
白菜设计 | Fatface 3.0 咖啡店

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Baicai Design OfficeFatface 3.0 咖啡店


Fatface 3.0是白菜为Fatface Coffee打造位于沈阳市云集街的新店,Fatface是沈阳本土的一家小众精品咖啡店,对于态度与品质的追求根植于品牌价值观,意在打造具有城市气息的本土咖啡文化。

Fatface 3.0 is abrand new location for Fatface Coffee built by Cabbage Design. Situated on Yunji Street, Shenyang,Fatface 3.0 embodies the brand values of a niche specialty coffee shopwith an unrelenting pursuit for quality and attitude. It aims to be the center pillar of what defines local coffee culture in this particular city.



Our design implants the brand values into the space, and proposes “one's own rebel" as the main thread that runs through all the elements. Rebellion is often labeled pejoratively. In this era, people are quick to jump on the bandwagon. Perhaps a spontaneous and proactive rebellion is precisely what we need in order to achieve one’s own realization. Being able to be oneself freely seems to already meet the bar of a rebel.Moreover, choosing to remain authenticallytrue to oneself as we experience the hardships in reality is a precipitation of persistence and courage.We hope to convey such attitude of the brand through the space.

Fatface 3.0


The project is located on a small street full of greenery.The original building is a one-story extension at the corner of two old-fashioned residential buildings.The gross floor area is 50 square meters.We hope to reflectthe spirit of rebellion from both the exterior and the interior. Filling a small space to the brim, no design is accidental. We retained the original wall, and built a new volume from the inside as the store. Visually, the building itself manifests as a growing force and presents as if an instantaneous state for when it reaches the surrounding wall. It dialogues with its surroundings playing a role as a harmonious conflict.


The rebellionof the interior space is reflected in its flexibility, employing simplicityagainst complexity. The logic of the floor planallows us to easily dismantle, reassemble and adjust the space to serve diverse functions with a solid foundation. Most importantly, it is a space that promotes interaction and communication.


In order to push the space to express itself to the fullest extent, we kept minimal decorations, leaving only plain beige walls, lettingthe compositional relationships in the space stand out. The minimalist designhighlights the sloping windows, drawing your eyes’ attention to the contrasting image of the old building and the sky outside. At the same time, the accompanying light and shadow naturally brings out and enhances the beauty in all our materials and details.


As for furniture, we have designed for it to reach maximum potential and versatility. When all the furniture is gathered into an island as a whole, the 6m x 1.5mcountertop has adramatic visual impact, engaging theguests with delightful interactive experiences. This areacan be used for training, tasting,or any event with a small gathering. At the same time, the space has curatorial capabilities, the uninhabitedwalls can serve small exhibitions from time to time. When the furniture is scattered, it can accommodate more customers and offer them better privacy than the first arrangement. Regardless of the furniture placement, we have reserved a relatively large fixed bar area for baristas to operate and greet people, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.


Living in a world so vast, we come to know the infinity within our own selves too. While there are certainly challenges surrounding us, perhaps resolving our internal struggles proves more significant to the individual. We hope this place can make people forget about their physical bounds, and focus on the essence of the message. We hope our design offersan uncompromising persistence, a desirable rebellion, and the freedom to explore more possibilities


项目名称 | Fatface 3.0 咖啡店

设计公司 | 白菜设计

完成年份 | 2022/05

建筑面积 | 50m²

项目地址 | 辽宁省沈阳市云集街

主创建筑师 | 赵凯文

项目摄影 | 图派视觉     

委  托 方 | FatFace Coffee

施  工 方 | 沈阳瑞吾RiverCam

照明设计 | 沈阳智境照明设计

关于 白菜设计
Baicai Design Office



山地土壤 | 丘末茶研所

大匠设计 | 生活氛围与时光雕琢

蜚声设计 | Z House

