
GND喜讯 | 3个作品荣获巴黎DNA设计大奖

巴黎DNA设计大奖(DNA Paris Design Awards)于日前公布,GND设计(GND Design Limited)三个作品分别斩获巴黎DNA设计大奖景观设计类别历史重建景观、社区景观、小规模景观3项大奖。据DNA官方公布数据,本届巴黎DNA设计大奖-景观组中共有14个获奖作品,GND在该类别获奖占比高达21%。多个不同类型的设计项目,获得国际权威奖项高度认可,是对GND设计作品的充分肯定。这份殊荣也同属于业主单位及相关合作单位。

DNA Paris Design Awards 国际权威奖项

DNA Paris Design Awards(巴黎DNA设计大奖),由Farmani Group创立于艺术之都——法国巴黎。Farmani Group成立于1985年,国际权威设计大奖主办机构,已成功主办美国IDA国际设计奖、美国AMP建筑大师奖、欧洲EPDA产品设计奖、伦敦LICC国际创意奖等享誉国际的设计类大奖。巴黎DNA设计大奖是一项具备全球性和多元文化包容性的国际赛事,旨在表彰全球范围内建筑、室内、景观、产品和平面设计领域的最佳设计作品。

获奖作品 Winner

Vanke · Hakka Culture Exhibition Plaza

Winner in Landscape Design/Historical landscapes

深圳万科 | 万科客家文化客厅(DNA Winner)

设计机构 |GND设计集团



In the landscape designof this project, GND has merged the new and old with the Lingnan culture andarchitecture as the entry point. Elements such as rural villages, farmlands, gardens,and folk culture are injected into the design details. Our designers arecommitted to protect these endangered and enduringly forgotten Lingnan culturalheritage and expect that they will still take on a new look after going throughthe ravages of time to allow more people to appreciate the charmof traditionalculture, and experience the authentic Lingnan style.

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获奖作品 Winner

Vanke· Hometown

Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Re

广州万科 | 万科桃源里(DNA Winner)

设计机构 | GND设计集团



GND is responsible for the landscape design, aiming to develop an active gathering space. We hope to build a shared landscape space that makes people easy to reach from any place and establish a close relationship with people's daily life.

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获奖作品 Winner

Huafa · Zhuofan Center

Winner in Landscape Design/Small Scale Projects

珠海华发 | 华发卓凡中心(DNA Winner)

设计机构 | GND设计集团


In the landscape design of Huafa Zhuofan Center, GND design cooperated with Huafa Group to grasp and control the space with product's overall thinking, deep research and development of commercial landscape, taking people's experience as the starting point, paying attention to nature, humanities, art, color and materials to outline the modern and harmonious style of aesthetic andpractical coexistence. Through the material details and exquisitecraftsmanship, a modern, international, high-end and artistic aestheticexperience venue was built.

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