
Awarding Ceremony | 2021 IP people in China

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2022-12-01

Recently, China IP Magazine has announced the four annual awards presented to winners at the 12th CIPIAF. Here comes the final award presented to three of the most influential IP insiders in China at the end of the event, “2021 IP people in China”. The winners are as follows (ranked according to the Chinese phonetic alphabetic order):

Han Xiucheng, expert of the Special Government Allowance of the State Council and former director and researcher of the Intellectual Property Development Research Center of the China National Intellectual Property Office. Having joined the China Patent Office in 1984, Han has served as Deputy Director and Director of the Policy Research Department, Deputy Director and Inspector of the Office of the CNIPA. He is mainly engaged in IPR policy and strategy research, and has presided over or participated as a major researcher in more than 20 major policy studies, including the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy. After the release of the Plan on the Development of Intellectual Property Rights Power, he has given in-depth interpretations of important national policy documents through more than 30 presentations and lectures.

Jin Kesheng, professor of law and postgraduate supervisor of the Diplomatic Academy, vice president of the Intellectual Property Law Association of CLS, researcher of the Research Center for Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property of the Supreme People's Court, and expert of the special government allowance of the State Council. Jin used to be a deputy bureau-level cadre in the Judicial Reform Office of the Supreme People's Court and the vice president of the Intellectual Property Trial Court. Having actively organized and participated in theoretical and practical research activities on the judicial protection of intellectual property in China, Jin successfully promoted the establishment and release of Xinhua Sunshine Intellectual Property Judicial Protection Index System, explored and promoted the construction of China's corporate compliance governance system, and made outstanding contributions to judicial protection of intellectual property in China.

Zhang Ping, professor and doctoral supervisor in Peking University Law School, the executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Law Association on Science and Technology, and the vice president of the Intellectual Property Law Association of CLS. Zhang’s core research fields include intellectual property law, Internet law, personal information protection law, open source community rules and standard essential patents. With participation in the national medium-term and long-term science and technology development planning research, Zhang has chaired a number of national key research projects such as the research on science and technology innovation and intellectual property strategy. For eight consecutive years, she has undertaken special commissioned projects on Internet security legislation for the National Social Science Foundation and has been awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award of the National Medium-term and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan.

Congratulations again to the winners!






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Tencent  v. Shanghai Kingnet Technology Co., Ltd. et al.

