresponding lighting of the dining room and living room can be well met, and even in the case of placing multifunctional combination cabinet, the actual illumination of the interior areas will not be affected.


The corner area is planned as a miniature of the inner world, with different modules and installations overlapping each other, combined with René Magritte's surrealistic wall paintings. Combined with the surrealist wall paintings of René Magritte, the overall space is given a classic artistic quality.


The entrance of the bedroom creates a quiet and introspective atmosphere through the low-profile and deep dark main color supplemented by warm wall-washing lights, which inadvertently creates a sense of withdrawal and subconsciously completes the psychological implication of the transition from motion to static.

方案舍奔掉主卧侧面房间,将卧室重塑成为集休憩区、衣帽间、书房、卫生间于一体的套房式设计,让居住体验可以随空间形式而变换不同的情景。卧床区域内嵌凹龛, 温暖的灯光通过纯黑墙体反射,带来了恰到好处的睡眠氛围。

The proposal eliminates the side room of the master bedroom and reshapes the bedroom into an en-suite design that combines a sitting area, a checkroom, a study and a bathroom, allowing the living experience to change according to the form of the space. The bed area has a built-in alcove, and the warm light is reflected by the pure black wall, bringing the right sleeping atmosphere.



The owner has his own aesthetic attitude, and his strong personal colors were rubbed into the project in a comfortable proportion, ultimately presenting a highly personalized design feeling, with a large area of pure black blocks, shaping a more tranquil field environment.


The division of properties in different areas ensures a sense of privacy upon entering the bedroom, and the calm temperament drenches the sleeping area, deep and relaxing, already wiping away the pressure from the moment you step into the room, only to be comfortable and lazy.


The window area creates a wall and ceiling effect, presenting the unique premium texture of dark gold. Isamu Noguchi's Akari series appears as a lighter tone in the area, and the sculptural shape of the luminaire balances the overall relationship between the tones of the space. Light, shadow and lines cut open and sharp spaces, extending the senses without boundaries.


The study module continues to emphasize wall and ceiling integration, choosing matte texture paint, supplemented by ambient lighting, to create a relatively independent and quiet reading office environment for the owner.


The bathroom of the master bedroom suite also extends the classic black color, and the shower area shows the real quiet texture of matte material under the ambient lighting.


The concealed light strip creates a diffuse light effect, creating a pure and relaxing bathing environment. The area is articulated by the body of different materials to create a superposition relationship of three layers of blackness, presenting a sense of quality of the bathing module.


The kitchen is divided into spatial properties by flooring materials, and the cabinets are in matte black to create a calm cooking space. the U-shaped kitchen console widens the operating space for cooking and cutting vegetables, and the upper and lower cabinets use black baking lacquer cabinet doors.


The cooking area focuses on the convenience of daily practical operation, kitchen appliances are all hidden inside the cabinet, when the modules are all wrapped in the cabinet, the space as a whole will be much simpler.


The bathroom features large, matte, solid-colored textured tiles for a strong visual integrity of the space, and minimalist in-wall hardware brings a flat façade to the area.


A niche on the wall of the shower area can hold toiletries, the faucet is also designed with a built-in design, and a long sink is set on the floor to keep the water flowing while bathing.


创始人/ 刘畅

NOTHING DESIGN成立于2021年,提供高品质高审美的空间设计服务,公司目前在北京、上海均设有办公室。至今做过上百套高品质的独立住宅和工装项目。设计偏好简洁无冗余,在此基础上呈现出高审美的艺术性。 作品常被顶尖家居杂志和国外知名网站收录发布,团队致力于让每套作品都能带来引领时代的意义。 我们致力于融合家居、设计、艺术、文化等多元概念,积极传播居住美学理念,使其成为当代社会共识。

三厘社 | 观点蔬房

nihilii studio | HARMAY西安小寨店

J&Dragon Group | 孤独面店

光和一切 | LA BEATO

