
Framework Studio 收藏家公寓

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Framework StudioThe Collector



For one of Amsterdam-based Framework Studio’s latest projects, The Collector, the team leaned into the industrial aesthetic, utilizing raw metal and concrete to create a home with body shop energy in a minimalist package. 


Housed in a former warehouse, this loft never serves a singular function. “This project was not a residential, nor an office space. It was also not a warehouse or a gallery. It was the challenge to make a hybrid form between all of these design angles and create a space that inspires as a gallery, has a function as a warehouse, can suit as office and feels as a residential project without being one of them,” explains the design team. 


With a breath-taking entrance to kick things off, the volume is centred around the garage that’s home to a number of vintage cars. A glass wall partition separates it from the living space, as the interior serves as a viewing room of the vehicles from above.


This hybridity is what makes The Collector so special. Designed for an atypical client with a broad spectrum of taste, contemporary objects and mid-century furniture sit within a brutalist frame with an automotive influence. With the basic frame feeling rigid, cold and vast Framework set about creating a warm atmosphere throughout the living area — without losing the warehouse character of the building. Linen curtains and oakwood joinery custom made by the team soften the minimal backdrop.

整体设计十分经典,迅速成为Framework私人住宅的标志。Guhl椅子具有丝带状外观和天然水泥饰面,家具选择增添了雕塑元素,与有机壁炉相呼应。连同Nerone & Patuzzi咖啡桌和Jan Janssen凳子,很明显收藏家公寓不仅仅是高档汽车的供应商的住所。

Design classics are plentiful, fast becoming a signature of Framework’s private residences. A Guhl chair with its ribbon-like appearance and natural cement finish adds a sculptural element to the furniture choices, echoing the organic fireplace. Along with a Nerone & Patuzzi coffee table and a Jan Janssen stool, it becomes clear that The Collector is not only a purveyor of fancy cars. 

当然可以与Ferris Bueller的Day Off中的车库相媲美,整个区域的面积超过了4,200 平方米——仅比最初预计的多 3,000 平方米,但正如 Framework所说——“这就是收藏的方式”。

Certainly rivalling the garage from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the entire area clocks in at a more than comfortable 4,200 sqm — just shy of 3,000 more than was originally projected, but as Framework put it — “that’s how collecting goes”. There are definitely worse problems to have.

ABOUT Framework Studio

Framework Studio是一家总部设在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的室内设计工作室,提供全方位服务,同时致力于为餐厅,零售场所,办公室和私人住宅创造城市的标志性内饰。工作室由Thomas Geerlings于2007年创立,从那时起,设计和管理团队稳步发展,专业化程度越来越高。现在由Thomas Geerlings,Maarten ter Stege和Sascha Faase共同管理。

Framework Studio is a full-service interior design and concept design Studio based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, dedicated to creating the city's iconic interiors for restaurants, retail Spaces, offices and private homes. The studio was founded by Thomas Geerlings in 2007, and since then the design and management team has steadily developed and become more and more specialized. It is now managed by Thomas Geerlings, Maarten ter Stege and Sascha Faase.





