
共时影像 Synchronicity Film | 看不到完整的风景

万青儿影院 万青儿影院 2023-07-24

《看不到完整的风景 Can't See a Complete View》 27'57''
by 万青儿影院 Wan Qing'er 2021/09

Not being able to get a complete view from my home in new town district, I went out to look around until I met an old man returning home…



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“共时影像”(Synchronicity Film)中的“共时性”(Synchronicity)受启发于荣格(Carl Gustav Jung),它是“天人合一”哲学及我所受训的占星学的基础原理,其伦理及语法同时体现在影像的拍摄—剪辑—放映全过程(对应商品的生产—加工—展销):


The "synchronicity" of Synchronicity Film, which is inspired by Carl Gustav Jung, and it is the basis of the philosophy of "Harmony between Man and Nature" and of the astrology I was trained in. Its ethics and grammar are simultaneously reflected in the whole process of film shooting, editing and showing (which corresponds to the production-processing-display of a commodity).  
First, the encounter between the photographer and the subject: such encounters do not happen randomly and can always be sustained, but they are non-centralized, like the nodes of parallel space-time intersections, where first two people paddling alone from different directions meet in a ripple, then they look at each other or talk at close range, and then from the conversation develops a joint action maybe.
Second, the joint process and creation of the editor and the photographer: The application of image logic in editing will inspire a new understanding of realistic logic, which is just through repeated process to rediscover the hidden responsive details that were omitted or left unattended during the filming.
Third, the viewer gradually accumulates open and conscious co-perceptions through simultaneous experiences and explorations with the photographer and the editor, and as the film ends, a new reality rises. We look at each other or have equal conversations, and from these conversations develop joint actions trained in co-perception maybe, thus in an endless succession.
The creator of Synchronicity Film is not the director, but the participant of social relations and the server of temporal and spatial relations.




