
新展预告 | 中国当代艺术年鉴上海展2019

多伦 上海多伦现代美术馆 2021-11-14

出品人:   曾玉兰
策展人:   朱青生
策展助理: 李文敬
主  办:上海多伦现代美术馆、上海美术学院当代艺术研究所、北京大学“中国现代艺术档案”、吴作人国际美术基金会
陈天灼、陈维、陈轴、范勃、高洁、黄永砯(已故)、金锋、李晖(已故)、李琳琳、李怒、李青(男)、李涛、厉槟源、梁绍基、刘建华*、陆垒*、欧阳春、秦思源、石青、孙原&彭禹、王功新、王礼军、尉洪磊、徐坦、许哲瑜*、杨诘苍、杨明、姚海*、于吉、于洋、张超、张恩利、郑维、何工、贺丹、劳家辉、梁铨、林惠兴、罗湘科、倪有鱼、庞茂琨、隋建国、王光乐、aaajiao(徐文恺)、Bnb帮你搬(罗振鸿、陈泥耳、孙珂)、陈文令、储云、方璐、何采柔、何利平、何翔宇、胡伟、计文于&朱卫兵*、阚萱、李竞雄*、李燎、梁半、林科、刘日立、刘真辰、吕智强*、佩恩恩、任伦、施政、谭英杰、王拓、文皆俊杰、徐震®、杨光南、杨健、易连、曾吴、张文心、张钊瀛*、周童、曹斐、程新皓、方迪、刘窗、汤南南、杨圆圆、郑江、程然、奶粉zhou、能尖日、山河跳!、商思敏、尤阿达、张权、赵邦、周轶伦、邓悦君、费俊、刘昕、吴珏辉、武子杨、郑达、周姜杉、Amy Suo Wu、曹雨、陈粉丸、董金玲、耿雪、沈莘*、王伟(女)、黄于纲、焦兴涛



计文于、朱卫兵:“救助站”计文于&朱卫兵个展,上海Square Gallery,2019年(©计文于)


李竞雄:《极度虚假》,单屏影像,双声道立体声,中文人声,中英文字幕,时长:9分15秒,仓储笼 (100 × 80 × 50 厘米) × 5个,钢制托盘 (100 × 100 × 12.5 厘米) × 4个,球鞋 × 123双,2019年(HdM画廊惠允,作品图来自“极度虚假”,HdM画廊,北京,中国)






吕智强:《长路漫漫》,声音装置,绘画、摄影、长凳、彩色,有声,视频 9小时,立体声67分钟,尺寸可变,2019年(©吕智强)






姚海:《花明处解构 矛盾中缝合》,表演、装置,尺寸可变,2018年




Exhibition: The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2019,Shanghai
Duration: December 25, 2020 - April 11, 2021
Opening Ceremony: 3 p.m. on December 25, 2020
Producer: Zeng Yulan
Curator: LaoZhu
Executive Curator: Xu Zhijun, Gu Jiajun
Curatorial Assistant: Li Wenjing
Organizer: the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, the Center for Visual Studies of Peking University and Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts

Artists:(107 artists/teams in total, who have original works exhibited are starred*, with the rest as documentary artists.)

Chen Tianzhuo, Chen Wei, Chen Zhou, Fan Bo, Gao Jie, Huang Yongping(deceased), Jin Feng, Li Hui(deceased), Li Linlin, Li Nu, Li Qing(male), Li Tao, Li Binyuan, Liang Shaoji, Liu Jianhua*, Lu Lei*, Ouyang Chun, Qin Siyuan, Shi Qing, Sun Yuan&Peng Yu, Wang Gongxin, Wang Lijun, Wei Honglei, Xu Tan, Hsu Che-Yu*, Yang Jiecang, Yang Ming, Yao Hai*, Yu Ji, Yu Yang, Zhang Chao, Zhang Enli, Zheng Wei,He Gong, He Dan, Lao Jiahui, Liang Quan, Lin Huixing, Luo Xiangke, Ni Youyu, Pang Maokun, Sui Jianguo, Wang Guangle, aaajiao(Xu Wenkai), Bnb(Luo Zhenhong, Chen Nier, Sun Ke), Chen Wenling, Chu Yun, Fang Lu, Joyce Ho, He Liping, He Xiangyu, Hu Wei, Ji Wenyu&Zhu Weibing*, Kan Xuan, Li Jingxiong*, Li Liao, Liang Ban, Lin Ke, Liu Rili, Liu Zhenchen, Lyu Zhiqiang*, Pei Enen, Ren Lun, Shi Zheng, Tan Yingjie, Wang Tuo, Wenjie Junjie, Xu Zhen®, Yang Guangnan, Yang Jian, Yi Lian, Zeng Wu, Zhang Wenxin, Zang Zhaoying*, Zhou Tong, Cao Fei, Cheng Xinhao, Fang Di, Liu Chuang, Tang Nannan, Yang Yuanyuan, Zheng Jiang, Cheng Ran, Nathan Zhou, Nhozagri, Mountain River Jump!, Shang Simin, You Ada, Zhang Quan, Zhao Bang, Zhou Yilun, Deng Yuejun, Fei Jun, Liu Xin, Wu Juehui, Wu Ziyang, Zheng Da, Zhou Jiangshan, Amy Suo Wu, Cao Yu, Chen Fenwan, Dong Jinling, Geng Xue, Shen Xin*, Wang Wei(female),Huang Yugang, Jiao Xingtao , Yell Space*


The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2019,Shanghai(hereafter as “the Shanghai Project”)will open at the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art on December 25, 2020, co-organized by the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, the Center for Visual Studies of Peking University and Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts. Built on the researches conducted by the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and the Chinese Modern Art Archive (CMAA), the Shanghai Project reviews and analyzes the issues and phenomena of Chinese contemporary art in the past year on the basis of the Annual of Contemporary Art of China (hereafter as “the Annual”).

Located at No.52 Yannan Garden at Peking University, the editorial department of the Annual has kept recording and summarizing the development of Chinese temporary art including the exhibitions, events and documents since 2005. it has built a database of firsthand materials for over 15 years, in which it included a total of 3941 exhibitions and events of Chinese contemporary art, 4319 documents, and event information of over 15000 artists in 2019. The changes and development of Chinese contemporary art is hence obtained by reviewing the records in the database. The Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art of China has been held since 2015 to display the artworks and documents reflected the most transformative social and artistic phenomena in the Chinese temporary art. The Shanghai Project is an exhibition of the methodology of CMAA.

It is a classical problem whether to reflect social changes or to seek for spiritual liberation of mankind in art, which could always be found in the artistic creations of Chinese contemporary art. The contemporary art of China was born with the rise of the reform and opening-up, and has developed with the massive transition of the Chinese society. The works of contemporary art not only reflects and phenomena of social changes but also show how the people feel in the environment. On the other hand, just like other arts, the contemporary art continues to explore the unknown realms of human emotion as well as to extend the borders of means, media, formats of artistic creation, the artistic phenomena and problems of which are both reflected in the artworks created in recent years displayed on this exhibition. Therefore, the Shanghai Project selects and exhibits the original artworks by “the Annual Artists*” in the recent years that could best represent these issues according to the Annual, creating an echo between the Annual documents and the original artworks. The originals exhibited on the Shanghai Project are created by the artists in the recent years, including both senior artists such as Liu Jianhua and young artists like Shen Shen. They either live in Shanghai for a lone time or have held exhibitions in Shanghai in the past year, whose works could reflect the latest characteristics of these two problems in Shanghai’s social context. The focuses on the artistic exploration of these two directions constitutes the two major clues of the Shanghai Project this year.

The Shanghai Project also displays the statistics and case studies of active artistic phenomena in Shanghai in the 21st century. As one of the most dynamic and creative cities of Chinese contemporary art, Shanghai has witnessed three phenomenal climax periods throughout the modern history of Chinese contemporary art, the first of which took place simultaneously with the world before the World War II. The second refers to the third Shanghai Biennale in 2000 that launched the legitimated process of Chinese contemporary art development, while the third refers to the upsurge in the museums, institutes, venues and events of contemporary art in Shanghai since 2012.
The internationalization is of great importance to Shanghai for playing a significant role in promoting contemporary art. The internationalization of Chinese contemporary art not only has explicit factors such as the growth of cross-cultural communication of artists and exhibitions, but is also attributed to the implicit factors like the internationalization of the artists’ educational background and that of the institutes’ operation mechanism.
It is based on the constant concern of these phenomena and problems that Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts established the Institute of Contemporary Art and cooperated with CMAA to conduct researches upon contemporary art, collect and analyze documents centered in the region of Shanghai and East China. The study consists of the researches of Shanghai in the Chinese contemporary art development in the modern history, the study on the ongoing issues, the archive construction, and the artistic creations, academic conferences and publications led by this academic base or aimed at the study of contemporary art. This exhibition is one session in the serial project. For this reason, the planning of the Shanghai Project is a process to have the problems arise by themselves through researches and statistics.
This exhibition echoes with the online exhibition of CMAA at the 798 Art District in Beijing and the Shenzhen Project of Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art of China 2019 at the Pingshan Art Museum, which together display the significant phenomena and contributions of Chinese Contemporary Art in the recent years. Workshops to further discuss about the works and theories behind the phenomena will also be held during the exhibition.
The exhibition will last until April 11, 2021.



上海多伦现代美术馆由上海市虹口区文化和旅游局于2003年创建,是一个按现代多功能目标规划建设的、为中国当代艺术发展和服务的非营利文化艺术机构,是一个当代艺术国际化交流的平台。它以 " 原创性、学术性、国际性 " 为办馆理念,具有展览、研究、教育、收藏、交流五大功能。





Opening hours


Tuesday to Sunday

10:00-18:00(17:30 停止入场)


Closed on Mondays


No parking space available

Contact  us



No.27 Duolun Road,Hongkou District,Shanghai




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