

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

YNKN Studio



买手店作为整个时尚行业的一部分,通常扮演着“时尚媒介”的角色,但DARK SPACE这个“时尚媒介”已悄然转变为“创造者”,借助建筑的张力,呈现一份独特的场域文化,传达自由先锋的时尚态度。

As a part of the whole fashion industry, the concept store usually plays the role of "medium", but Dark Space has transformed into a "creator". With the help of the tension of architecture, it presents a unique culture and conveys the fashion attitude of freedom and pioneer.

黑色的建筑外观一度是DARK SPACE的视觉标志,而DARK SPACE南苑环球店却用大面积的克莱因蓝装饰建筑外立面。张扬、先锋、自信的建筑气质是DARK SPACE南苑空间设计迈出的第一步尝试。颜色是能够引起人的思绪与情感变化的,特别是克莱因蓝这种经过反复试验得到的一种极致蓝,它拥有着一种未知但真实的力量,既能让人冷静,又让人沉迷。

The black architectural appearance was once the visual symbol of Dark Space, while the new Dark Space in Nanyuan decorated the building appearance with a large area of Klein Blue. The publicity, pioneer and self-confidence of the building is the first step in the space design of the new Dark Space. Color can cause changes in people's thoughts and emotions, especially Klein Blue, an extreme blue obtained through repeated experiments. It has an unknown but real power, which can make people calm and indulge.

店铺外观 / Exterior view  

区别于传统的品牌商店,DARK SPACE是一个多品牌的集合店,在同一个空间里混合着不同品牌风格的服饰,设计师需要让它们呈现出的整体效果和谐且最佳。这是此次项目设计上的难点,同时也是看点。由于品牌风格的多样性,在功能分区上会有精致淑女区,暗黑潮酷区,精选展示区。

Different from the traditional store, Dark Space is a multi brand collection store, which mixes different brand styles of outfits in the same space. Designers need to present them harmoniously. This is not only the difficulty in the design of the project, but also the point worth seeing. Due to the diversity of brand styles,there will be Ladies' area, Young fashion area and Home display area.




From the entrance, the designer set up a "Puzzle" ,putting an art exhibition in the front space to integrate the living space, communication space and art space, so as to bring exploratory fun to customers with complex and diverse spaces. Movable baffles add more feasibility to the entrance. The space can open up left and right,up and down. When movable baffles are opened,they can be used as a temporary show venue.When movable baffles are closed, the space become independent.



It is warm and comfortable in the Ladies'area. The suspended circular arc partition gives the space flexibility , and also has privacy.

精致区空间概览 / Space overview of Ladies' area

悬吊式圆弧形隔断 / Suspended arc partition


There are some soft fabrics on the surface of the circular partition to reflect the atmosphere of this space. Looking from inside to outside, you can see the blue element, injecting vitality into the space.

克莱因蓝悬空展台 / Klein Blue hanging booth

精致区收银台细节 / Cashier details of Ladies' area

蓝色地毯和空间的呼应 / The blue carpet echoes the space


From the Ladies' area to the young fashion area, through the expression of a whole lamp film and pure white space, let the space focus on the clothing itself and pay more attention to the clothing.

精选展示区通往暗黑潮酷区 / Ladies' area to the young fashion area


Different from the Ladies' area, Young fashion area retains the original and natural side of the space, making these building telling the story of the space by themselves. These building materials are introverted but have rich meaning, with a strong sense of narration, and it interprets the pure beauty of the original ecology in the space. The overall space light is deliberately depressed, and the ground keeps the original dark gray of cement.


Mottled texture of wall 


A miniature t-table stacked with red bricks is used to display props. The designer integrates modern stainless steel materials into the space, hard and soft, with contrast and echo. It has a strong sense of industry and a contemporary sense close to life, creating an unrestrained, avant-garde and fashionable space atmosphere.

红砖堆砌的陈列道具 / Display props stacked with redbricks

镜面反射收银台一角 / Corner of mirror reflection cashier

斜三角式服装陈列道具 / Oblique triangle clothing display props


The two semi arc partitions divide the space into several open but private exhibition areas, weakening the overall tough temperament of the space.

半圆弧隔断内侧陈列道具 / Props can be displayed inside

the semicircular arc partition


In the interior of the space with gray and white as the main colors, Klein Blue is introduced for decoration to alleviate the dark space atmosphere. Give the space a new dimension with strong light and dark contrast, and bring the color sublimation of space vision.

蓝色家具为空间注入活力 / Blue furniture injects vitality into the space 

在DARK SPACE,空间是共享的、动态的。用弧形的流线设计让每个空间相互呼应,保证空间弹性的同时增加空间的层次感。

In dark space, space is shared and dynamic. The curved streamline design allows each space to echo each other, ensuring the elasticity of the space and increasing the sense of hierarchy of the space.

局部一撇 / Corner of the space 



项目名称 | DARK SPACE南苑环球概念店

Project name | DARK SPACE Concept Store

项目地址 | 宁波南苑环球酒店裙楼1楼

Project location | Ningbo Nanyuan Universal Hotel 1st Floor

项目面积 | 850平方米

Gross Built Area | 850 square meters

完成年份 | 2021年10月

Completion Year | October2021

设计团队 | YNKN Studio

Design company | YNKN Studio

主创设计师 | 林亚峰

Chief designer | Lin Yafeng

摄影师 | 朴言

Photographer | Pu Yan

Nothing Design办公室

Muka Architects丨容

FF Design丨法拉利之家

