

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29





- 设计概念 -

  Design concept  

- 改造思路 -

  Remodeling ideas  


On the wholeness, we try to find the two-way interaction between people and space, using a simple and restrained approach, giving up the content of decoration, symbols, and forms as much as possible, allowing space to return to transparency and freedom, allowing life to return to simplicity and truth. Find the essential power of space, restore the daily life and the essence of spirituality.


In the space, materials, furniture, and soft furnishings are restrained and quantified, and the materials used are summarized as three to four materials, while we designed the furniture for several key parts of the project to have a clearer spatial temperament.

- 空间策略 -

  Space strategy 


On the first floor, the designer adjusted the position of the entrance door and the staircase to create an active line of the entrance with light and shadow landscape while cutting out a living area independent of the active line of space. With adjusting the staircase and the bathroom storage room for functional compounding, the living space is given maximum freedom. The horizontal living room with maximum horizontal freedom, the dining room with two-story high experience, and the Chinese and Western kitchen with large operating space provides the best spatial experience for each functional area.


The space makes use of half-height walls and wall windows to allow for greater spatial expandability while being both independent and interconnected, generating some interesting small scenarios. With the half-wall gap, natural light penetrates the interior, allowing mutual visual interaction with the living area when going up and downstairs, and the light-transmitting wall strip window allows the hostess to interact with the host male in the living room when she is cooking.


The second floor is an inward-looking living space where the owner kept the mahogany furniture handed down from his ancestors. We chose dark charcoal black flooring to enhance the heritage of the space, hoping to find a balance between traditional furniture and modern living.In the "alley" and the bedroom, we used the space to create a transitional space, the second level of the home's living space, where you can read, relax and interact, while above the staircase platform, we created a small independent balcony, elevating the natural level of the staircase alley to the small world of the male owner.


The third floor is the purest and most natural and spiritual place in the space, where we remove as much as possible the superfluous decorative elements, the height of the eaves is lowered. The natural skylight is added; it is quiet and introspective enough, we hope to be closer to the scene, closer to the sky, when you sit on the ground, there is only the sky, the treetops, the light and shadow in front of you, everything feels quiet.


This is a small home, a resting place that carries time change and family communication, where there is light, shadow, and sound, which is real life.

[ 爆炸图 ]

[ 平面图 ]

项目名称 | 光井巷子私宅

设计团队 | 几言设计研究室

联系方式 | info@yandesignstudio.com

项目类型 | 建筑室内改造

项目地址 | 上海浦东

项目面积 | 200平方米

设计周期 | 2020.09—2020.11

完工日期 | 2021.10

设  计 师 | 颜小剑、韦唯,肖露娅, 王超

结构设计 | 章亚雄

项目摄影 | 吕晓斌

项目施工 | 上海钛琦国际贸易有限公司,上海樾青装饰材料有限公司

主要材料 | 真石漆,抹灰腻子+乳胶漆,水磨石,水洗石,染色橡木地板,桦木多层板

家具洁具品牌 | 几言设计(家具研发设计)、梵几、吱喑、JOLOR,观博

照明顾问及产品 | 仙人掌照明

于  上海几言设计研究室


颜小剑 / 设计师


HAYDON | 驶向未知的科幻之旅

Muka Architects丨云何应往

廊桥 | 我们设计室的办公室


