

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Dries De MalscheCC Residence


CC Residence由Ontwerpbureau Dries De Malsche设计,位于葡萄牙里斯本附近的沿海小镇卡斯卡伊斯,环抱着自然环境。改造为业主和他的家人提供宁静的避难所,从他们的国际化的都市生活中撤退。挑战在于将一个没有灵魂的新建别墅改造成一个温暖、可持续和现代的家。

CC Residence is a minimal house located in Cascais, Portugal, designed by Ontwerpbureau Dries De Malsche. This house is located in the coastal town of Cascais, near Lisbon Portugal, embedded in a natural environment. The practice was commissioned to design a home that could offer a peaceful haven for the owner and his family to retreat in from their cosmopolitan lifestyle. The challenge lied in converting a rather soulless, new build villa, into a warm, sustainable and modern home. 


The main intervention consisted of a revised layout for the ground floor areas. The central axis through the house was strengthened on the one hand by visually closing off the staircase, while creating a more intimate entrance hall. This, in combination with a unified design language and continuity of materials induces a strong spatial experience. The arrangement of the spaces accentuates beautiful sightlines through wide openings between them.


This complete refurbishment entails the reception rooms (living room, dining room, kitchen with excessive winery), spare room including small bathroom and master bed & bathroom. The first floor is dedicated to the children, including three bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. The main goal was to create a clean, minimal but informal atmosphere, based around natural materials. The rough structures of the deep brushed oak panelling, patinated metal finishes and sanded travertine stone is countered with the refinement in detail and use of fragile fabric in the closet doors. Earth tones, such as the dark mineral plaster flooring, refer to the dark soil of the neighboring natural park. Combined with the red travertine stone, which is continued through the whole floor, it gives a subtle touch of color and happiness. The resulting atmosphere is a one of brightness, sophistication and consistency, with a certain informality including spaces for family life.

ABOUT Dries De Malsche

Dries De Malsche/创始人

Dries De Malsche是一名比利时室内设计师,他在2011年开始了自己的实践。办公室位于比利时的Sint-Niklaas,与国际工匠密切合作,以交流艺术、设计和工艺之美。

Dries De Malsche is a Belgian interior designer, who started his own practice in 2011. His office is located in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, where he works in close collaboration with various (inter)national artisans in order to cross-fertilize the beauty of arts, design and craftsmanship.


His portfolio includes a variety of national and international projects. custom- tailored to the needs and life style of his clients. Each project is a common and shared process searching for the perfect creation of a calm, protective and inspiring atmosphere, reflecting tranquility, warmth, light and capturing the beauty in the interaction of all these elements. Use of authentic materials, such as wood, marble and stone leads to interior design projects shaped by purity, harmony and serenity. His work is characterized by a strong sense of detail, illustrated by the use of handmade custom furniture, traditional building techniques, not guided by trends and fashion, but lasting... with a focus on sobriety.





