
人教版新起点六年级英语上册Revision 1 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Revision 1 复习一

Let's Review 一起复习吧

A Listen and number. 听和标数。

It's a high place. 这是个很高的地方。

It's in the west of China. 在中国西部。

It's very cold in winter. 冬天很冷。

There are many high moutains near the city. 城市附近有很多高山。

It's famous for the Potala Palace. 以布达拉宫闻名。

This city is in the east of China. 在中国的东部。

It is near Shanghai. 离上海很近。

It's famous for beautiful West Lake. 以美丽的西湖闻名。

You can buy a silk skirt and Longjing tea for your parents. 你能给父母买丝绸裙和龙井茶。

This city is not in China. 这个城市不在中国。

It's in the southeast of Canada. 在加拿大东南部。

People there speak English.那里的人们说英语。

This city is famous for maple leaves. 这个城市以枫叶闻名。

You can visit the CN Tower there. 你能到那参观加拿大国家电视塔。

This city is famous for its beautiful beach. 这个城市以美丽的沙滩闻名。

You can swim in the sea and eat sea food on the beach. 你能在海里游泳,还能在沙滩上吃海鲜。

The Opera House is famous, too. 歌剧院也很有名。

Do you like kangaroos and koalas? 你喜欢袋鼠和考拉吗?

You can see them in the zoo. 你能看在动物园到它们。

This city is in the north of China. 这个城市在中国北部。

So it's very cold in winter. 所以冬天很冷。

If you like skiing. 如果你喜欢滑冰。

You can go there in winter. 你可以冬天去那里。

Also, you can see ice lanterns there. 而且,你还能看到那里的冰灯。

But remember, wear your coat, scarf and gloves. 但是记住,穿大衣、戴围巾和手套。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and circle. 看、听和画圈。

Mrs Smith likes fruit very much. 史密斯小姐非常喜欢水果。

She is eating a pear. 她在吃一个梨。

Lisa is a pretty girl. 丽萨是一个美丽的女孩。

She has long beautiful hair. 她有着长长的美丽的头发。

She wants to try on her new coat. 她想要试试她的新外套。

Louis is a cute baby. 路易斯是一个可爱的宝宝。

He is playing with her toy car with his father now. 他和他爸爸现在在一起玩玩具车。

Who is sitting by the dinner table. 谁坐在餐桌旁呢?

Yes, that is Peter. 那是彼特。

He is counting his coins carefully. 他在仔细地数硬币。

Peter's grandfather is in the armchair. 彼特的祖父在摇椅上。

He is reading a book about the earth. 他在读有关地球的书。

B Listen and write. 听和写。

pear 梨

stairs 楼梯 

coin 硬币

toys 玩具

ears 耳朵

learn 学习

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

Take a Trip with the Monarch Butterfly 和黑脉金斑蝶一起旅行。

What country would you like to go to this winter vacation? 你这个寒假准备去哪个国家旅游?

Would you like to go to Canada, the USA or Mexico? 你想去加拿大、美国还是墨西哥?

Monarch butterflies travel to all these countries. 黑脉金斑蝶这些国家都去。

They fly south in the autumn and they fly north in the spring. 他们秋天向南飞,春天往北飞。

Before winter comes, thousands of orange and black monarch butterflies travel south. 冬天来临之前,成千上百只橙色和黑色的黑脉金斑蝶向南飞。

They fly from Canada and the north part of the USA to find warm weather. 他们从加拿大飞到美国北部寻找温暖的天气。

Where do they fly? They fly south to Mexico. 他们要飞到哪里?

How far is it? Some butterflies fly as far as 3,200 kilometres. 它有多远?一些蝴蝶能飞3200千米高。

In Mexico, the monarch butterflies live in a forest for the winter. 在墨西哥,黑脉金斑蝶冬天住在森林里。

The forest is like an umbrella. 森林像一把伞一样。

The butterflies don't get wet or cold. 蝴蝶不会变的湿冷。

You can see as many as 15,000 monarch butterflies sitting on one branch! 你能看到将近15000只黑脉金斑蝶在树枝上。

During March, the days get longer and the air gets warmer. 三月,白日变的越来越长,天气也越来越温暖。

The monarch butterflies fly north. 黑脉金斑蝶向北飞。

As soon as they get to the north of the USA and Canada, they lay eggs. 一到美国和加拿大北部,就开始下蛋。

Then they die. 然后他们就死去了。


Revision1 阶段测试卷


( ) 1. A. east  B. book  C. west  D. north

( ) 2. A. weather  B. Asia  C. Africa  D. Europe

( ) 3. A. panda  B. lion  C. tiger  D. wing

( ) 4. A. French  B. Russian  C. China  D. Japanese

( ) 5. A. mountain  B. heavy  C. strong  D. quiet


1. smart __________  2. six meters long __________

3. look like __________  4. as soon as __________

5. thousands of __________  6. 昆虫 __________

7. 三月 __________  8. 米 __________

9. 非洲 __________  10. 秋季 __________


( ) 1. The cinema is ________ the south of our school.

A. to  B. at  C. in

(  ) 2. Before winter comes, most of butterflies travel ________ the cold weather________ the warm weather.

A. from; to  B. from; and  C. to; from

( ) 3. I am happy ________ go to the zoo ________ my best friend.

A. to; and  B. to; with  C. /; and

( ) 4. The elephants like ________ leaves and grass.

A. eat  B. ate  C. eating

( ) 5. The king ________ this city the capital (首都) of the country at the time.

A. makes  B. made  C. make


(1) See you soon.  A. Here you are.

(2) What day is it today?  B. It is one meter tall.

(3) Please give me the salt.  C. It is Wednesday.

(4) Where is Beijing?  D. See you.

(5) How tall is a penguin?  E. It is in the north of China.


1. I want to go to Yunnan on summer vacation. ( 对划线部分提问 )


2. Will you spend a day at Ocean World? ( 作肯定和否定回答 )


3. Have you ever been to China? ( 作肯定回答 )


4. Liu Xiang runs fast. Han Fei runs slowly. (用一句话来表达 )


5. I know many stories about China. ( 改为一般疑问句 )



The climate (气候) in our country is very pleasant. It is always warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. My favourite season is spring, because it is beautiful. In spring, there are many flowers. We can go out to have a picnic, take some photos, and so on ( 等等). Certainly, I also like winter, because there will be snow. When everything becomes white, it is so interesting. Do you think so?

根据短文内容,判断对 (√)错(×)。

(1) There are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

(2) I like spring and autumn.

(3) Spring is interesting, winter is beautiful.

(4) It is hot in summer and cold in winter.

(5) I don ’t like winter.




1. 聪明的 2. 6 米长 3. 看起来像 4. 尽快 5. 成千上万 6. insect 7. March 8. meter 9.Africa 10. autumn




(1)-(5) DCAEB


1. Where do you want to go to on summer vacation?

2. Yes, I will. /No, I won’t.

3. Yes, I have.

4. Liu Xiang runs fast but Han Fei runs slowly.

5. Do you know many stories about China?


(1)-(5) √××√×


