

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Williams Burton Leopardi

The Residence in Skye


Williams Burton Leopardi在斯凯 (Skye) 对 1990 年代住宅的翻新避免了不必要的装饰,转而采用温暖的极简主义,突出坚固的材质,并为家庭提供连接和开阔的视野。

Williams Burton Leopardi’s renovation of a 1990s home in Skye eschews unnecessary decoration in favour of a warm minimalism that spotlights the robust materials palette and opens to home up for connection and unobstructed views.

当业主找到Williams Burton Leopardi设计事务所翻新一栋位于阿德莱德郊区斯凯,上世纪90年代的两层住宅时,他们的想法非常清晰。“不需要额外的空间,想要一个有温暖、流动和增进情感联系的家,”公司董事Sophia Leopardi说。“这一切都是为了揭示存在于日常生活的随意之美。”

When Williams Burton Leopardi’s clients approached them to renovate a 1990s two-level home in the Adelaide suburb of Skye, they had a very clear brief in mind. ‘There wasn’t any need for extra space, but what both of them did want was a home that had warmth, flow and emotional connection,’ says firm director Sophia Leopardi. ‘It was all about revealing the beauty that exists in the authentic expression of conscious curation and the haphazard nature of the everyday.’

功能的清晰化推动了项目的发展,通过拆除内墙,重新构想打造新厨房。体现了“life on display”的设计理念,这对夫妇坚持他们不想要白色的厨房,其中一人最初给设计团队展示了一幅最喜欢的艺术品《Hilda welcome by Stanley Spencer》,这是室内设计的灵感。由此产生的方案以烟熏淡绿色的木饰面和天鹅绒般的灰色墙壁为特色,它们的组合是具有温暖感和包容性的。

Functional clarity drove the programme, and central to this was a reimagined kitchen, achieved by removing internal walls to open it up to the other living areas. This purposeful intervention embodies the design’s ‘life on display’ narrative, enabling unobstructed views through to both the city and gully via fully reglazed eastern and western facades. The couple were adamant they didn’t want a white kitchen, and one of them initially showed Leopardi and the team an image of a favourite artwork, Hilda Welcomed by Stanley Spencer, which served as inspiration for the interior colour palette. The resulting scheme features joinery in smoky pale green and walls finished in velvety grey, the combination of which is warm and enveloping.

木地板与这些朴实的色调相得益彰,原始的天花板横梁增添了视觉上的线条感。简约的设计保持了室内的水平性,向 Frank Sinatra 的口头禅“Angles are attitude”致敬,为室内注入了一种自信感。

Timber floorboards complement these earthy tones and the original ceiling beams add a tactile element. Their clean lines reiterate the horizontality of the design in an affectionate nod to Frank Sinatra’s ‘Angles are attitude’ style mantra, imbuing the interior with a sense of formal confidence.

这在精心设计的家具和艺术品中得到了呼应,并在住宅入口引入了——Breeze blocks。它可能是一种意想不到的室内装饰材料,Breeze blocks有助于将视觉从外部延伸到内部。“我们希望这种元素能够与整体室内设计相联系,因此我们认为它不仅仅是一种建筑材料,”Leopardi 解释说。“在实用层面,它创造了一个柔和的入口,给相邻的生活区一种包容感。”这是客户珍惜的一种材料,它赋予了家庭一个独特的新身份。

This is echoed in the judiciously curated furniture and artwork and the introduction of breeze blocks in the home’s entry. It may be an unexpected material to feature indoors, but the breeze blocks certainly make an impact and also serve to extend the visual flow from outside to in. ‘We wanted this element to be enjoyed and to connect with the overall interior design, and so we regarded it as more than just a facade treatment,’ Leopardi explains. ‘On a practical level, it creates a soft entry definition, giving the adjoining living areas a sense of containment.’ It’s a material the clients cherish, and it’s given the home a distinct new identity. 




Unsurprisingly, the clients’ affinity for mid-century design also informed the scheme, underscored by a narrative whereby purpose very much drives the outcome. There’s a strict logic to the overall layout and all unnecessary decoration has been eschewed in favour of a warm minimalism that spotlights the robust materials palette. This is ultimately a home designed for living that celebrates the clients’ personalities.     



Williams Burton Leopardi


For those who believe small details can make life memorable and inspiring, our work builds connection through celebrating life’s daily rituals, creating environments that are distinctive to people and place, made intelligently and from the heart.


Whilst some prioritize process or physical conditions or outcomes, we focus on what makes spaces meaningful to the people who inhabit them, spending time to shape our clients physical environments into personal experiences that evoke memories and inspire new stories.


We do this by providing a seamless amalgam of architecture and interior design enhanced by close collaboration with our clients.


We are imaginative, inspiring and grounded. We embrace our city and this unique edge our location fosters. We adopt a crafted approach that draws on everything that is beautifully Adelaide.


We shape spaces into places that make life extraordinary.

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ONE X 不仅仅是一间办公室

