

2016-06-06 中国科学院大学外语系

今天小编就带大家重温情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》,听听宅男们的囧言囧语,学学新一期的英语单词。Let's go!

1circumstance英 [ˈsɜːkəmstæns]

n. the conditions that affect 

a situation, action, event etc

情况;情形in/under certain circumstances在某些情况下
【Season 1  Episode 4】Penny: Hey, I'm running out to the market. Do you guys need anything?佩妮:嗨,我正要去超市。你们要带什么吗?Sheldon: Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence.谢尔顿:这就是那些不熟悉数学规律的人会称之为巧合的情形之一了。Penny: I'm sorry?佩妮:你说什么?Sheldon: I need eggs.谢尔顿:我要鸡蛋。

2motivate英 ['məʊtɪveɪt] 
v. to be the reason why someone does something成为···的动机
【Season 4  Episode 10】Amy: Is it possible that your concern for me at this moment is motivated by nothing more than simple jealousy? 
艾米:有没有可能此时你对我的关心缘于你的嫉妒心理而非其他?Sheldon: I hadn't considered that. Give me a moment. All right, I've considered it.谢尔顿:我没考虑过这个可能。让我想想。好了,我想过了。Amy: And?艾米:然后呢?Sheldon: I reject it.谢尔顿:我不同意这个观点。

3transient英 ['trænzɪənt]
adj. continuing only for a short time
【Season 2  Episode 16】Leslie: Boy, your heart's racing. 莱斯莉:哇哦,你心跳很快啊。Howard: Well, it's partly you, partly my transient idiopathic arrhythmia.霍华德:你只是一部分原因,我有暂时性先天心律不齐。

4scatter英 ['skætə]
v. If someone scatters a lot of things, or if they scatter, they are thrown or dropped over a wide area in an irregular way.撒scatter (sth) over/around/across etc sthScatter the onions over the fish.把洋葱撒在鱼上面。
adj. spread over a wide area or over a period of time分散的;稀疏的There will be some scattered showers in the evening.晚上将有零星阵雨。
n. the random change in direction of the particles constituting a beam or wave front due to collision with particles of the medium traversed散射
【Season 4  Episode 4】
Raj: Has it occurred to you you're missing the big picture? If you look at neutron scattering data... 拉杰什:你有没想过,漏了至关重要的一点?如果你看了中子散射的数据 。。。。。。Sheldon: Oh, Penny?谢尔顿:哦,佩妮?Penny: What's up?
佩妮:怎么了?Sheldon: Nothing. I just wanted to make Raj stop talking.谢尔顿:没事儿,我只是想让拉杰什闭嘴。

3consist of英 [kən'sɪst]
v. to be formed from two or more things or people
【Season 2  Episode 2】Leslie: Hang on a second. Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory. 莱斯莉:等等。环量子引力明显比弦理论提供了更多可验证的预测。Sheldon: I'm listening. Amuse me.谢尔顿:我在听呢, 逗我笑吧。Leslie: Okay, well, for one thing, we expect quantized space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colors.
莱斯莉:好,一方面来说,我们期待量子化的时空能够证明在光速下不同颜色的细小差异。Sheldon: Balderdash. Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.谢尔顿:胡扯。物质显然是由细小的弦组成的。

6devote...to英 [dɪ'vəʊt]
v. to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone致力;献身;倾注devote your time/energy etc to sth
【Season 7  Episode 16】Sheldon: The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it。谢尔顿:达到目标的最好办法就是投入自己百分之百的时间和精力去完成它。





