
2022 Winter Graduation | 徐宇尧:我在宁诺传递科研之炬

FoSEr 宁波诺丁汉大学理工学院 2024-03-12

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在博士研究期间,为了对宁波城市流域进行全面的实地考察,徐宇尧和他的导师陈加信博士先后带领了十多位来自环境科学、数学与应用数学专业的本科生一起,考察了宁波的三条江和四个城市公园,并且进行了大规模的高密度采样。其中一条河流的相关研究结果也已成功发表在了中科院一区的国际期刊Resources Conservation and Recycling上。在此期间,贡献过关键野外和实验室工作,以及数据分析工作的本科生,也成为了徐宇尧博士文章中的共同作者。







UNNC PhD student passes the torch of scientific research in UNNC

In this November, Yuyao Xu has completed his study and is going to receive the doctoral title from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). His study of microplastic pollution was recognised and published in the leading academic journals in the field of environmental science and ecology. After graduation, he is going to further his research of new pollutants in the basin water environment as an elite postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IUE, CAS). In the interview, Yuyao Xu told us his story of passing the torch of scientific research in UNNC.


Microplastic pollution was Yuyao Xu's main research field during his Ph.D. As a global pollutant, microplastics have attracted extensive attention from global academic communities for their potential environmental hazards. If not intervened, microplastic pollution may cause serious harm not only to human health through bioaccumulation but also to the entire ecological environment in the future. Therefore, Yuyao Xu started the research on microplastic pollution, and deeply analysed the microplastic pollution problem in Chinese cities from the perspectives of environment, policy and public. 


The summer research placement programme is one of the unique parts of the Faculty’s extra-curricular programme for undergraduates. During Yuyao Xu’s undergraduate studies, he had ever been a research volunteer during the summer vacation and worked together with Dr Faith Chan. It was this experience that started his research career. Therefore, he also hopes that he can hand over the "torch" of scientific work to undergraduates through this form.


During his doctoral research, in order to conduct a comprehensive on-the-spot investigation of the Ningbo urban watershed, Yuyao Xu and his main supervisor, Dr Faith Chan, led more than ten undergraduates from different majors to inspect the three rivers and four urban parks in Ningbo, with large-scale high spatial resolution sampling. Their research outcome on one of the rivers has also been successfully published in one CAS Q1 journal. These undergraduate students who contributed key work also became co-authors of Yuyao Xu's article.


As early as during his undergraduate years, Yuyao Xu and Dr Faith Chan, got acquainted in the field trip, a compulsory part of the curriculum. Even after graduation, they still keep in touch. When Dr Faith Chan received the funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, he invited Yuyao Xu to join his team and pursue his doctoral degree at the UNNC. 


Yuyao Xu told us that his supervision team including academics from both UNNC and UNUK, and researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has offered much support to him. In the beginning, Yuyao was not very good at academic writing and he was very upset. With the support from his supervisors and training programme from the Graduate School, he kept practicing and finally, his very first research paper was successfully published in the CAS Q1 journal. During his whole doctoral study, Yuyao Xu, as the first author, published three academic journals in the leading academic journals in the field of environmental science and ecology and one book chapter. 


In daily life, Yuyao Xu and his supervisor, Dr Faith Chan, are more like friends than teachers and students. They often exchange research ideas and listen to each other's views. If the topics collide with some new idea, Dr Faith Chan will encourage Yuyao Xu to get it done. "This is what I learnt most from Dr Faith Chan. He can not only keep me active in my thinking, but also keep me proactive and productive in academia."

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文字来源:Yanyan Lyu, Fay Ma

照片来源:Yuyao Xu

电子编辑:Yanyan Lyu


2022 Winter Graduation | 徐宇尧:我在宁诺传递科研之炬


