

刘彦的英语天地 刘彦的英语天地TheRealDeal 2022-01-08
It's been quite tough the past few days. 

The Fang Fang story annoys me no end. I haven't really followed her diary all that closely, so I won't comment on the actual content. However, I do know enough about the publishing industry. There is no way her diary can be ready for publication in foreign languages so quickly if they are after "truth" or "quality". Regardless of her motive (or motivation, for a better-souding word), she is willing to play right into the tired trope of "China is soooo terrible" in the West. Ugh.

The Boris Johnson story is supposed to be uplifting. But then everywhere I turn, there are always comments along the lines of "Too bad he didn't die. If he did, things would be really interesting..." And such idiotic/vile remarks always get tons of likes. What is wrong with people? 

And then there's the Li Xingxing story. It feels so personal, and my heart truly aches for her. I have written a lot on sexual assault/rape/#MeToo before, and apparently it's far from enough. To see that some in the police force even respond with "Don't blow things out of proportion. Always 'sexual assault' this, 'rape' that. Enough already!"... Talk about a facepalm.

All this within a few days' time? Pardon my French, but what a clusterfuck. 

I. Can't. Even. I. CAN'T. EVEN.

Sorry for being a teeny-weeny bit overdramatic here, but I am just an ordinary guy, and I have negative feelings as much as the next person.

That said, I am grateful that I have an eye/ear for beauty, and I can always turn to art for solace. 

In the past few days, that art happens to be a song called The Blessing. 

I am not religious at all, but man, this song takes me to church.

If you also feel extremely upset (who wouldn't be if they read those news stories?), please stop for a few minutes, and just allow yourself the peace and quiet to enjoy this music. I swear, it will restore your faith in humanity. At the very least, you will receive a big hit of endorphins, and are guaranteed to feel much better.

Scroll down, click 阅读原文 to see the video recording of this performance. It was done just before social distancing became mandatory. Thank goodness.

By the way, for the umpteenth time, mental health is of utter importance. I'm not asking anyone to turn a blind eye to reality. Nor am I asking anyone to join a religion. I'm just saying, it's okay to stop focusing on the bad stuff, and instead pay attention to the good stuff. There's always ugliness in this world, and at the same time, there's always more beauty around. 


I'm shook 不是病句


